Dear April,
Some 12 years ago I was trying to explain the concept of
stealth-adapted viruses to a keynote speaker at an autism conference. The
prominent psychologist responded: "You have to understand John that autism is
our anchor. It is a solid rock that establishers who we are. You are trying to
tell us that autism is not a disease but only a symptom. That it involves
viruses and yet not ordinary viruses but something you call stealth. How can we
possibly embrace these concepts and still maintain ourselves as experts? I'm
sorry but don't expect much support from us." Little has changed in the past 12
years except for substituting the word business for anchor and the phrase
money-making entrepreneurs for experts.
I realize that autism does not fit the model of an acute infection
with high fevers, rashes or even inflammation, the accepted hallmark of
infection. Neither the psychologist referred to above or many of today's experts
are virologists or even insightful biologists. What is disappointing is that
they don't want to hear information that might challenge their egos or ambition
to make money.
Where can they get their money and ego boosts? The answer is the
parents of autistic children. Parents are recruited to conferences hoping to
hear what is new. They are the cash cows being presented with pseudo-scientific
talks that are somewhat incoherent and occasionally contradictory. Very little
hard data are ever presented. Challenging questioning of speakers by other
speakers rarely occurs. Rather a series of diagnostically and therapeutically
irrelevant tests are promoted and unproven remedies prescribed.
The real price being paid comes not from the pockets of parents but
from the lives of autistic children. I would be more sympathetic if I felt the
problem was mainly one of ignorance and restricted thinking. All too often I
have found a speaker, fresh from a standing ovation by parents, conferring with
colleagues on how to better milk the situation.
If autism is epidemic, why not look for an infectious cause? I have
done so and have concluded that autism is an infection caused by by viruses that
avoid the immune system (stealth-adapted viruses). Fortunately there is a back
up denfense system in the form of an alternative cellular energy (ACE) pathway.
Activation of this pathway is providing dramatic results in patients with
conventional herpes virus infections. It holds great promise as an inexpensive,
yet effective, method of suppressing stealth-adapted viruses.
Kind regards, John
Autism is 1 in 150 children today, 1 in 68 families! TAAP (The Autism
Autoimmunity Project) is a non-profit charity dedicated to obtaining funding for
independent research into the cause, treatment and prevention of autism and
other autoimmune disorders. Please visit our new website at and "TAAP into the