Aluminium quotes

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  A team of scientists have investigated a case of vaccine-associated chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and macrophagic myofasciitis in an individual demonstrating aluminium overload. .....a possible mechanism whereby vaccination involving aluminium-containing adjuvants could trigger the cascade of immunological events that are associated with autoimmune conditions, including chronic fatigue syndrome and macrophagic myofasciitis. [2008 Nov] Vaccine-related chronic fatigue syndrome in an individual demonstrating aluminium overload

A multitude of studies have shown that aluminum, especially if combined with fluoride, is a powerful brain toxin and that it accumulates in the brain. How Vaccines Can Damage Your Brain: Vaccines, Depression and Neurodegeneration After Age 50: Another Reason to Avoid the Recommended Vaccines By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.

Offit tells us how aluminum in babies formula and breast milk dwarfs the amount in vaccines. What he doesn't explain is that aluminum is only dangerous once it's in the bloodstream. [2009 Jan] The Vaccine Hard Sell at Pediatrics By Michael Wagnitz, B.S.

Hair analysis reveals high levels of aluminum, which is also found in vaccines. "I think in later years we are going to look back at aluminum the way we are looking at mercury now," said Cave. "Aluminum is neurotoxic but is found in city water, cookware, cans, and foil. All of this can accumulate, and it is a very difficult metal to pull out of their systems....It is a slow, arduous process, but if I had to name one treatment that has had astounding results, it is pulling metals [through nutritional therapies]....The age group that seems to benefit the most is between two and seven. Between seven and 12 there is speech and social recovery, and after 12 there is an ability to reduce the rage usually seen. Metal is rage. When you pull the metal, the rage goes." For Cave's testimony to a congressional hearing on mercury, see (Click on "Healthcare," then on "Mercury in Medicine," then on Dr. Stephanie Cave). [2001] Vaccine Conference Exclusive Report By Lisa Reagan

"In large measure, those martyred by dementia are showing the results of toxicity from mercury, aluminium, lead, cadmium, arsenic and other heavy metals. Their neurons have been poisoned. They are turned into alzheimer’s victims directly through the efforts of dentists who blindly follow the party line of their trade union organisation, the ADA."—Dr Casdorph, M.D. (Toxic Metal Syndrome)

"Here's my best response to the thimerosal argument: While definitely it's not good to inject children with mercury, I think that's only a part of the problem. I think that thimerosal can make the aluminum even more toxic because the two metals are reactive, and if it's true that thimerosal reduces glutathione (I found this study on TACA), then children's bodies would be less capable of excreting the aluminum."
    "However, I personally think the biggest contributing factor to the autism symptoms is the aluminum, which has been increased over the years in proportion to the autism increases. "
    "So yes I think thimerosal is dangerous, but only one part of the  problem. I believe autism is also caused by aluminum toxicity (which I think could be exacerbated by mercury). If I'm right about the aluminum, you would expect to see autism rates continue to rise since the number of aluminum-containing vaccines continues to increase." [Sept 2008] Stunning New Link Between Vaccines and Autism Rates

"The aluminum industry is gathering together all research documents, marketing promotion documents, and trade association documents for that near future time when individual populations worldwide will wake up to the dangers of its aluminum products. Court actions are inevitable. In the meantime aluminum company executives are attempting to win friends for themselves and the industry. For instance, Edward Truschke, the executive director of the Alzheimer's Association headquarters in Chicago, in response to our multiple inquiries, finally admitted that his organization has received unrestricted grant monies from the Aluminum Association of Canada (ALCAN) and from the Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA). He did not acknowledge, but we are aware anyway, that the international Alzheimer's disease medical meeting held in July 1992, in Italy, was sponsored in part by the Aluminum Association of Canada."----Dr Casdorph, M.D. & Dr Morton Walker 

We now know that aluminum causes significant abnormalities in neurotubules, microscopic tubes in neurons essential to their function, and these abnormal neurotubules are strongly associated with Alzheimer's disease. Aluminum enters the brain by a number of mechanisms, for example by attaching to glutamate and fluoride. With the widespread use of the excitotoxin glutamate as a food additive and fluoride being added to drinking water supplies, aluminum absorption is common. In addition, injected aluminum can complex with fluoride within the body to produce a compound, fluoroaluminum, that has a number of harmful effects, including brain injury. There is some evidence that fluoride can trigger microglial activation and excitotoxicity, which in combination is particularly injurious to the brain. (Blaylock, RL. Fluoride 2004:37(4);301 -314.) Vaccine Safety Manual  by Neil Z. Miller. (Preface)

