Note:  I got the following hard hitting message from Roy (he smoked Kool and Luckies - having his
voice box and jaw removed is neither kool or lucky!)
Roy DeHart <>

I read your web page and the juvenile, self serving comments at the end. I am the father of a once healthy son who has now elected to try and live his remaining days with the help of pain killing medication rather than live as a vegetable following radical surgery. Surgery which would take out his tongue, voice box, most of his jaw, part of his neck and even some of his shoulder and armpit-pectoral area.
    Danny has made his living as a musician - singer.
    I would like to ask these so called watchdogs of freedom what the hell use is your version of free speech when your precious cigarette manufacturers have developed a perfect method of removing any vocal protest? Would you rather cow to big money with no way of voicing an opinion and a certainty of an early and painful death or retain your physical attributes and fight both big government and corporate greed?
    Please don't let me hear that old lame argument that "nobody forced him to smoke".

    They sure as hell did.

    Starting in the 1930's advertising convinced me (as a 10 year old) that Luckies were just the thing for a mountain climber after a difficult ascent, or a track star after an arduous practice session. Camels were even more enjoyable and Kools were just the thing to soothe your throat. Yes--- the ads did say that, in full color and full page, on the backs of most of the major magazines at that time. Now I learn that even then they (the manufacturers) were trying to find new ways to increase the addictive substances in their product in order to hold and increase their customer base ----- and profits.
    As a result of my addiction ,I, by example as well as smothering them with second hand smoke, passed my addiction to my son in complete ignorance of the fact that said addiction was part of a corporate plan to help make an obscenely large bottom line even larger.
    To the people who wrote those nice little notes that are showing at the bottom of your page I would like to suggest another trip to the dictionary and another look at, and some thoughtful contemplation of the proper definition and use of the word they seem so fond of --- STUPID.

this page was posted care of Eric Krieg  and is found at