Infectious or epidemic scares

"Epidemics are biomarkers for pollution."---- Jim West
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and hence clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."-- H.L. Mencken

[The False flags PSYOPS of the medical cartel. Notice how it usually comes from 'abroad' (Asian, Hong Kong, Australian, Spanish, West Nile), or 'from' an animal (Bird, Avian, Swine, Monkey), with Spanish Flu being the main driver. Evil twin of Hype disease risk.  All part of The Disease Protection Racket.
In Virus Mania, Claus Köhnlein shows that these alleged contagious viruses are, in fact, particles produced by the cells themselves as a consequence of certain stress factors such as drugs, as said by Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer, M.D. (emotional trauma) and the Pleomorphists (see: Infections & poisons  Infection & nutrition), the original being Bechamp from over 130 years ago.  That is how long this hoax has been running, by the likes of Rumsfeld, almost as long as the 200 year vaccine one.  Avoid vaccines as that is the way they like to deliver the poisons or start an 'infectious' scare e.g. AIDS (Heb B vaccine), Spanish Flu and Swine flu 1976 (soldiers given 15 vaccines), Gulf War Syndrome (Anthrax vaccine).  And if they gave a rat's ass about us they would be using the well proven (50 years) cure for all infections---Vitamin C, but they can't do that as it would destroy the lucrative viral vaccine industry, with Allopathy Inc following, as only medical politics keeps Nutritional Medicine.
     Of course, apart from fuelling the gravy train known as vaccination and anti-virals like Tamiflu (and assorted disease industries like the CDC), epidemics are a great way to hide industrial pollution, Toxic air, and a big red flag is the fact no mention is ever made of industrial pollution or toxicology (see: Jim West). A classic example being the 1953 UK 'epidemic'.  Some of these media fearmongers have more of a vested interest than most, e.g. John Oxford.]


Fearmongering quotes
Epidemic Fear mongering
Virus mania
Disease theory
Quotes by fearmongers

See: Virus hunters  Hype disease risk Vaccine attack The Missing Vial
: Rumsfeld 
Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) 
See: Kuru  Scrapie  Puerperal Fever 
See: Infections & poisons  Infection & nutrition

Swine flu 2009 
Yearly flu 
St. Louis Flu

Bird Flu


Australian flu
West Nile
Smallpox (2002) 

1953 UK 'epidemic'
Hong Kong Flu (1968–1969)
Asian Flu (1957–1958)

Legionnaires Disease 
Toxic Oil Syndrome
Swine Flu 1976
Spanish Flu

[Letter BMJ May 2005] False Government Mumps Scare Stories--Clifford G. Miller,

Toxic air
    Infections & poisons
Vitamin D deficiency   
Infection & nutritionVaccine roulette
Cell phone towers (DOR)
    Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Killing Fields --ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG

Anderson of FMD scam fame
Hugh Pennington
Colin Blakemore

Dr. Patrick Dixon

John Oxford

David King

Liam Donaldson

Some flu vaccine fearmongering

It's all been stockpiled so it has to be used







Virus mania during Spanish Flu time