Lyme Disease

[Lyme disease looks to be a US gov bioweapon that 'escaped' off Plum Island (Lyme town is nearby), is being 'misdiagnosed' as ME/CFS.  No wonder the vaccine died a death after maiming thousands.]

See: Zapper quotes

Lyme Disease & Rife Machines

Watch this shocking documentary trailer on Lyme Disease/Borreliosis from Open Eye Pictures

[Aug 2008 EW] Bioweapon Assault on Scottish Town by the British Navy The belief that ticks suddenly developed the ability to make people chronically sick all over the world in the mid-1980s is as bizarre and irrational as the belief that blue monkeys suddenly sickened people with AIDS a few years earlier. 

[May 2008] Attorney General's investigation reveals flawed Lyme disease guideline process Citing conflict of interest, bias, refusal to consider existence of chronic Lyme, blocking appointment of scientists and physicians with divergent views, fraudulent inter-group corroboration and links with drugs companies, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal announced that his antitrust investigation has uncovered serious flaws in the Infectious Diseases Society of America’s (IDSA) process in its 2006 Lyme Guidelines. “The IDSA’s 2006 Lyme disease guideline panel undercut its credibility by allowing individuals with financial interests -- in drug companies, Lyme disease diagnostic tests, patents and consulting arrangements with insurance companies -- to exclude divergent medical evidence and opinion," he said. The scandal is major.--The Attorney General's Office

Lyme disease: The tests are only as good as the toss of a coin

[Aug 5, 1993] Oversight Hearing. Lyme Disease: A Diagnostic and Treatment Dilemma, Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources

Vijay Sikand talking about how serious Lyme disease is at the 1998 FDA meeting about LYMErix.  Later these crooks all claim Lyme is imaginary

Lyme Warrior Awards Recipients

Borrelia burgdorferi, Lyme Disease, CDC shenanigans
Also, every patient I have ever worked up for Lyme disease who has come into my office with “chronic fatigue syndrome” has turned out to have Lyme disease...It is most peculiar that the public health officials at the level of the federal government are working to cover-up ALL of these syndromes......This is like a big Tuskegee experiment. Keep in mind that Tuskegee was brought to us by those great folks at the CDC. The organizational culture there is not one that could be described as sensitive to issues related to human experimentation.

Lyme disease" closely parallels the implementation of MTBE

See: Scott, M.A. M.Sc, Prof   Lymerix vaccine