ORMUS Oranges

The two oranges on the right were watered with ORMUS precitate from the Great Salt Lake.
The orange and grapefruit on the left came from the local supermarket. (Photo by Dana Dudley)

The orange on the far right came from a tree which was watered with ORMUS precipitate for four years and the smaller orange just to the left of it came from a tree that was only watered with ORMUS precipitate for two years.

To give you an idea of the relative sizes of these oranges I took a picture of a slightly larger supermarket orange next to a cantaloupe melon. The cantaloupe is the same size as the largest orange as you can see by comparing it to the picture directly below it.

Orange & Cantaloupe

Following is a chart which compares the sizes of the various fruits in order of their size. The circumferences were measured but most of the weights were estimated based on a ratio of the measured weight of the large supermarket orange.

Circumference Diameter Volume Size Factor Wt. Pounds Ounces Wt Grams
Small Supermarket Orange 10.25 3.26 18.19 1.00 0.6 10.0 282.7
Large Supermarket Orange 11.00 3.50 22.48 1.24 0.8 12.3 349.4
Grapefruit 12.25 3.90 31.04 1.71 1.1 17.0 482.6
2 Year ORMUS Orange 14.25 4.54 48.86 2.69 1.7 26.8 759.6
4 Year ORMUS Orange 17.00 5.41 82.97 4.56 2.8 45.5 1289.7
Cantaloupe 17.00 5.41 82.97 4.56 2.8 45.5 1289.7

Below is another size comparison between the two year ORMUS orange, the four year ORMUS orange and the small supermarket orange. In this combined picture each of the oranges is in a standard Pyrex™ one quart measuring cup.

Measuring Cup
(Photo by Dana Dudley)

The picture below shows Dana holding these same three oranges after they have been sliced in half. The supermarket orange is on the left, the four year ORMUS orange is in the center and the two year ORMUS orange is on the right. The two year ORMUS orange looks larger by comparison because it is closer to the camera.

Cut Oranges
(Photo by Dana Dudley)

Both of the large oranges were grown in Brazil on Great Salt Lake (GSL)  precipitate. The small orange was purchased from a supermarket in North Carolina.

There are early indications that the plants grown with GSL precipitate are more resistant to insects and disease and have a longer growing season due to frost and drought resistance. All of these results are very preliminary and need more study before definitive statements on this can be made.

Dana has been recruiting farmers and gardeners for more experimentation with the GSL precipitate since 2004. You can find more images of these oranges on Dana's web site at::


If you wish to participate in the study contact Dana at::
