Does systematic Vaccination give health to people?

by Anita Petek-Dimmer (founder of Aegis Switzerland)  2002


 Vaccination is an established medical measure worldwide. Vaccines are so established that any doubts, let alone criticism, are not allowed. Many mothers and even medical professional can confirm this.

Vaccination was invented during the time of the great epidemics, when human kind, especially medical professionals, had to watch powerlessly how whole towns were wiped out by epidemics.

In those days, as is still habit today, doctors tried desperately to find a prophylaxis instead of finding the cause of these diseases. Vaccines were developed from this attempt to find a prophylaxis.

 The picture looks different today. Not only have plague or cholera epidemics been long gone, a different relationship has been established between people in the industrialized countries and diseases, compared to earlier generations.

Today we grow up in an environment in which illness is an annoying break from routine, in the economy as well as medicine. Not only us adults are expected that we return to work, recovered, within a few days, but children are not allowed to be ill and stay in bed either.

 We are seen as machines, which have to constantly function equally well all the time. And since it is possible to avoid diseases, it is being practiced. Vaccines are part of this strategy.

 What we need today is not constantly new vaccines against newly found diseases; instead, we need a new relationship to diseases in general. We have to relearn to accept illness as a normal part of life. The machine that never falls ill controls our thinking. And we tend to forget that this machine eventually has to be exchanged. However, the human being has powers of life and regeneration, which by far compensate for the apparent disadvantage of a temporary illness. 

Not only us parents, but also especially the medical profession equate illness with complications. The fact that, say, only a very small proportion would suffer encephalitis when contracting measles, whereas with all others this disease runs its course wholly uneventful, has been forgotten.

 Today we know that childhood diseases have a strengthening and healing effect on the children and help maintain health during adulthood. This fact has always been known to older generations.

This is clearest with measles. Chronic tendencies, such as recurring respiratory infections 1, often heal after measles. Chronic health problems disappear, such as psoriasis or chronic kidney problems. The children’s hospital in Basle (Switzerland) used to get children with chronic kidney infections to contract measles intentionally in order to heal them, up until the 1960s 2. Children susceptible to infections are healthier and stronger after contracting measles; the need for medical treatment clearly decreases 3. Children in the Third World countries are less likely to contract malaria and parasites after measles 4. The risk to suffer breast cancer decreases to less than half 5. MS is also much lower in people who had measles 6.

Hay fever is more rare in children who have older siblings and had measles than in those who were vaccinated against measles 7.

A large African study showed that children who have had measles are 50% less at risk from allergies than those vaccinated 8,9. Furthermore it is shown that experiencing measles protects from diseases of the immune system, skin diseases as well as degenerative cartilage, bone and tumourous diseases 10.

English and American researchers also found that adult women are less likely to contract ovarian cancer if they had measles, mumps, but especially rubella during childhood.

These are just rays of light. In detail, the protective effects after childhood diseases are far greater. Parents who accompanied their child through a childhood disease and who noticed the change will know what I am talking about.

 If we look at the epidemiological situation of all childhood diseases we must say that the introduction of these particular vaccines were not indicated in any country at any time. These diseases neither led to bad or frequent complications nor did they occur that often. In the contrary, before these vaccines were introduced, infants were protected through the nest protection of the mother, and the vast majority of these diseases happened before puberty. Just as nature had intended.

 We managed, through our interference with nature, to move these diseases into either infancy, due to the lack of nest protection of the mother, or into teenage and adult age. And there these diseases can be incomparably more problematic.

 This extrusion of the diseases into an older age has nothing to do with a “protection” or good efficacy of the vaccination, but the overall organism of the vaccinated person is weakened permanently and unable to react, so that the vaccinated does not have the strength to allow the disease to happen by itself 11

Mass vaccinations of all infants have destroyed the natural and steady contagion to such an effect that epidemics can occur again, as we can observe in countries with a high vaccination rate, such as USA and Finland. Complications and death are incomparably more frequent than before the introduction of mass vaccination. The encephalitis rate after measles has since risen ten-fold in the US 12.

 With regard to the HIB vaccine, it is always suggested to us, that thanks to the vaccine many cases of meningitis are avoided. However, the fact that before the introduction of this vaccine this was not a notifiable disease is never mentioned, and therefore the number of cases is not known.

According to studies in Bavaria (Germany) and Finland, the total number of meningitis cases however did not decrease, to the contrary 13,14,15.