In 2001, Dr. R. K. Gherardi and co-workers described a new condition associated with retained aluminum in injected tissues from aluminum hydroxide vaccine adjuvants, which they called macrophagic myofasciitis. This infirmity was associated with intense, diffuse muscle pains, weakness and various neurological complaints. At the time of their first report there were 130 patients from France and a growing number of cases from Germany, USA, Portugal and Spain. In all cases, the problem was linked to hepatitis B (86%), hepatitis A (19%) or tetanus toxoid (58%) vaccines. A subsequent report found a number of patients with a multiple sclerosis-like illness. In 2004, a study reported in the journal Neurology (63:838-842) found that people exposed to the complete series of hepatitis B vaccines experienced a 3 00 percent higher risk of developing multiple sclerosis than the unvaccinated public. Others dispute this link. Vaccine Safety Manual  by Neil Z. Miller. (Preface)

Polysorbate-80 is used in pharmacology to assist in the delivery of certain drugs or chemotherapeutic agents across the blood-brain-barrier. What viral, bacterial, yeast, heavy metal or other vaccine containing ingredient need to pass into the brains of our children? Do they belong in the brain? Is that part of the needed immune response to protect our children from disease? Do vaccine materials pass across the blood-brain barrier with the help of Polysorbate-80? If so, are there complications from being in the brains of our children? Is this another connection to help us get an understanding of why 1 in 150 children have autism, or 1 in 6 children has developmental/learning disabilities? Aluminum and Vaccine Ingredients: What Do We Know? What Don’t We Know? by Lawrence B. Palevsky, MD, FAAP

While mercury has gotten all the attention, aluminum (found in most vaccines) is also a major culprit in this shocking saga. Added to most vaccine are a number of substances either used during manufacturing or designed as an immune booster (adjuvant). These include albumin, aluminum (either as aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate or alum also known as aluminum potassium sulfate), various amino acids, DNA residues, egg protein, gelatin, monosodium glutamate (MSG), MRC-5 cellular protein and various antibiotics. Not listed on official lists are bacterial and viral contaminants, which can include their particulate, fragmented matter.94-99
    The purpose of the aluminum compounds is to dramatically boost the immune reaction to the vaccine and make it prolonged, since some of the aluminum remains in the site of injection for years. Aluminum was first added to vaccines in 1926. Many of the other components added to the vaccines also boost immunity, especially that of undesirable components of the immune system, such as the B-cells.
    Because these vaccine adjuvants are designed to produce a prolonged immune stimulation, they pose a particular hazard to the developing nervous system. Studies have shown that immune activation can last as long as two years after vaccination. This means that the brain’s microglial cells are also primed for the same length of time, and possibly longer.
    A new emerging syndrome called macrophagic myofasciitishas been attributed to the aluminum adjuvant in vaccines and is especially associated with the hepatitis B vaccine and the tetanus vaccine.100 Victims of this syndrome suffer severe muscle and joint pains and severe weakness. Subsequent studies, since the syndrome was first described in France, indicate widespread, severe brain injury as well, as confirmed by MRI scanning.101,102 This brain syndrome has been described in American children as well.
    It is known that aluminum accumulates in the brain and results in neurodegeneration. The evidence for a link between aluminum neurotoxicity and Alzheimer’s disease continues to grow stronger. Aluminum, like mercury, activates microglia leading to chronic brain inflammation, which is a major event in both Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.103-110
    Flarend and co-workers studied the fate of vaccine injected aluminum in the dose approved by the FDA (0.85 mg per dose) using radiolabeled aluminum adjuvant –either aluminum hydroxide or aluminum phosphate, the two approved forms of adjuvants used in vaccines.111 They found that the aluminum was rapidly absorbed into the blood from both forms of aluminum, but that the aluminum phosphate was absorbed faster and produced tissue levels 2.9x higher than aluminum hydroxide. Blood levels of aluminum remained elevated for 28 days with both adjuvants. Elevated aluminum levels were found in the kidney, spleen, liver, heart, lymph nodes and brain.
    This indicates that aluminum from vaccines is redistributed to numerous organs including brain, where it accumulates. Each vaccine adds to this tissue level of aluminum. If we calculate the total aluminum dose from 36 vaccines, we see that the total dose is 30.6 mg and not the 0.85 mg considered safe by the FDA. Of course not all this aluminum ends up in the tissues, but they will accumulate substantial amounts, especially when added to the amount from foods and drinking water. When a number of aluminum-containing vaccines are given during a single office visit, aluminum blood levels rise rapidly and to much higher levels and this elevation persist for over a month, all the time infiltrating the tissues, including the brain with aluminum.
    It is also known that aluminum enhances the toxicity of mercury and that aluminum, even from other sources, increases inflammation in the body.106 The question no one seems to be asking is -does the aluminum act as a constant source of brain inflammation? Research, especially that showing aluminum-triggered microglial activation, seems to indicate it does.112 Dr. Anna, Strunecka, a professor of physiology, found that aluminum readily binds with fluoride to form fluoroaluminum and that this compound can active G-protein receptors, which controls a number of neurotransmitters, including glutamate receptors.46 Giving multiple aluminum-containing vaccines at once would raise blood and tissue levels much higher than when give separately, thus increasing brain levels as well. Fluoride in drinking water, foods and dental treatments would react with the brain aluminum, creating the neurotoxic fluoroaluminum combination. Studies have shown that fluoride also accumulates in the brain.  
[March 2008] Vaccines, Neurodevelopment and Autism Spectrum Disorders by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.

