Human as Frugivore

[Selling  man as an Omnivore allows the degrading of man's compassion (along with increased hostility), the easy selling of vivisection along with the creation of most disease, two things that underpin Allopathy.  No surprise there. See, also Slaughterhouses]

The Human "Omnivore": a mythological beast

[Ch 17 Fruitarianism and Vegetarianism] The Hygienic System, Vol. II, Orthotrophy. by Herbert M. Shelton,

Omnivorous or Vegetarian? What famous naturalists think about it by Professor Luis Vallejo Rodríguez

A rational critique of: Humans are Omnivores Adapted from a talk by vivisectionist John McArdle, Ph.D.

The Comparative Anatomy of Eating by Milton R. Mills, M.D.

All available scientific evidence indicates that humans are frugivorous apes.  Regardless of how large and arrogant our cultural egos are, and regardless of unsupportable religious dogma created by ignorant people who knew absolutely nothing of biochemistry, comparative anatomy, genetics, or science thousands of years ago, our physiology is that of a frugivorous ape."--Laurie Forti

"To say that humans have the anatomical structure of an omnivore is an egregiously inaccurate statement. The great taxonomist Carolus Linnaeus, (1707-1778), a Swedish naturalist and botanist who established the modern scientific method of classifying plants and animals, classified humans not as carnivores, not as omnivores, nor even as herbivores, but as frugivores. Linnaeus writes: “Man’s structure, internal and external compared with that of the other animals, shows that fruit and succulent vegetables are his natural food.”
    A few anthropologists have risen above their biases; one such is Jared Diamond, a professor of anthropology at UCLA. Diamond has written [pdf] that the notion of man the hunter is a romantic myth: “big-game hunting added little to our food intake until after we had evolved fully modern anatomy and behavior.”
    Instead, our earliest ancestors lived on the wild fruit, nuts, seeds and tubers that they gathered. Mr. Diamond puts it succinctly: “I doubt the usual view that hunting was the driving force behind our uniquely human brain and societies. For most of our history, we were not mighty hunters but rather sophisticated baboons.”
    And what food makes up the bulk of baboon diet? Fruit, of course; so for most of their history, humans were fruitarians."-----Rynn Berry

 "The knowledge we gain from anatomy tells us in no uncertain language that by nature we were intended to be frugivorous, and to live on flesh foods violates the fundamental laws of our being . . . Flesh eating is the antithesis of love. We must work for the abolition of the slaughterhouses, those chambers of horror where so much unnecessary cruelty is enacted. We must try and liberate mankind from the chains that bind him so heavily and so forcibly to the fleshpots of Egypt, and lessen the appalling burden that rests on the shoulders of the creatures, our younger brothers, whom we forget are our younger brothers and fail to treat with brotherly love."---Gordon Latto (22nd World Vegetarian Congress 1973, Ronneby Brunn, Sweden).

If Britain adopted a vegetarian way of life, many of her problems would recede and dissolve . . . If this way of living were adopted, a great deal of cruelty would cease; compassion, pity and consideration for others would grow and there would be happier and healthier conditions in the world and on this island. It is change not of legislation that is wanted, but a change of heart of the peoples. - The Vegetarian Way, 24th World Vegetarian Congress, 1977 (as quoted by Jon Wynn-Tyson in The Extended Circle)

"Apart from the value of the frugivorous diet to man himself, it also brings great benefit to our younger brothers, the sub-human creatures. When we lose our sense of pity and compassion for the creatures, we harden our hearts to them and also to our brother man." - The Vegetarian Way, 19th World Vegetarian Congress, 1967 [presumably sent in writing - quote by Jon Wynn-Tyson in the Extended Circle]