The following was mailed by James Randi: LOOKING IN ON SWEDEN I've described here previously how a pompous-assed "dowsing expert" named Nils-Axel Morner, associate professor of geology from Stockholm University, has consistently refused to be tested for the Pigasus Prize. A helpful correspondent in Sweden referred me to where I found that Morner was tested -- amateurishly -- on a prominent Swedish TV show, "The Plain & Simple Truth," on TV2 on February 27th. Morner was first provided the opportunity to brag about anecdotal successes, then he was tested. A local celebrity -- a singer -- was involved, as is usual with these drearily predictable affairs. The singer chose one of ten cups under which to conceal a packet of sugar. He chose number seven; are we surprised? Morner had designed this test, saying that it was especially difficult for him to do. (???) He said that water or metal could be located "right away," but not sugar. Morner blathered on about "interference" and mumbled about "influences" and "might be here" and the usual alibis, then chose number eight. Wrong. But, said Morner, it was "in the right sector!" But no cigar. There were 3 serious errors in what could have been a good test: One, the target was not selected by a random means. (3 and 7 are the most-often-chosen positions in a line-up of 10.) Two, an audience member could have secretly signaled Morner. Three, Morner was allowed to do a test of his own choice, one that he said in advance was difficult and strange for him, instead of doing one which he'd done before, for which he has claimed 100% success. Why were water and/or metal not used? This is ridiculous! Did Morner mention that I've offered him the million-dollar prize if he can do his usual, familiar dowsing trick? No. COMPLAINT DEPARTMENT I've had two comments that the prize offer of the 2000 Club is being offered for something non-paranormal. I think not. I easily and confidently offered this strange Duffie character the Pigasus Prize if he could produce one of the multitude of "blatant lies" he said I'd put out, knowing that if he could do so, he'd be performing a paranormal (occuring without scientific explanation) event, since those lies don't exist. And I'm still waiting! Patiently, however. A PARAPSYCHOLOGIST OUT OF A JOB? Also, since I pay no heed at all to the fence-sitting antics of Truzzi, it may be that he is no longer at Eastern Michigan University, as he once was, and as I claimed recently. Retired, no doubt, or perhaps undecided about it.....? Several readers tried to find him there, and were unable to do so. Or is sociology just such a soft science that it's not listed in the curriculum? SPOON-WATCHING IS STILL BORING In conclusion, I note that Uri Geller, ever eager to annoy and titillate, claims to have paid 31,000 for a spoon that once belonged to the Duchess of Windsor, at the recent auction of the Windsor trifles. He says he'll bend it and rivet to that silly car, a 1977 Cadillac festooned with 5,000 pieces of bent cutlery. This was part of a hilarious plan he had to drive the bristling vehicle through the Near East in order to bring peace to the region. That figures; the soldiers there would drop their weapons from laughing hysterically at a vintage car studded with spoons. Said Geller, "People will probably be angry that I will be bending [the spoon], but that is what I do." No, Uri. I think they just won't care. And yes, that's what you do. That's ALL you do. Get a life. Randi. **************************************** Subscribe to SWIFT! **************************************** SWIFT our quarterly (hardcopy) newsletter, is $10/annum Checks payable to JREF (address below). Tax deductible in the USA. Overseas, add $6 for airmail. **************************************** SUBSCRIBING/UNSUBSCRIBING: **************************************** Send an emtpy mail message to for details. **************************************** CONTACTING RANDI **************************************** James Randi Educational Foundation phone: +1 954 467 1112 201 SE Davie Boulevard fax: +1 954 467 1660 Fort Lauderdale FL 33316-1815 U.S.A. General questions: Mail directly to Randi: JamesRandi@COMPUSERVE.COM **************************************** BACK ISSUES OF THE HOTLINE: **************************************** is the home of the hotline, but we are very over loaded, so please try the other sites first. European users please try: Thanks to Anson Kennedy and Massimo Macucci for providing the ftp sites at netcom and