Mottos and wisdom by Eric Krieg

If there is no plan or purpose in the Universe, then it falls on us to make one.
Most bitter people site circumstances, but are that way genetically.
It's best to just avoid congenital grumpy people.
Honor has no substitute - it's the most important prerequisite in friend.
The greatest failure results from mere fear of failure.
Diversity is needed to adapt to change.
Confront the jerk for the sake of his possible next victim.
People don't know what they want. (that's why ads work)
A small percentage of people always make all the difference.
People prefer the exciting to the boring truth.
Don't let your wife hang out with rich people (it will end up costing you).
Marketing and perception unfortunately mean everything.
Expect persecution for improving the world.
You're going to die anyhow, go out with a bang.
People like to hear their names.
Correct people in private, praise in public.
Learn to be entertained by the worlds insanity, lest it capture you.
Constantly update your mental model of how things and people work.
Meaning is subjective and arbitrary, accept there may be no proof of it.
Resolve conflicts from the moral high ground.
There seems no good proof for the the paranormal.
You still need magic? Connect, experience, learn, love, express, participate
Question everything even though it irritates the teeming blind followers.
People often choose easy convenient targets to vent hostility.
People need  sense of hope so bad - a delusion will do fine.
Don't allow others interpret your thoughts or motives.
Nastiness in people is fixed, there is only the search for recipients.
The biggest conflicts are visionary latter borns vs status quo first borns.
History shows people gripe as much if they have 10 times more.
Acceptance, love, and respect arrive when you can accept their absence
Ignorance is humanities enemy, denial is the food of ignorance.
Only the biggest mistakes have the best intentions.
Females have a genetic attraction to alpha males - don't believe their denial.
Our only unique asset is our minds - critters beat us every other way.
Now that we have civilization, long evolved behaviors are no longer best.
Those closet to you can also cause the worst harm.
You can't change opinions in true believers, but you can plant healthy doubt.
Bosses only pay what it takes to keep you.