
See: Wilhelm Reich  Sex (anal)  Sex (Tantra)  Monogamy & polygamy  Porn

[2009] Any real men left in Britain? Judith Reisman spotlights 'prostitution classes' pushed on U.K. teenagers

Christian missionaries to Africa condemned polygamy, with the result that great numbers of women became "socially superfluous".  Many went to the cities and became prostitutes. Missionaries to North America had a similar effect when, discovering the informal family arrangements between many white settlers and native American women, they accused the natives of immorality and prostitution.  Protestant women in pioneering settlements adopted the missionary position - or rather, supported the missionaries' point of view - with the result that Indian women lost the status and respect they had enjoyed from the earlier white settlers. Interracial marriages died out, while prostitution flourished.--Love for Sale: a global history of prostitution by Nils Ringdal

"Prisons are built with stones of Law, brothels with bricks of Religion." -William Blake