Non UK & USA countries

Jagannath Chatterjee 

[2009 June] 8 yrs old female, Case of P-1, P-3 Polio Virus  experts are trying to find out which virus was dominant, leading to her paralysis. The girl had received six doses of monovalent oral polio vaccine of Type-1 (mOPV-1).

Vaccine shots kill four babies. As many as four babies lost their lives soon after they were given measles vaccine shots in Tamil Nadu. The state government has ordered a probe. The vaccine was supplied by the Central government-owned institute in Hyderabad.

[2009 June] Village boycotts polio campaign to protest civic conditions  Residents of Sarvat village in the Muzaffarnagar district, about 350 km from Lucknow, boycotted the vaccination drive May 24 and said they will continue their protest till their complaints about poor sanitation, contaminated water supply, and lack of garbage disposal facilities are addressed.....“Go to any place around the village, you will surely find filth and squalor… clogged drains that have become breeding ground for mosquitoes and other insects,”.....With no garbage disposal system, residents are left with no option than to throw the domestic waste onto the roads. “In most of the village, you will not find any garbage bins, due to which the waste here is thrown out in the open"

[2009 may India MMR] Youth falls ill after vaccination drive

[2008 Dec BCG, DPT] Two children die after vaccination in Bihar

[2008 Oct India] 10-month-old baby dies after (measles) vaccine shot

[2008 Sept India] Measles deaths: Govt suspends five employees of Health Dept

[2008 Sept] Measles vaccination kills 4 infants in Maharashtra

[2008] Infant Deaths & Testing by Pharma Companies in 3rd countries  A Right to Information request by Rahul Verma, founder of an NGO, Uday, in India revealed that 49 infants have died during clinical trials for pharmaceutical companies at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi since January 2006

[2008] 5-month-old boy dies hours after vaccination

[April 2008 India] Killer measles vaccine on hold

[July 2007 Letter] Research on Hib vaccine 'dubious'   Where starvation and cholera kill thousands of children each year, international agencies such as the GAVI Alliance, USAID and the WHO are busy spending millions on dubious research to emphasise the harm from a disease that local doctors hardly ever come across. All this so that vaccine manufacturers can fill their coffers. This situation can only be described as scandalous.

[July 2007 India] UNTESTED VACCINE SURFACES IN POLIO OUTBREAK A potent new vaccine introduced in Uttar Pradesh by the WHO has had no safety tests; the rash of new polio cases in the state may’ve been caused by the vaccine itself,

THE POLITICS OF VACCINATION-II The Policy Of Forcing Hepatitis-B And Hib Vaccines On India And Pressure To Eradicate Polio--- DR OMESH BHARATI
The number of vaccine attributed polio victims in India is anywhere between 30,000 to 300,000 according to media reports. The IMA has a figure of 85,000, up to 2005, in its website. Doctors have been "advised" to keep quiet on these issues for "the greater good of humanity".
    It is very sad that no effort is being made to track, treat and compensate the unfortunate children. GAVI, UNICEF, Rotary and WHO do not reply to our mails making it plainly evident that they are least bothered about the health of Indian children. Shame upon them who wish to profit by killing and maiming little babies.
    It is very disturbing that poisons are being introduced into infants who are not supposed to be fed anything other than breastmilk during the first six months of their lives. The spread of cancers, diabetes and other immune disorders in children cannot be hidden any longer. Countries putting the maximum emphasis on vaccines have the highest rate of infant mortality. The health of teenagers today is alarming.
    We also do not understand how the voices of Indian doctors are not being heard and instead "foreign experts" dictate terms in matters of vaccination policy in India. Who are these "experts" and what influence do they yield to dictate terms? What are these "experts" doing to ensure compensation and treatment for the millions of vaccine damaged children? What are they doing to educate the public about vaccine dangers?
    You cannot take the "First do no harm" medical oath and push vaccines at the same time. This is ludicrous. This is madness. This is utter stupidity. - Jagannath

[2006 India] Shocking !! Infant mortality comes down with fall in immunisation rates!!

[Media July 2006] 35 children ill after brain fever vaccination

[Jan 2002] Interview with Dr Rao, India] Mass hep-B vaccination shouldnt be allowed

[Media India, November 23 2004] Infants die; reaction to polio drops feared
[Media India, Nov 2004] Polio dropped from list of suspects

[Media Sept 2004 Diptheria vax] India News: 79 schoolchildren ill after vaccinations

[Media nov 2002] Families don't allow administration of polio drops to children

[Media Nov 2002] Hep-B vaccine drive a farce, claims PEEM

Indian made vaccine
[May 2008 Russia] Over 90 hospitalized after measles vaccination in east Ukraine
[May 2008] Unscheduled vaccination: GENIE SET FREE