The Later Day Quaker Preacher Eugene Mallove

'I grew up in Philadelphia. I went to a good Quaker School, and worked for the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC). I learned to respect my elders and not to put out bad vibes.' Eugene Mallove

Mr Mallove appears to be a self styled modern day Quaker preacher, accepting hardship and ridicule as his burden to bear in life. While not putting out 'bad vibes' may be a commendable aim in life to some, nonetheless the world contains men of dishonest intentions, who have to be exposed, and many feel Mr Mallove is too accepting of the claims of others. In other words, he has a tendency to get duped.

The public reputation of Mr Mallove, stems to a very large extent from the book he wrote on cold fusion called 'Fire from Ice,' about the so called 'cold fusion' phenomena. The phrase is apparently extracted from the writings of a 17th century Scottish Puritan preacher, whose philosophy Eugene presumably studied at some point in the course of his Quaker education.

Fire and Ice: Comfort in Mourning by Samuel Rutherford

Letter 37 to Lady Kenmure (on the death of her husband),

Fire and Ice

After all, why do you think this world is so important? This world has never treated you like a friend. You owe it little love. Why you should you go courting after it? The world will never be a faithful partner to you. Never seek warm fire under cold ice. This is not a field where your happiness grows; it is up above, where there are a great multitude, which no man can number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands (Rev. 7:9). What you could never get here you shall find there. Consider how in all these trials (and truly they have been many) your Lord has been loosening you at the root from perishing things, and hunting after you to grip your soul. Madam, for the Son of God's sake, do not weaken His grip on you, but stay and abide in the love of God, as Jude says (Jude 21).

Samuel Rutherford
Anwoth, Sept. 14, 1634.

Q: Why is this site named "Fire and Ice?"

A: It is based on a quotation from Samuel Rutherford, "Never seek warm fire under cold ice." He meant that the world can never satisfy the longings of the Christian heart. 

The Prophetic Abilities of Seer Mallove

'The tokamak program will be utterly destroyed by excess energy devices of the cold fusion variety. I give HF [hot fusion] two years more, tops.' Mallove, sci.physics.fusion newsgroup, subject Re: Heeter Fusion, 7/15/94 

'Also, within two years one or more companies will announce ['cold fusion'] demonstration units that will heat rooms or entire houses.' Mallove, sci.physics.fusion newsgroup, subject: MM-Pact, 27 July 1994 

'Prototype cold fusion home heating units are widely expected to emerge this year or next. Electrical power generation by cold fusion will follow soon thereafter, with the likelyhood of automotive and perhaps aircraft propulsion by cold fusion within a decade.' Written submission to the Subcommittee on Energy of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology on 5th May 1993 

Hidden Business Interests

'It was then to Toronto, were I have investigated Aethera & the work of Paolo & Alexandra Correa. This work is very interesting, but I have found it nearly impossible for an outsider to give me a non-bias opinion of their work. Relying on Dr. Mallove for this is not possible, as he is a partial owner of some of their technology.' 

Mr Mallove does not always fully declare his interests in technologies. He tends to promote people based upon his personal relations with them, as much as because of the inherent practicality of their science.


How Many Times Has Cold Fusion Gone Commercial?

Publisher and Editor-in-Chief 
Eugene F. Mallove, Sc.D

Vol. 1, No.2 1995 - Editorial 

Breaking Through!
Cold Fusion Goes Commercial...We knew all along it would happen...."cold fusion" would begin to be commercialized long before science fully came to grips with what the mysterious and extremely potent excess heat-generating process really is. ........Remarkably, cold fusion is being commercialized even in the face of continued widespread, but obviously misguided skepticism that the phenomenon even exists! As former Los Alamos National Laboratory scientist Dr. Edmund Storms, now with Salt Lake City-based ENECO, has suggested, "We can thank the skeptics for allowing some of us the chance to become very rich." Clearly, if the U.S. Department of Energy evaluation of cold fusion in 1989 had been even 10% objective, and if threatened institutions had been open to the new discovery, in 1995 there would be precious little room in the field for small companies and entrepreneurs. '

Claims Cold Fusion Patents are Suppressed Are False

'Could Cold Fusion Be For Real?
An Interview with Dr. Eugene Mallove - Part 2

By Bill Moore 17 March 2000 -- "A patent will never validate anything," Dr. Eugene Mallove, the editor in chief of Infinite Energy magazine state.
"A patent is just a right to sue somebody. Pons and Fleischman's patent was rejected, in my view, due to very unethical treatment... it's done, it's finished, it's regretful, however, companies such as Clean Energy Technologies, which is having its own financial problems, got about 15 patents on a cold fusion-like process on the Patterson Power Cell." Mallove also observed that Blacklight Power, the New Jersey company working on its own unconventional energy technology was recently awarded patents on some 499 aspects of its inventions.'

Eugene shifts the argument on. In the early days patents were taken as validation of the effect, because early applications were refused. After they were granted, and still nothing happened, their importance was downplayed.


Dr. Eugene Mallove Regarded As an Expert on Fiction

'Dr. Mallove seems to be slowly succeeding in his mission of exposing the truth. Last year, The Saint, a rather big-budget and successful film, had a story line that centered around the discovery of cold fusion. (Dr. Mallove, of course, was a consultant for the film.) Slowly but surely, more and more people are aware that there is more to cold fusion than has been reported, and many mainstream magazines (not to mention certain fringe underground publications) have chimed in at a slow trickle.'

Mr Mallove has talked of the film thus:

'The fictional portrayal of the struggle for cold fusion in the current movie The Saint, is a symbolic indication of the very real scientific and economic struggle for the victory of this technology over the corrupt fossil fuel, fission, and hot fusion industries. If ever there were a cause more demanding of your serious investigation and attention, this is it!'


Still Watching Dr. Eugene Mallove?

Mr Mallove has been promising fusion 'real soon now' for 15 years with no shipping product to show. There may be something at work, however most people are getting rather bored. His arguments are contradictory. On the one hand he says it is suppressed, on the other hand he is always claiming long lists of 'replications.' So which is it? Suppressed or validated? The answer seems to depend on what point he wants to make, on that particular day. In the end, Mr Mallove seems to be on some kind of personal pseudo religious quest, which is fine, so long as everyone else keeps this in mind, and takes everything he says and does with a large pinch of salt.


Eric’s other page on Mallove

 Other links of interest:

Tom Bearden’s MEG device A rational review of meg claims  and Randi’s info and my info

. free energy scams   Tback to Eric's main Dennis Lee page    what about Joe Newman? Also, Amin, Mills (who may be legit?) Tilley, Perendev, Bearden Lutec and Tewari Xogen and GWE Adams Hamel Searl cold fusion