Child immune system and development re vaccination quotes
Vaccination quotes

[2009] America’s H1N1 Expert Says Scientists Are Clueless About Immune System Reactions to Vaccinations

Studies have shown that a child's immune system doesn't completely mature until about 6 years of age A Natural Age of Weaning by Katherine Dettwyler, PhD

And if, as Professor Boyd Haley has shown, some babies can NOT get rid of mercury, ...what then?  It seems to be conveniently dismissed as if neonates "are just small adults". They are not. Neonates of all species have very different biochemistry and immune systems to adults, and that is an issue and problem that the pharmaceutical industry has yet to either admit or grapple with.  Hilary Butler letter to BMJ 2004

In a page no longer available, but which I printed out, the BBC reported on 13 February 2001, under the heading "Newborns 'face higher drug risks' "that""A missing gut chemical (cytochrome P450) means babies are at far higher risks of side-effects from drugs designed for use in adults or children. The research, at Sheffield Univerisyt adds weight to arguments for fuller testing of adult medicines before they are declared suitable for much younger children. ... currently 40% of drugs used to test children are not licenced for that purpose - while 65% of those used on babies are being prescribed outside the terms of their licence, or ar not licenced at all."  Hilary Butler letter to BMJ 2004

"The blood-brain barrier is not intact in infants until at least 6 weeks of life.  This is why a newborn with a fever must be subjected to a spinal tap to rule out menningitis.  Any virus or bacteria that a newborn is exposed to can go directly to the nervous system.  This is why the Hepatitis B vaccine at birth is so dangerous. Between 1991 and 1999, when the shot contained thimerisol, giving it at birth would have resulted in mercury crossing into the brain since the blood-brain barrier was not yet intact.  As a nurse, I'm concerned that this information about the normal timing of a blood-brain barrier forming is not more readily known.  I think this normal delay in the forming of a blood-brain barrier is an important piece of the puzzle and one of the reasons for the surge of autism in the 90's."----Mary Barbera RN, MSN

    “I would challenge any colleague, clinician or research scientist to claim that we have a basic understanding of the human newborn immune system.    It is well established in studies in animal models that the newborn immune system is very distinct from the adolescent or adult.  In fact, the immune system of newborns in animal models can easily be perturbed to ensure that it cannot respond properly later in life.” ------This testimony was given verbally to the United States Senate on May 12, 1999 by Dr Bonnie Dunbar, Professor of Immunobiology with specialise work in vaccine development and autoimmunity for over 25 years, the past 17 at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.  
TO THE RECEIVER OF THIS ARTICLE---Hilary Butler                      Hep B vaccine info (Dr Bonnie Dunbar)

Dr. David Baskin, Professor of Neurosurgery at Baylor College of Medicine, told the Committee that brain tissue absorbs mercury five times more than other body tissues. And infants and small children are furthermore five times more sensitive to mercury’s toxicological effects compared to adults. [2009 Nov] Federal Health Agencies Continue to Deceive Americans: Congressional Report on a Vaccine Mercury-Autism Link Ignored for Six Years by Richard Gale and Gary Null, Ph.D

"A single vaccine given to a six-pound newborn is the equivalent of giving a 180-pound adult 30 vaccinations on the same day.  Include in this the toxic effects of high levels of aluminum and formaldehyde contained in some vaccines, and the synergist toxicity could be increased to unknown levels.  Further, it is very well known that infants do not produce significant levels of bile or have adult renal capacity for several months after birth.  Bilary transport is the major biochemical route by which mercury is removed from the body, and infants cannot do this very well.  They also do not possess the renal (kidney) capacity to remove aluminum. Additionally, mercury is a well-known inhibitor of kidney function."--Boyd Haley Ph.D.

[2004 jan] In conclusion, for those who have a decreased ability to excrete mercury, as has been demonstrated for several different genotypes, there can be little doubt that mercury concentrations once administered to children as part of the childhood routine vaccination schedule resulted in a significant number of children developing autism. This is especially true following a sudden increase in the amount of mercury administered, as occurred in the United States in the early 1990s when the amount of mercury administered to children in the first six months of life more than doubled as part of the routine childhood immunization schedule (i.e. from 75 micrograms of mercury from three DTP immunizations to 187.5 micrograms from three DTP, three Hib, and three hepatitis B immunizations).....It is also clear that if somehow, despite the over whelming evidence, the IOM determines, that either thimerosal did not cause or that they are not sure that it caused the current epidemic of autism and other neurological disorders, that the IOM must demand the immediate expenditure of billions of dollars as part of an all out effort to immediately determine what is causing this epidemic before it totally destroys our society.  [jan 2004] A Review of the Relationship between Thimerosal and Autism. David A. Geier and Mark R. Geier, MD