Just a coincidence
[back] Medical lies
[back] Coincidence
[Vaccine-land where it is always a coincidence and never the vaccine, even if your baby drops dead with the needle still in its arm. They have been getting away with this one for 200 years. Easy when you have a medical monopoly and are accountable to no one but yourself. There are no coincidences (see). If they can't get away with coincidence easily they use Underlying conditions.]
See: 'Experts' deny Underlying conditions Diagnosis
"The health authorities always try to blame whatever happens after vaccination on "coincidence." Even in pre-licensure clinical trials, most serious vaccine adverse events which occur are written off as "coincidence."--B Fisher [Media Jan 2005 Brain damage] Mother claims son had adverse reaction to flu shot
"They claim that autism naturally occurs at about 18 months, when the MMR is routinely given, so the association is merely coincidental and not causal. But the onset of autism at 18 months is a recent development. Autism starting at 18 months rose very sharply in the mid-1980s, when the MMR vaccine came into wide use. A coincidence? Hardly!"--Dr Rimland
The pathetic attempts by the pencil pushers to write off onset of brain and immune system dysfunction after vaccination in previously healthy people as just a "coincidence" will not wash. The people, whose lives have been ruined by doctors too proud to admit the harm being done, will not let them get away with it.--[NVIC June 14, 2006] Pencil Pushers Deny Vaccine/Optic Neuritis Link
"These (leprosy) cases are too numerous to be explained by the theory of coincidence, and similar instances can be heard of by inquiry in every country where leprosy is endemic."-- [1893 Book] LEPROSY AND VACCINATION by William Tebb
The timing of onset following vaccination - not just MMR - is described by the UK Department of Health as a coincidence. Their argument is that autism is “noticed” around this time, because this is a time when child development is most rapid, and therefore any failure most noticeable. The thinking behind this stance appears to be that either autism was always there, all along, or that it is akin to some sort of delayed-action genetic “bomb”, primed in certain individuals to detonate just after receipt of MMR or thimerosal-containing vaccines, or around that time. The gross implausibility of this argument, that it is highly unlikely in the extreme that previous problems would have been missed, and at a time where children receive constant devoted attention and close scrutiny regarding their development, is ignored. The concept that genetics alone could be responsible for sudden devastating decline in a developing infant is equally implausible. What Is Late onset/Acquired Autism/Autistic Enterocolitis? by David Thrower
[2008] Baby didn't die of vaccination Dr Al
Jalahma said it was tragic coincidence that Syed Ali died few hours after
he received the Penta vaccine (Combined Diphtheria-Tetanus-Acellular Pertussis (DTPa),
Hepatitis B and Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine), one for the pneumococcal
disease and the oral polio vaccine.
"They insist the timing of his collapse and the MMR jab was a coincidence. But his mother, Suzanne, 38, told the ECHO: “I can’t believe the jab had nothing to do with it. He was fine before that injection, but nearly died straight afterwards.” [March 2007 MMR] Mum’s horror as tot ‘dies’ twice after jab
"When contacted, district medical and health officer Dr R Krisha Bramham maintained that the deaths were unrelated to polio drops. ``It is a coincidence that the deaths happened just a day after polio drops were given,'' he said."--- [Media India, November 23 2004] Infants die; reaction to polio drops feared
"This time I was convinced that his condition was related to the vaccine, but still the doctors didn’t take me seriously and told me it was a coincidence."--HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT: The Role of Vaccines in Chronic Disease By Richard Moskowitz, M. D.
Dr. Edwin Kilbourne, head of the Microbiology Department at Mount Sinai Medical School (L.A. Calif.) said he thought "the cases of paralysis were only coincidence."--[Book] Swine Flu Expose by Eleanora I. McBean, Ph.D., N.D.