Paroxetine (SSRI antidepressant. Seroxat, Peroxat, Paxil, Aropax, Deroxat, Pondera, Cebrilin, Aropax )
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Paroxetine or paroxetine hydrochloride is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant. Prozac was invented at Eli Lilly. It was released in 1992 by the pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline and has since become one of the most prescribed antidepressants on the market, used to treat depression as well as a spectrum of 'anxiety disorders' ranging from panic attacks to phobias.


Maker: Eli Lilly  Glaxo SmithKline

[2002 Interview] Prozac, Suicide---Dr. Healy

[Media March 2004
Seroxat] Why I resigned over this disgraceful "happy pill" cover-up

[Media April 2002] The chemistry of happiness (Seroxat)

[Media June, 2001] Murder, suicide. A bitter aftertaste for the 'wonder' depression drug

They claim Seroxat can cure shyness, but its effect on me was terrifying.

[Oct 2002 usenet] I am thinking of starting up a support group for people who are suffering severe withdrawal symptoms with seroxat

[2003] Paxil Suicide
[2003] Another horrible Paxil story “We will never get over this horrible nightmare.”
[2004] 16-Year Old’s Suicide on Zoloft

Psychiatric Drugs: An Assault on the Human Condition Street Spirit Interview with Robert Whitaker

Trade Names
Aropax or Oxetine in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Argentina and Brazil
Aroxat or Aroxat CR in Chile
Cebrilin in Latin America
Deroxat in Switzerland and France
Paroxat in Germany and Hungary
Paxil or Paxil CR in the United States, Canada, Argentina and Brazil
Pondera in Brazil
Seroxat in Austria, Belgium, Greece, Israel, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Turkey, the UK and China.