Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)
[Another government outfit run by the Pharma corporations.]
See: Book banning
[2009 july] Back 'cures', a brave scientist and an epic court battle: How Britain's libel laws are threatening free speech A few weeks ago, the Advertising Standards Authority upheld a complaint against a chiropractor who claimed he could treat children suffering from colic and learning difficulties.
[2009 Jan] Watchdog bans Christian advert that claims cervical cancer vaccine causes infertility
Living In A Fascist Country - Banned
"The medical and scientific establishments have (largely through the fact that
they have sold out to the enormously wealthy and powerful international pharmaceutical
industry) obtained more or less complete control over politicians and the
media.....advertisements for my book Food for Thouqht are still banned by
Britain's Advertising Standards Authority because the book contains advice on what sort of
diet to eat in order to reduce the chance of developing cancer.
Because we refused to accept the ban the ASA
(which, quite bizarrely, will not accept scientific research papers or even government
publications in evidence) has warned newspapers not to accept any of our advertisements.
The ASA claims to exist to protect the public but I find it difficult to see how banning a
book that contains a summary of proven clinical advice on how to avoid cancer can possibly
protect the public. It seems to me that, wittingly or unwittingly, the ASA is simply
protecting the cancer establishment. I find it difficult to avoid the observation that the
cancer industry would undoubtedly find it much harder to raise money if the incidence of
cancer were cut."---Dr Vernon Coleman
"We KNOW the answer to cancer Yet the authorities, in the form of the law of the land (UK), will not allow this book (The Good News On Cancer) to be promoted to lay persons is not permitted that they can even be told where to find information that might help them. That has got to be democracy with a very small d One eminent publisher backed out as he feared he could be jailed for infringing the Cancer Act by offering the book to the public. Another was deliberately pressured by an unnamed group after his medical reader (an M.D.), having checked the manuscript, leaked its contents to a confidential authority."---Dr Richards & Frank Hourigan.
"Advertisements for my book Living In A Fascist Country have been officially banned in the UK by the Advertising Standards Authority. I have no idea why. As far as I know they haven't seen a copy of the book. But they probably don't like the title. VC August 28th 2006." Living In A Fascist Country - Banned