Heart disease & drugs
Diseases & symptoms linked to drugs

See: Heart disease and vaccination

Roche U.S. cancer drug trial enrollment suspended  Roche Holding AG (ROG.VX) said enrollment into a late-stage U.S. trial of Avastin in breast cancer patients had been suspended after six patients suffered congestive heart failure (CHF).

 In patients taking erythromycin along with other drugs that increase its concentration in the blood, the risk of cardiac death was more than five times greater, Ray and his colleagues found. That translates to six deaths for every 10,000 people taking erythromycin for the typical two weeks while on the other drugs. [Media September 9, 2004] Study links antibiotic use, heart attack

[Media March 2006] Child (ADD) drugs linked to heart attack

[Media Dec 004] NIH stops study due to increased heart attacks, strokes in patients taking naproxen

[Media Oct 2004] US officials 'knew of Vioxx threat'

[Media September 9, 2004] Study links antibiotic use, heart attack

[Media March 2004 Bayer. phenylpropanolamine, or PPA] How drug makers sought to keep popular cold and diet remedies on store shelves after their own study linked them to strokes.