A 12-pound, two-month-old baby could safely receive at least 30 mcg of aluminum per day. A 22-pound one-year-old could receive at least 50 mcg safely.....
........a newborn who gets a Hepatitis B injection on day one of life would receive 250 mcg of aluminum. This would be repeated at one month with the next Hep B shot. When, at two months, a baby gets its first big round of shots, the total dose of aluminum could vary from 295 mcg (if a non-aluminum HIB and the lowest-aluminum brand of DTaP are used) to a whopping 1,225 mcg (if the Hep B vaccine is given along with the brands with the highest aluminum contents). If the Pentacel combo vaccine is given along with the Hep B and Pneumococcus vaccines, the total aluminum dose could be as high as 1,875 mcg. These doses are repeated at four and six months. With most subsequent rounds of shots, a child would continue to get some aluminum throughout the first two years.
    But the FDA recommends that premature babies, and anyone with impaired kidney function, receive no more than 10 to 25 mcg of injected aluminum at any one time.
    As a medical doctor, my first instinct was to worry that these aluminum levels far exceed what may be safe for babies. My second instinct was to assume that the issue had been properly researched, and that studies had been done on healthy infants to determine their ability to rapidly excrete aluminum. My third instinct was to search for these studies. So far, I have found none.......I can find no references in FDA documents that show that using aluminum in vaccines has been tested and found to be safe.
he toxic threshold of aluminum in the bloodstream may be lower than 100 mcg per liter. The buildup of aluminum in tissues has been seen even in patients with healthy kidneys who receive IV solutions containing aluminum over extended periods.
[2008] Is Aluminum the New Thimerosal? By Robert W. Sears

Because a newborn's body contains about a liter (300 milliliters) of blood, more than 30 mcg of aluminum floating around in the bloodstream could be toxic if the baby's kidneys aren't working well. The body of a toddler or preschool-age child contains about 1 liter of blood, so more than 100 mcg in his system could be toxic—and, as we've seen, babies can receive more than 1,000 mcg of injected aluminum all at one time........ No one has measured the levels of aluminum absorption by the bloodstream when it is injected into the skin and muscle of infants, or the levels of excretion from the body via urination. All of the FDA and AAP documents that I've read state that aluminum might be a problem, but that they haven't studied it yet, so we should limit the amount of aluminum included in injectable solutions. But, again, no one is talking about the levels of aluminum in vaccines. [2008] Is Aluminum the New Thimerosal? By Robert W. Sears

