[2008] More KBR-Halliburton Fraud: Poisoning US Troops by SUE ARRIGO, MD

[2009 May] Pentagon-CIA-CDC: Depleted Uranium Conspiracy by SUE ARRIGO, MD

[2009 April] US Used Small Nuclear Weapons in Iraq by SUE ARRIGO  

Urgent Appeal to Pres. Obama to Stop CIA Torture by SUE ARRIGO

The CIA has a sweet-heart relationship with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) which allows it to dictate what the CDC reports and even what data it supplies to researchers requesting it. That is, the CDC keeps several different "books" on morbidity and mortality to supply to different "consumers". In this way the CDC has helped the CIA and military cover-up incidents of Bio-warfare germs, released unintentionally or even intentionally, inside the US [and other countries as well]. [2009 May] Pentagon-CIA-CDC: Depleted Uranium Conspiracy by SUE ARRIGO, MD

Wars are started for profit. The profit is made illegally by in effect holding a gun to the head of the taxpayer and threatening to pull the trigger if they don’t hand over their money. That is, those planning the war have the media print propaganda; “The Nicaraguans are coming to kill you.” “The Panamians are coming to kill you under Noreiga.” “The Iraqis are going to use WMD against you under Saddam.” “The Irans are going to use a nuclear weapon against you if you don’t let us go to war against them.”
...None of it was true, but it was a credible threat to the public because the US high officials lied and said it was and the public had no way of checking as the officials refused to provide the evidence on false claims of National Security.
In fact, the US government under Bush, Sr. sold Saddam biological and chemical weapons to use against the Iranians. Kissinger was quotes in former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark’s book The Fire This Time; US War Crimes in the Gulf as saying that he didn’t want either side to win in the Iraq-Iran war, he wished both sides to die in large numbers.
It was a war crime to use depleted uranium; there was no one on the planet who had a right to order its use! It is still being used in the war zones, including now in Pakistan, because the New World Order of Satanists wants to drastically reduce the population.
[2009 April] US Used Small Nuclear Weapons in Iraq by SUE ARRIGO  

It was no great secret that the US used nuclear weapons in Iraq, not just depleted uranium....The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bushes and Skull and Bonesmen have started wars for profit for over 100 years, and are positioned to make billions by making more wars. Their deeds have caused not just a few terrorist incidents, but a whole century worth of global and regional wars. [2009 April] US Used Small Nuclear Weapons in Iraq by SUE ARRIGO