Medical study ploys
Medical Mind Control

[Classic recent science by design are the endless Government studies  proving that MMR 'doesn't cause autism' (see 1, 2, 3, 4 to dispel that myth).  With their backs to the wall they wheel out  The Cochrane Collaboration & Institute of Medicine (IOM) to put out a more credible smokescreen.
    Vaccine science uses the unproven
Antibody Theory to prove vaccines are effective while never doing any studies using 100% unvaccinated children.  See Dan Olmsted to find out why they don't do that, while using stone age vaccine safety tests (see: Kendrick mouse test Mouse toxicity test Hist test) to get unsafe vaccines on the market.
    They have created a huge market for Hepatitis tests even though they haven't even proven a hep C virus even exists, also hep B virus, (not to mention the HPV vaccine) while the
HIV test (see also CD4 cell counting) makes millions for its inventor, even though no evidence exists it causes AIDS (see Mullis), and some say it doesn't even exist.  Meanwhile thousands of studies proving nutritional medicine is better than pharma medicine just get ignored, some for 57 years.
    Recently (2007) a judge
Lord Justice Sedley  ended up with egg on his face when he used the words junk science to rubbish an expert independent witness, who they then took before the GMC to discredit (see).  It backfired.Wink  Turns out he was the one promoting junks science.
    The vaccine industry also rests on the quicksand of the false monomorphic Pasteurian disease theory.]

See: Industry/Government MMR & autism studies

[2009 Nov] Federal Health Agencies Continue to Deceive Americans: Congressional Report on a Vaccine Mercury-Autism Link Ignored for Six Years by Richard Gale and Gary Null, Ph.D “study after study of spurious and flawed research that would likely never pass a graduate school examination, scientist after scientist affiliated or with financial ties to the vaccine industry now dominating our academies and health agencies, have determined that there really is no safety risk with thimerosal.”

[2009 Oct] Hertz-Picciotto's blood mercury autism study: what the researchers omitted by Teresa Binstock

[2009 Oct] Bracing Ourselves for More Sham Vaccine Studies by Richard Gale and Gary Null

[Swine flu vax 2009 Aug] Injecting one thing for testing and then adding adjuvant later

[2009 July] Organic food has no added nutritional benefit, says Food Standards Agency

[2009 June] Publisher consulted drug firm on journal content  THE world's largest medical publisher (Elsevier, which produces The Lancet) asked the manufacturers of anti-inflammatory drug Vioxx which articles they wanted to include in a so-called medical journal on bone health.....The plaintiff in the class action has alleged the journal was fake and it was simply a marketing exercise designed to promote Vioxx. The court has also heard Merck put the names of high-profile arthritis experts on the editorial board of the phoney journal without telling them they had done so.

[2009 April] Merck published fake journal Merck paid an undisclosed sum to Elsevier to produce several volumes of a publication that had the look of a peer-reviewed medical journal, but contained only reprinted or summarized articles--most of which presented data favorable to Merck products--that appeared to act solely as marketing tools with no disclosure of company sponsorship.

[2009 Feb] Vaccine Studies: Under the Influence of Pharma by Barbara Loe Fisher

[2007] Help Wanted: Human Guinea Pigs by Betsy Model

Junk science quotes
Junk science articles

 Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)

Vaccine autism denial ploys
Autism and genetics

Autism increase "due to change in diagnosis"

Antibody Theory
Anti-Vitamin studies
Clinical Trials

Healthy trial babies only
Hist test
Never unvaccinated controls
Inadequate safety studies
Junk Science
Kendrick mouse test
Looking were it ain't
Mouse toxicity test
No criticism or right of reply
Peer review
Study data kept secret
Suppress studies/research

CD4 cell counting

Monkey business

DPT Mouse tests
Mouse toxicity test 
Kendrick mouse test 
Hist test

See: The Cochrane Collaboration  Institute of Medicine (IOM)

Our health officials continue to pump out junk science, for example the recent, seriously flawed NIAID study on H1N1 vaccine safety in pregnant women reported over the major media, to deceive Americans and enroll them in their national vaccination campaigns. The protocol in that study listed any pregnant woman who had a history of alcohol or drug abuse during a 6 year period, diabetes, compromised immune systems, asthmatic and allergic conditions, history of cancer-treatment drugs for 3 years, prescription to psychiatric drugs, and many other conditions as unqualified for the study. These conditions alone would disqualify the large majority of the nation’s pregnant women. Furthermore, any pregnant woman who enrolled in the trial, who spiked a temperature of 100 degrees or greater during the first 72 hours following vaccination, were excluded from the trial. Nevertheless, the CDC and its cronies in the media, particularly the pharmaceutical shills at The New York Times, touted this deranged trial as conclusive evidence that the swine flu vaccine was safe for all pregnant women. These are the kinds of medical distortions we have come to expect from the Federal health agencies. [2009 Nov] Federal Health Agencies Continue to Deceive Americans: Congressional Report on a Vaccine Mercury-Autism Link Ignored for Six Years by Richard Gale and Gary Null, Ph.D