Several years ago, some suspected cases of aluminum toxicity resulted in various neurologic and degenerative problems. The Cochrane Collaboration, a group that studies health-care issues around the world, wanted to look at a very large study group to see if there was a real correlation between neurologic problems and the aluminum in vaccines. They investigated all the reported side effects of one aluminum-containing vaccine, DTP (no longer used), and looked for any evidence that such vaccines caused more side effects than non-aluminum vaccines. Other than more redness, swelling, and pain at the injection site, they found no indication that an aluminum-containing vaccine caused any more problems, and concluded that no further research should be undertaken on this topic. That is a very bold statement. Most researchers will draw conclusions from the findings of their own research; it's unusual to say that no one else should do any more research into the matter.
    This is especially surprising because of the limitations of the Cochrane Collaboration's study. They looked at the effects of only one standard aluminum-containing vaccine, rather than the effects of all four being administered at once. They didn't study aluminum metabolism itself. They didn't test aluminum levels in children after vaccination, nor did they explore whether or not the amount of aluminum in vaccines builds up in the brain or bone tissues. They looked only for evidence of external symptoms of aluminum toxicity, not internal effects. Nor did they do their own research; instead, they reviewed all available studies conducted by other investigators. Despite all this, the Cochrane Collaboration study essentially closed the book on investigating aluminum toxicity from vaccines, without really having opened it in the first place.  [2008] Is Aluminum the New Thimerosal? By Robert W. Sears

Because no meaningful research has specifically been done on aluminum in vaccines, there is no existing evidence that the amount in vaccines is harmful to infants and children. However, no one has actually studied aluminum levels in healthy human infants after vaccination to make sure it is safe. [2008] Is Aluminum the New Thimerosal? By Robert W. Sears

Science has proven that the following conditions may all be caused by the aluminum-hydroxide in vaccines: Chronic fatigue, Multiple sclerosis , Lou Gehrig’s disease, Demyelinating central nervous system disorders, Plymyalgia rheumatica and rheumatoid arthritis, Motor delay, Hypotonia or diminished muscle tone, Failure to thrive, Apoptic neurons, which are self-destructing neurons in the lumbar spinal cord, Neuron loss in the lumbar spinal cord. I’ve known for over four years now that aluminum was bad for the body, but as usual, I just didn’t know how bad it is. However, there is plenty of scientific evidence, hidden in plain sight, proving the pervasiveness and toxic nature of aluminum in our world today. Aluminum-hydroxide in vaccines causes serious health problems By Tenna Merchant

At the National Autism Association conference in Atlanta, Georgia November 8-11, 2007, Dr. David Ayoub gave a rousing presentation on the link between the accumulation of aluminum in the body and the development of autism spectrum disorders. He provided stunning documentation from diagnostic tests done on autistic children showing very high aluminum levels along with known symptoms of aluminum poisoning. He also brought up the Alzheimers/aluminum connection.  Aluminum Toxicity: A misdiagnosed epidemic (Part 1) By Ingri Cassel

"We have demonstrated the toxicity of thimerosal by using it to kill neurons in culture. At 50 nanomolar thimerosal the neuron killing capacity/rate is about doubled with the addition of levels of aluminium found in vaccines. The aluminium alone at this level is not demonstrated to be toxic, so it is enhancing the toxicity of the thimerosal. It likely does this by increasing the rate that thimerosal breaks down releasing ethylmercury which is the toxic material" -------Testimony Prof Boyd Haley, University of Kentucky, Chair and Head of Chemistry.......

