The Cult of Higer Education

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I have a friend who just got out of a grueling MBA program.  This was
one of these programs which gets it's credibility from the fact that lots
of student are unable to complete.  That fact should send a warning
message: "this program teaching me to make intelligent ethical
decisions is either not intelligent or not ethical enough to more
effectively screen out people very likely to fail".

   Specious liberals in many schools have a system that preys on poor
black people: Schools like Delaware State University has half of their
freshman drop out.  The administrators take in low scoring black people
who they know will go into debt and flunk out anyhow.  It's a
conspiracy by sophomoric half-witted liberal academians.  The press
doesn't have the balls to expose this conspiracy.

  Anyhow, I fear my friend who has collected lots of degrees has
been brain washed by a self perpetuating cult of professors who try
to condition pupils to think they must purchase lots of letters after
their name  This helps insure plenty of students to pay absurd
rates for extra education.  I've known of some of these
out of touch privileged class egg heads to tell prospective majors
"oh yes, just take my classes on XYZ and there's sure to be plenty of
jobs when you get out".  The dopey student doesn't realize extra
skepticism should be reserved for a biased "opinion" and then ends
up in the blue collar work force before trying another degree.
Now I am all for bachelors degrees and independent study. But I
consider the real world the best class room.  In my particular
career, extra letters on your name don't buy much.  The cult
of higher education, forces grade school teachers to get degrees (which
employs more professors) to get more pay. Note that teachers unions
of this cult balk at the rational idea of paying teachers based
on effectiveness.
   It's a soothing idea that "everyone should go to college" - but it
isn't necessary.  Fact is, colleges are dumbed down way too much.  Only
30% of people have the aptitude to get a degree and only about 30% of
jobs in the job market really need one.  But those "elitist" facts fly in the
face of the strange American ideal that "we are all born with the same
ability".  People can scream about unnecessary operations, personal
possessions, government agencies, etc. - few people are willing to
turn a skeptical frugal eye at education.

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