Today, an increasing number of meningitis cases are reported caused by meningococcal B and C. Anthroposophical doctors talk about a shift of the virus in this context. Instead of recognizing the cause and make right decisions now, it’s business as usual, that is new vaccines are being developed for new diseases.

 We have lost the ability to deal with diseases. Instead of strengthening our and our children’s immune system, we fight fever and practice an intensive treatment of symptoms. However, fever is one of the most important processes that take place in our body.

 On the basis of observations by the Vienna surgeon Professor Schmidt, which took place over decades in his practice 16, studies in the last 100 years have shown consistently that people who experienced childhood diseases accompanied by fever were less likely to suffer from cancer in later life 17, 18,19,20.

Therefore, an avoidance of childhood diseases is not sensible, but the avoidance of complications.

Other infectious diseases, such as polio, diphtheria, cholera, etc. no longer occur as epidemics because we have improved living standards, hygiene, diet and sanitation in our part of the world.

 Today’s common vaccines cannot avoid childhood diseases nor their complications, as can be seen with the various epidemics where mainly the vaccinated come down with the disease. I will get back to this later. Even if the vaccines gave us 100% protection from the illness, we would have to decline them for epidemiological reasons, especially with regard to childhood diseases.

 Constant lack of challenge as well as untimely over challenge of the immune system can lead to permanent weaknesses and damages. If we want to protect our children from everything and everyone, the immune system is lacking challenges and cannot develop. There are many studies that prove that especially children living on farms have fewer problems with allergies than the “clean” city children 21,22.

 Health is a dynamic balance between challenging and processing. The child’s typical situation in today’s western world tends to be more a lack of challenge in the development of the immune system with a concurrent overload in perception and in the area of intellectual thinking. This lack of challenge is certainly helped by excessive hygienic measures. Even Paracelsus said that everything is healthy in moderation only; this applies particularly to our hygiene. Even today’s scientists are increasingly in favour of letting our children play in dirt, whereas a few years ago, they would have preferred to disinfect every child twice a day.

 Vaccines represent in principle an invasion into the human immune system. The mass vaccination campaigns, however, are invasions into the ecological balances between human beings and microbes. These balances did not just happen over the past few years, they have developed over many, many generations, with the result being a relatively reliable relationship between host and microbe. However, a vaccination program as we witness it, covering whole areas or even countries, includes whole age groups and results in considerable changes in a short time. The suppression of the natural disease can lead to severely damaging consequences from an epidemiological point of view. Be reminded of the measles epidemic of 1846 on the islands of Faeroe. No measles case had occurred there for more than 65 years. When a Danish worker brought the disease into the area, 6000 out of the total 7,782 inhabitants contracted the disease, 200 died23. The same observations were made on the Fiji Islands, Greenland, Canada and New Guinea. There, the death rate was approximately 25%24,25,26,27.

 So even if the vaccines would offer protection it would not be beneficial for us to be vaccinated.  Today, the medical establishment admits that polio used to occur nearly always without the paralysis, which is so feared today. This paralysis only occurred when the smallpox vaccine was widely used, ie. 200 years ago28. With the smallpox vaccination, we have changed, or weakened the human organism to such an extent that polio became a dangerous disease.

 But what does the so strongly propagandised protection look like after a vaccination. Does the vaccination protect us from the disease?  One can only answer with a clear No. To this day, no independent efficacy studies exist about the vaccines. I’ll give some examples how much these vaccines can “protect” us:


Switzerland was affected by a mumps epidemic from Autumn 1999 until Spring 2000. The Swiss Federal Office for Health (BAG) eventually admitted, upon the pressure of the medical profession, that more than 75% of those who contracted Mumps had been fully up to date with their vaccinations29. No further comment is necessary here!


The main fear that is propagandised with regard to rubella is the rubella embryopathy. What we are not told is, for example, that there were 4 cases of RE in Switzerland between 1995 and 2001 of which two women were fully vaccinated against rubella30. The only protection a pregnant woman has from rubella is that she contracted rubella during her childhood. We should therefore offer our girls the chance to contract rubella.


A tetanus vaccination cannot possibly protect from the disease since the human organism cannot build up any immunity after contracting the disease (as is the same after HIB, diphtheria or TB). So, if nature hasn’t planned the immunity, how does the vaccine work?

