Comments about this experiment
Yes it works.
You don't need diode there, magnet, plastic insulator. It works without it.
It is capacitive transfer of energy.
Here are something very interesting.
Make following setup:
function generator / one leg/ single layer wounded coil made on the plastic
tube/capacitor bigger as you can find connected with one leg.
Put another capacitor beside this one and connect it with Avramneco plug.
find resonance and you will collect high voltage (cca 200-300V) on the
Avramenco plug.
If you will change setup and "drive" this capacitor with
"ordinary" HF
songal from ordinary HF/HV transforer, there will not be energy transfer or radiation out of capacitor.
Use minimum 10 000 microF.
You can put this capacitor or receiving capacitor under Faraday cage, it will
be almost the same.
It is a stacionary wave propagation as Tesla described.
I hope it could help.