[Courtesy of: http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Thinktank/8863/index.html#UPDATE ]



John Hutchison Raided At Gunpoint
By Canadian Police -- CLICK HERE FOR UPDATE

Reporting From Shreveport, Louisiana

     Word has been received this morning, Saturday, 18 March 2000, that John Hutchison
has been raided at gunpoint by Canadian Police.
     John's apartment in New Westminster, British Columbia, was raided at 2 PM Friday,
17 March 2000, by gun-wielding police searching for firearms.  An antique gun collection
owned by Hutchison was confiscated in its entirety.
     According to Hutchison, a phone call was received at about 2 PM Friday, stating that
it was the police, and asking John to answer his door.  Hutchison states that there were
8 to 10 individuals pointing weapons at him, only two or three of whom were in uniform.
The rest were dressed in dark clothing.
     Hutchison was handcuffed and placed on the outside steps while police searched the
apartment.  No warrant was claimed or shown at any time.  Police stated only that there
had been an anonymous complaint that firearms were being brought into the apartment.
     Police also called in an "electrical inspector" to examine John's lab equipment.  This
is the famous "Hutchison apparatus" with which John produces the renowned "Hutchison
     Additional individuals dressed in suits were brought in who took extensive photographs
of the Hutchison apparatus.  Hutchison indicates that these persons had an "official air"
about them, and that they might be Government agents, especially given the confiscation
of the original Hutchison lab, which took place while John was out of the country in 1990.
None of these persons showed any identification.
     Those who have followed John's career of invention and innovation will recall that his
first laboratory was forcibly seized by the Canadian Government on 24 February 1990 by
the direct order of former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney.  The Government
has retained the lab in spite of a court order by Judge Paris of the Supreme Court of
British Columbia to return it.
     A previous raid on John Hutchison's apartment involving his collection of antique
firearms occured in 1978, and processing took two years.  The confiscated antiques were
returned at the order of Judge Cronin.  These events occurred under the administration of
former PM Pierre Trudeau.  Former PM Joe Clark, who took over in the 1980s following
the Trudeau administration, wrote to Hutchison offering help and support.
     The present raid follows close on the heels of a recent successful levitation performed
11 October 1999 which was videotaped by John.  The effect was achieved after six days
worth of attempts.
     However, neighbors called local police to complain about Hutchison's experiment.  It
is unclear whether something in their apartment levitated, although there is no other way
known at this time that they could have been aware of the levitation experiment that was
in progress.  The neighbors in question live across the street from Hutchison.
     The sound of approaching sirens was recorded on the video soundtrack of Hutchison's
camcorder during the experiment, and video of some emergency vehicles and personnel
was obtained.
     Further updates on the situation will be posted promptly on this website.

Mark A. Solis
Shreveport, LA USA
Webmaster for John Hutchison