ORMUS Box Chemistry

It is obvious that no one understands the chemistry of the Hudson process on some very fundamental levels. There is one issue that Hudson and no one else has addressed, as far as I have seen.

A monatom (or diatom) is too small to be visible yet we clearly have a white (or gray or red-brown) powder, which is visible. The particles of this powder are clearly visible but, in the case of the white powder of gold and iridium, are not easily divisible using strong acids. This would suggest that some very strong chemical bonds are active in the visible white powder particles.

If chemical bonds are holding these particles of pure gold together then they cannot be monatomic gold. They cannot be diatomic gold either. How many gold atoms must be bound together before you get a visible particle?

In one of his un-transcribed lectures, David Hudson quotes from one of the scientific papers he uses for reference. (I wish I had the exact quote and the lecture reference but I don't and it might take days to find it.) The quote was probably from one of the Physical Review papers on monatomic transition elements. As I recall, the quote suggested that monatomic gold could only exist as a gas.

If this is true, what is it that we see when we see a small white particle of ORMUS gold? What is the bond that holds these particles together? Is it a chemical bond, a nuclear bond or something we have never heard of? We obviously need a theory that will clarify how these seemingly contradictory facts can all be true. The hypothesis, which I would suggest might reconcile these contradictions, is that the bosonic unit (that is the monatom or diatom) is not what we are seeing at all. Rather, what we are seeing is the cage or box that the bosonic unit is held in.

I *believe* that virtually all chemical manipulation of the unassayable ORMUS elements is actually just manipulation of the particular molecular cage it is in. If these elements are superconductors which exhibit diamagnetic properties in water then they would have to be single "unit" superconductors rather than matrix superconductors like we are used to. A single "unit" superconductor would have to be a boson with fully paired electrons AND fully paired nucleons as well.

The "preference" that these elements seem to have for hanging out inside molecular cages could be that these cages provide some shielding from magnetic and other forces. As single "unit" superconductors they would tend to retreat from magnetic fields into any structure which gave them some shielding from those fields. My friend Jim noticed this when he found that a rubber-banded stack of microscope slides would tend to collect ORMUS in the tight space between the slides.

He took advantage of this effect when he would put a sealed bottle of aluminum oxide desiccant beads in the shielded container with his ORMUS products. He claims that these beads provide a tight comfy place for the ORMUS to hang out and that the ORMUS "gets into" the sealed container and changes the color of the indicator beads with the factory seal on the bottle still intact. (I have seen this happen.) The sealed bottle of desiccant beads actually gains weight as the beads became saturated with ORMUS.

I would like to suggest that the ORMUS affinity for tight spaces also holds as an affinity for the very tight spaces inside molecules. While in this tight inner molecular space I would expect the Meissner "field" to exercise some control over the behavior and configuration of the molecule it is associated with.

Dr. Martin Chaplin who is the Professor of Applied Science at South Bank University in London has a well-described theory that water is generally composed of icosahedral water clusters. You can read more about this theory at:


These water molecules would, in essence, be like molecular geodesic domes that would provide a nice comfy inner space for the ORMUS unit to chill out. These water molecules with their ORMUS resident would be available for other chemical bonds. When bonded with hydroxide radicals they would become visible as a precipitate.

As I suggested before, the ORMUS resident in the geodesic water molecule might exercise some control over the structure and behavior of the entire molecule through subtle energetic forces like the Meissner effect.

Is there any evidence that such changes in the structure and behavior of water take place in nature?

