C-Gro Plants


Spud Seed

Left -- Gen 1 -- No C-Gro

Center -- Gen 2 -- C-Gro – 2 Gal.
Right – Gen 2 -- C-Gro – 3 Gal.

Red Potatoes

C-Gro treated potatoes weighed 90% more than those without C-Gro. Harvested at 73 days instead of
90 days as recommended. 2 1/2 weeks earlier to market. Brix Refractometer 30% higher in treated potatoes.

Russet Potatoes

C-Gro treated russet potatoes on the right compared to untreated russets on the left. These potatoes are about
ten weeks away from scheduled harvest time but a couple of the treated potatoes are large enough to qualify for
harvest already. The total weight of the treated potatoes is already nearly twice the weight of the untreated potatoes.

Raspberry Plants

Both planted at the same time from cuttings from the same raspberry plant. C-Gro on right.

Raspberries big as strawberries. Also notice the huge leaves.

Leaves and raspberries from ordinary raspberry plant on left and C-Gro plant on right. The
6 berries from the treated plant weighed 20.66 gm and the 6 from the control weighed 8.53 gm.