Monsanto articles
[back] Monsanto

[2009 July] You're Appointing Who? Please Obama, Say It's Not So! by Jeffrey Smith

[2009 Feb] Monsanto's Bt Cotton Kills the Soil as Well as Farmers

Obama Names Monsanto Shill Vilsack USDA Chief  by ORGANIC CONSUMERS ORG

[2007] Dr. Joe Schwarcz, McGill University's Renowned "Popularizer of Science," Shills for Monsanto By Alex Constantine

Monsanto dumped tonnes of highly toxic chemicals in a Welsh landfill site

[May 2008] Monsanto’s Harvest of Fear by Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele

[Mar 19, 2008] The World According to Monsanto - A documentary that Americans won't ever see By Siv O'Neall  

[2007] Burying The Truth by Jon Hughes & Pat Thomas

Monsanto: America's Most Dangerous Criminal?     by ROBERT COHEN


[2007] Monsanto Declares War on 'rBGH-free' Dairies

[2007] Monsanto dumped toxic waste in UK

[2006] The Future of Food - Fake Foods] Investigative Reporter, Pam Killeen interviews Deborah Garcia about her new movie, The Future of Food.

Monsanto: America's Most Dangerous Criminal?     by ROBERT COHEN

[2006 The Future of Food - Fake Foods] Investigative Reporter, Pam Killeen interviews Deborah Garcia about her new movie, The Future of Food.

[2005] More on genetic engineering and the dangers it presents. Interview of Jeffrey Smith, author of Seeds of Deception

[March 2005] Agribusiness giant Monsanto faces criminal and civil charges in the United States for bribery and other offences committed in Indonesia.

[2004] Corporate Globalisation By Vandana Shiva

[Nov 2004] Agent Orange Victims Sue Monsanto

[2004] Monsanto's Dirty Tricks Campaign Against Fired Berkeley Professor Ignacio Chapela

[2004] Racketeering (RICO) Charges Filed Against NutraSweet, Dr. Robert Moser of NS, American Diabetes Assoc and Monsanto - Press Conf, Sacramento, 9/16   

[2001] Monsanto--How they do their dirty work

[2001] Toxic Drift: Monsanto and the Drug War in Colombia Digging further, Van Royen found something alarming: another additive called Cosmo-Flux 411 F was being added to increase Roundup's toxicity. The Roundup/Cosmo-Flux mixture has never been scientifically evaluated nor has the public, either in the U.S., or in Colombia, been informed of this practice..... "the [Roundup Ultra] mixture with the Cosmo Flux 411 F surfactant can increase the herbicide's biological action fourfold, producing relative exposure levels which are 104 times higher than the recommended doses for normal agricultural applications in the United States; doses which, according to the study mentioned, can intoxicate and even kill ruminants." The use of this enhanced Roundup would not be acceptable in the U.S. without prior testing and scientific evaluation.   Furthermore, the label Roundup label warns that: "It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in any manner inconsistent with its labeling. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application."

[2001] Colombia: Chemical Spraying of Coca Poisoning Villages  Franci sits on the veranda and whimpers. The little girl is underweight. Her armpits are erupting in boils. Like most of her people, she has suffered from respiratory problems and stomach pains since the aircraft and the helicopter gunships came over at Christmas and again at New Year dropping toxic pesticides on their villages.....'About 230 of the 450 pupils at our school have gone down with diarrhea, and respiratory and constantly recurring skin infections,' she said.
......Elsa Niva, a Colombian agronomist who works with the Pesticide Action Network, ridicules the US government's claims that Roundup Ultra is safe and no more poisonous than aspirin or table salt.  She has written that in the first two months of this year local authorities have reported 4,289 humans suffering skin or gastric disorders while 178,377 creatures were killed by the spraying including cattle, horses, pigs, dogs, ducks, hens and fish.

[2000] Monsanto/US War on Drugs Poisoning Colombian Environment  The aerial fumigation program that has grown out of the U.S. government's so-called "war on drugs" is endangering the fragile ecosystems and indigenous cultures of Colombia's Amazon Basin, a coalition of groups warned today at a news conference on Capitol Hill.

The Legacy of Agent Orange

[2001] Montsanto Genetically Modified Cotton Pushing Indian Farmers  into a Death Trap