Aluminum Toxicity: A misdiagnosed epidemic (Part 1) By Ingri Cassel But the amount of aluminum being injected into infants as recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices is a jaw dropper.
      The average birth weight for a baby is 7.4 lbs. (3.4 kg.) They receive soon after birth a hepatitis B vaccine that, ....... contains 500 mcg. of aluminum or 147 mcg. of aluminum per kg. of body weight. If the Energix vaccine from GlaxoSmithKline is administered, the pediatric dose is 250 mcg. of aluminum as aluminum hydroxide totaling 73.5 mcg. of aluminum per kg. of body weight.
       The amount of time for these doses of aluminum to be eliminated by an infant’s immature kidneys is unknown, as is the time it takes for aluminum to transfer from muscular tissue to the bloodstream and, ultimately, into the brain. Meanwhile, the infant is continually dosed with aluminum through infant formula, and even in breastmilk but to a lesser degree.
          The average baby visiting their pediatrician for the two-month, well-baby checkup weighs 9.25 lbs. (4.2 kg.) and could receive as much as 1,475 mcg. of injected aluminum within 30 min. or 351 mcg. of aluminum per kg. of body weight. The breakdown of vaccines the pediatrician is supposed to administer follows: Hep B (250 to 500 mcg Al); Rotateq® (oral); DTaP (Infanrix® - 625 mcg Al and DAPTACEL® - 330 mcg Al); PCV - pneumococcal vaccine with 8 antigens (125 mcg. Al); Hib – haemophilus influenza type b (225 mcg. Al) and; IPV – inactivated polio vaccine.  Then, at four and six months of age, the bolus doses of aluminum continue to be injected.

[Media 3/2006 Aluminium adjuvant] Vaccines show sinister side
Vancouver neuroscientist Chris Shaw shows a link between the aluminum hydroxide used in vaccines, and symptoms associated with Parkinson’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease), and Alzheimer’s.....“This is suspicious,” he told the Georgia Straight in a phone interview from his lab near Heather Street and West 12th Avenue. “Either this [link] is known by industry and it was never made public, or industry was never made to do these studies by Health Canada. I’m not sure which is scarier.”   Similar adjuvants are used in the following vaccines, according to Shaw’s paper: hepatitis A and B, and the Pentacel cocktail, which vaccinates against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, and a type of meningitis....“No one in my lab wants to get vaccinated,” he said. “This totally creeped us out. We weren’t out there to poke holes in vaccines. But all of a sudden, oh my God—we’ve got neuron death!”Another important factor with regard to mercury on the mind, which officials at the CDC, FDA and the professors in the IOM do not consider, is synergistic toxicity - mercury's enhanced effect when other poisons are present. A small dose of mercury that kills 1 in 100 rats and a dose of aluminum that will kill 1 in 100 rats, when combined have a striking effect: all the rats die. Doses of mercury that have a 1 percent mortality will have a 100 percent mortality rate if some aluminum is there. Vaccines contain aluminum.

[pdf 2006/7] ALUMINUM ADJUVANT LINKED TO GULF WAR SYNDROME INDUCES MOTOR NEURON DEATH IN MICE M.S. Petrik1,2, M.C. Wong1,2, R.C. Tabata1, R.F. Garry5 and C.A. Shaw1,3,4
Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) affects a high percentage of veterans of the 1991 conflict, but its origins remain unknown. One neurological complication of GWS is an increased incidence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). While many environmental factors have been linked to GWS, the role of the anthrax vaccine administered to deployed troops has come under increasing scrutiny. Among the vaccine’s potentially toxic components are the adjuvant aluminum hydroxide and squalene. To examine whether these materials might contribute to neurologic toxicity, we injected young male colony CD-1 mice with these adjuvants at doses equivalent to those given to service personnel.  Mice were subjected to a battery of motor and cognitive behavioral tests over a six month period. Following sacrifice, CNS tissue was examined using immunohistochemistry for evidence of neural death. Behavioral testing showed both motor and cognitive functions were impacted by the tested adjuvants to differing degrees. Apoptotic neurons were identified in lumbar spinal cord and motor cortex in the groups receiving the adjuvants.  Aluminum injected animals also showed a significant increase of astrocytes in the lumbar spinal cord. Our findings suggest a possible role for either or both compounds in some neurological features associated with GWS.

Aluminum:                EDF Suspected - cardiovascular or blood toxicant neurotoxicant respiratory toxicant.   More hazardous than most chemicals in 2 out of 6 ranking systems On at least 2 federal regulatory lists Beta-Propiolactone: EDF Recognized - carcinogen

Chemical Profiles and Definitions, visit to investigate chemical profiles
Sources: EDF (Environmental Defense Fund) & MME (Mosby’s Medical Encyclopdia)

Aluminium poisoning from water supply:
"Effectively they said we were either dotty or lying. For 13 years the authorities have said this whole thing is just in our minds."--Elizabeth Sigmund, Camelford resident