Whether a drug makes it to market simply only means that someone has had enough money to put it through, and pay the right politicians. That's all. It doesn't mean it works or it doesn't work....... we're very familiar with the people who developed the double-blind, placebo-controlled study. And we know what they know about medicine and science, and they all admit that they don't know anything about it. ......The problem with the placebo controlled, doubled-blind study is that you are using two human beings as controls against one another. There is no more out-bred species on Earth than two human beings. A person from the North Pole can procreate with a person from the South Pole, and can have an infant. There is no animal on Earth that is as out-bred as human beings, including two identical twins, they are not the same. Because, as soon as the zygote divides there are different positions, there's different antigens to which they are exposed. The bottom line is that these double-blind, placebo-controlled studies are run by people who don't know much about science. [1993 Interview with Dr. Alan Levin.] Modern Medicine and its Military Links

'The results were also so unexpected that many experts simply refused to believe them. Jackson’s papers were turned down for publication in the top-ranked medical journals. One flu expert who reviewed her studies for the Journal of the American Medical Association wrote, “To accept these results would be to say that the earth is flat!” When the papers were finally published in 2006, in the less prominent International Journal of Epidemiology, they were largely ignored by doctors and public-health officials. “The answer I got,” says Jackson, “was not the right answer.”[2009 Oct] Does the Vaccine Matter? by Shannon Brownlee and Jeanne Lenzer  '

Organized medicine quickly adopted the stance that his alleged "cures" fell into three categories: those who never had cancer in the first place; those who were cured by prior radiation and surgery; and those who died. When Healing Becomes a Crime --Kenny Ausubel

Francis M. Pottenger, MD and "The Hazards of a Health Fetish" By Ron Schmid, ND We've seen that the "Health Fetish" authors used technically (logically) true statements to completely distort Dr. Pottenger's findings. Only careful study of Pottenger's article would allow the choice of precisely the right words to accomplish this while avoiding making false statements. We may hope that the authors gained considerable understanding of Pottenger's work and its implications for the health of people everywhere. Perhaps they may someday use that knowledge in the way Dr. Pottenger intended.

Allowing other than sterile saline to be used as the placebo in short-term vaccine adverse-reaction studies to suppress the relative incidence rates to the point that these relative adverse-event rates show “no statistically significant” increase over the “placebo” (that, in some cases, has been allowed to be an experimental vaccine or the vaccine formulation without the biological antigens).
Permitting vaccine safety studies to be restricted to a few days or, at most, a few of months even though some severe adverse outcomes do not begin to emerge until several years after vaccination (e.g., childhood MS 4 years after vaccination).
Consenting to reductions in the size and number of persons in the phase-III clinical trials that not only reduce the vaccine makers costs but also reduce the risk that the study will find the rare but deadly adverse effects that a vaccine may have.
Allowing surrogate endpoints (e.g., the reactivity of the patient’s blood to animal anti-sera) for specific antibodies to be used to assess vaccine efficacy instead of requiring comprehensive testing to establish both general and specific immunity in those vaccinated that is comparable to the immunity found in those who have had the disease.
Recommending widespread use of new vaccines long before the long-term (at least 10-year) outcomes can be assessed in the trial population, and
Licensing vaccines and recommending their “universal” use in populations that have near-zero risk of contracting a disease (e.g., the hepatitis B vaccine in young children or the HPV vaccine in non-sexually-active children) or where the clinical cases of the disease occur at low rate and are virtually absent in most demographic segments of U.S. population (e.g., the rotavirus vaccine). Key realities about autism, vaccines, vaccine-injury compensation, Thimerosal, and autism-related research----Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D & P.G. King PhD

"A story was told to me about an article written which detailed serious side effects to the whole-cell whooping cough vaccine in a large group of children. The medical journal refused to publish it, saying that before it would publish the article, the author must state categorically in the conclusion, that "the vaccine was safe and effective". Thinking this was a joke, the author added the required sentence, and the article was published. When told this story, I didn't believe it. I was handed a copy, and was flabbergasted.
      I was told that in order to have ANYTHING published, the only way that authors could voice reservations was to couch them in as bland a language as possible, and hide these reservations in the body of the article unless the "problem" was blatantly obvious to a blind man."--Hilary Butler p. 203

When intellectual dishonesty becomes a crime: Nature and its cynical promotion of bad science  I think it is now high time for me to make a frank public statement about Nature and its nefarious role in this debate. The fact that Nature regularly publishes alleged "refutations" of the OPV theory and that it does so to enormous fanfare, the fact that it has competed vigorously with its rival Science in order to publish such "refutations", and the fact that it has never published an exposition of the OPV theory, or allowed a single paragraph of space to any proponent of the OPV theory, reveal that the rejection slips from Nature have nothing whatsoever to do with the volume of correspondence that that journal receives. Instead, they are reflections of Nature's determination to promote an explanation for how AIDS began that is supported only by certain powerful governments, and by a perversion of sound scientific method.
   ....In short, on this particular topic, Nature has abandoned the most basic principles of scientific enquiry. Instead the journal has consistently acted as if it is a stooge of certain powerful governments and interst groups.