Latest update from Eric Vogels

A minato Patent  4,751,486

They are a follow up of my experiments with the minato wheel. The first picture on the left  is a 30 cm wheel and the right one  is a 1000 mm wheel. Magnets are pointing in the same direction: 30 degrees against radius. The strange thing is: the small wheel reacts directly when a big magnet is coming close: it turns into the right direction and gets a real 'kick' but since the wheel is so light, it stops when the first magnets on the wheel have to pass the stator magnet again. The big wheel doesn't want to turn at all. Maybe the stator magnet has to be very big. Soon I can 'see' the magnetic fields on both wheel. Maybe there is a difference.

Click Photos for larger image



Eric Continues to improve the balance and construction of the Wheels. He continues to test! Here is the latest 2 videos of the most recent test - posted 1/15/03.


Video 1

Video 2

