Pink ribbon & National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
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[AstraZeneca, which manufactures breast cancer drugs Arimidex and Tamoxifen, founded the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the year 1985. The aim of the NBCAM from the start has been to promote mammography as the most effective weapon in the fight against breast cancer!]

[2000] Seeing Deception is Your Only ProtectionThe Breast Cancer Awareness Month Story by Sherrill Sellman

Our own "pink ribbon" contribution to breast cancer awareness By Ingri Cassel

The "Pink" Fraud - Brought to you by the people who make Breast Cancer by Dr. Loretta Lanphier, ND, CN, HHP

Breast Cancer Action, at
Pinkwasher: noun. A company that purports to care about breast cancer by promoting a pink ribbon campaign, but manufactures products that are linked to the disease.

Breast Cancer Deception by Sherrill Sellman

See: Mammography Hoax  Tamoxifen

Wearing pink for breast cancer, or buying pink products, is a demonstration of your support for the enslavement of women by a highly-unethical industry that seeks to turn women's bodies into profit centers. Wearing pink shouts, "I support the ignorance of women! I support Big Pharma! I support male-dominated corporate control over the health of women's breasts!" Breast Cancer Deception

Breast Cancer Awareness month's primary sponsor and mastermind of the event in 1985 was Zeneca Pharmaceuticals, now known as AstraZeneca. Zeneca is the company that manufactures the controversial and widely prescribed breast cancer drug, Tamoxifen. Did you know all TV, radio and print media campaigns are paid for and must be approved by Zeneca.
    It is less known that Zeneca also makes herbicides and fungicides. One of their products, the organochlorine pesticide Acetochlor, is implicated as a causal factor in breast cancer. It's Perry, Ohio chemical plant is the third largest source of potential cancer-causing pollution in the U.S., spewing 53,000 pounds of recognized carcinogens into the air in 1996. When it comes to environmental toxicity and carcinogens found in pesticides, herbicides, plastics and other toxic chemicals that are known to cause cancer - especially breast cancer - there is booming silence by all Breast Cancer Awareness Month programs. [2000] Seeing Deception is Your Only ProtectionThe Breast Cancer Awareness Month Story by Sherrill Sellman