Furthermore, the tetanus vaccination (as is the case with the diphtheria vaccine) is a so-called toxoid vaccine. The killed poison of the tetanus bacilli is injected into the body and meant to protect us. But the human body cannot build up immunity against poisons31. How can the vaccine protect us then? The official statistics of the various countries show us that the vaccine does not protect us. The Robert Koch Institute in Germany admits that 2/3 people who contract tetanus have been fully vaccinated32. The rate in Switzerland was 50% fully vaccinated and still contracted the disease.


What applies to the tetanus vaccination equally applies to the diphtheria vaccination. According to official reports, approximately 80% of adult people would have to be fully vaccinated against diphtheria in order for this disease not to occur as an epidemic. However, in the German speaking areas, less than 25-30% of adults are vaccinated. Why have there been no epidemics? Because diphtheria requires certain socio-economic conditions for it to break out. These are war and poverty. Russia and the Ukraine still experience diphtheria epidemics, despite the fact that more than 90% of people are fully vaccinated (with a Swiss vaccine!)34,35,36. This disease should not exist there, if the vaccine protected. 


During the 1960s, the WHO organised a field study in India in order to establish the efficacy of the TB vaccine. Two groups took part in this study, each group comprising 375,000 people in the province of Madras. One group was vaccinated against TB; the other group was not vaccinated. After 7 ½ years, in 1971, this field study was stopped, for “ethical” reasons. The conclusion of the study was: “The efficacy of the TB vaccine is 0%”37. Even though it is impossible to have any worse efficacy (!), it took until March 1998 before vaccination was stopped in Germany, October 1998 in Switzerland and March 2000 in Austria. Why did this news take more than 27 years to reach Europe?

I can only explain it this way: The WHO sent someone from Madras in 1971 on a walk to spread the good news of the inefficacy of this vaccine all over the world. As Europe is very far away, the poor man required much time. This walker, by the way, has not reached France yet, the vaccine is still mandated for all new born babies.

The German speaking countries only stopped to vaccinate their own children. Foreign children are still vaccinated. Presumably this vaccine only works effectively with certain passport colours!

 All infectious diseases decreased without vaccinations. Not only did vaccines have no influence over the decrease of the diseases, the contrary is true, they slowed down the downward trend of all diseases. The best example for this is polio. After the majority of people were vaccinated, severe epidemics occurred, such as in 1962 in the German speaking countries, after vaccination had been in full force for 3 years.

Dr Buchwald carefully collected the facts in his book, which prove this fact beyond doubt for all infectious diseases38.

 Not only do vaccinations not protect, they can indeed cause massive damage.

Allergies, hay fever, behavioural problems, neurological damages, tiredness, depressions, many colds, otitis media, tonsillitis, insomnia, bed wetting, loss of interest, character problems, stop of growing, diabetes, development disturbances, late speech development, childhood asthma, autism, SIDS, etc.

 Illness is inevitably part of being human. The demand for the elimination of diseases will not eliminate the microbe, but it will question humanity. This is becoming all too clear when we look at our authorities’ strategies implemented to achieve better vaccination rates. Often, these measures serve to introduce mandated vaccination through the back door, as we could see in Germany, where unvaccinated children can suddenly be expelled from school. Or as is the case in Upper Austria, where the payment of a mother/child benefit is linked to the up to date vaccination record. And this despite neither Germany nor Austria having mandated vaccination.

Also be reminded of the state in Italy and France, where parents are forced by police to have their children vaccinated.

Vaccine sceptic health professionals are increasingly put under pressure by authorities as well as their own organisations as we saw at the measles epidemic in Coburg (Germany) in Spring 2002.

 To show the disproportional status, here is an example. Every year, approximately 3.4 million people die, according to the WHO, due to famine, previous diarrhoea diseases in association with famine.

No vaccination can exist against this.

But it would be feasible to use the billions that are spent annually for vaccinations, for providing wells, to provide real development aid in order to stop the famine and to end wars.

This would take out the basis for most infectious disease, and would result in healthy people.

It would also be a possibility for us industrialised countries to balance out our old and new debt to these people.

This is my wish for the future.

1. Drs Buehler, Wolff, Soziale Hygiene, Merkblatt 114
2.Chakravati V., Annals of Tropical Paediatrics, 1986, 6:293-294
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29. BAG, Bulletin 21, 20.5.2002
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