Of course there is. We have all seen pictures of Dr. Emoto's water crystals which have been shaped by music, prayer, pollution or intent. "Structured water" is THE buzzword of the new age water industry. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho believes that the structuring of water is the basis of homeopathy. Here is a quote from one of her articles on this subject:

In the mid-1990s, quantum physicists Del Giudice and Preparata and other colleagues in University of Milan, in Italy, argued that quantum coherent domains measuring 100nm in diameter could arise in pure water. They show how the collective vibrations of the water molecules in the coherent domain eventually become phase-locked to the fluctuations of the global electromagnetic field. In this way, long-lasting, stable oscillations could be maintained in the water.
One way in which ‘memory’ might be stored in water is through the excitation of long-lasting coherent oscillations specific to the substances in the homeopathic remedy dissolved in water. Interaction of water molecules with other molecules changes the collective structure of water, which would in turn determine the specific coherent oscillations that will develop. If these become stabilised and maintained by phase coupling between the global field and the excited molecules, then, even when the dissolved substances are diluted away, the water may still carry the coherent oscillations that can ‘seed’ other volumes of water on dilution.

The discovery that dissolved substances form increasingly large clusters is compatible with the existence of a coherent field in water that can transmit attractive resonance between the molecules when the oscillations are in phase, leading to clumping in dilute solutions. As the cluster of molecules increases in size, its electromagnetic signature is correspondingly amplified, reinforcing the coherent oscillations carried by the water. [http://www.i-sis.org.uk/water3.php]

In "Cytoplasmic Gel States and Ordered Water: Possible Roles in Biological Quantum Coherence" - http://www.consciousness.arizona.edu/hameroff/water2.html) Stuart Hameroff suggests that quantum coherence within the microtubule is related to the structuring of water:

"Here we consider three proposals in which ordered water may play a role in biological quantum coherence essential for living systems and consciousness: 1) quantum optical coherence in microtubule inner cores ("super-radiance" and "self-induced transparency"); 2) cellular "vision"; 3) isolation of microtubules from environmental decoherence."

The coherent changes that Hameroff and Ho are talking about must be controlled by something. I am postulating that the ORMUS unit inside some water molecules is the director of these coherent changes. I imagine that the ORMUS is like the driver of a radio-dispatched taxi. Using this example, the coherent communication, which we think happens between ORMUS elements, could give all of the taxi drivers in a city instructions to change lanes at the same time.

When the structure of water changes work is being done. The taxi drivers have to tug on their steering wheels in order to change lanes. Where does the energy for this work come from? How does the intent of someone praying over some water get translated into a change of the structure of that water? How does a thought make coherent changes in all of the water in the body? These are all mechanisms that I think ORMUS theory can describe.

Several researchers who have been doing ORMUS chemistry for a long time have noticed that there are similarities between the chemical interactions of the metallic forms and the chemical interactions of the ORMUS forms of these elements. They have also noticed differences. While the same chemical reactions may occur with the ORMUS form they are sometimes slower or less robust than the corresponding chemical reaction with the metallic form. Sometimes many repetitions are required to get the ORMUS form to do what we want it to do. This is quite noticeable in David Hudson's patent.

In my hypothesis, the difference would be accounted for because with the metals there is a direct chemical interaction with the transition elements. With the ORMUS form, on the other hand, the molecular cage that the ORMUS unit is in mediates the chemical interaction. All of these chemical processes are taking place in some sort of water-based solution. Since water is already the mediator of these chemical processes it is not that big a stretch to postulate that the difference is that the ORMUS form is in a water cage while the metallic form is not. The "hydroxide" ORMUS precipitate would, in this model, be a way of aggregating ORMUS/water cages so that they could be visibly isolated and concentrated.

This model might also provide a greater understanding of other interesting properties of water. Water is diamagnetic. This means that it is slightly repelled by magnetic fields. My theory suggests a number of questions that might be answered empirically.

Is this diamagnetism a form of superconductive magnetic levitation of the ORMUS/water cage molecule? Might changes in the Meissner "field" bring about corresponding changes in the structure of water? Does quantum coherence between the ORMUS units modulate the Meissner effect?

I think that the ORMUS/water-cage model provides a better framework for understanding the chemistry of these elements.

I realize that the whole theory of the nature of matter may need some work. August has pointed out that it would be better to think of atoms as moving energy vortex fields and I agree that this is more attractive than the theories which postulate a definite division between solid matter and energy.