TO THOSE INTERESTED IN NEWMAN'S MOTOR changed so we can't be construed as intentionally interfering with "business"

If you have invested money with Joe Newman, or if you are thinking of
investing money to purchase one of his production motors, you should
really consider the following;  It could save you a lot of money, and more  I'd drop this - it would be an implied conclusion
importantly, a lot genuine legal problems.
you take the moral high ground by  appearing as an open minded information provider rather than a pissed off adversary with a grudge
Many people have had money invested with Joe Newman for more than 20 years.  Some of these amounts are quite significant.  We know of no one who has gotten back anything more than excuses.,

It would be prudent to see if Newman is registered , in
Arizona, to sell shares, distributorships, units (or whatever HE is
calling them) in his Company/Business.    BY LAW, if a business
is offering a business license (for shares/distributorships, etc.), he
MUST provide a documented paper which clearly states the license
agreement, and that it is registered with the State/States involved.
Furthermore, this document will be written by the State/States which
are involved.  Do not let him present you with some convoluted
document of his own design. Norm - as a note: Joe may sell machines (or the promise of) which is different than stock which is different than dealerships
Companies selling stock must be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Before signing ANY document with Joe Newman, make sure you have
legal counsel.

In a Statement released by Joe Newman/Evan Soule', on January 1st,
1999, Joe Newman announced the formation of a NON-PROFIT
Foundation:  "God's Free Energy - Fresh Water - and Clean
Environment Foundation".    That 1-1-99
Statement was posted on the Internet, BUT since Joe Newman/Evan
Soule' made an announcement on February 1st, 1999, in which they
are offering to sell the motor for $7,000.00, with $3,500.00 down, the
1-1-99 Statement has been removed from the Web Site where it was  (I question if it is worth noting something since removed)
posted. You can see it at:
In addition, Joe Newman/Evan Soule' are trying to panic
people into buying one of their motors by proclaiming that the Y2K Bug
is going to get them.  They claim the motors will be available by JUNE,
on a "First-Come-First-Served" basis. (Hurry; Be one of the lucky ones).


By the way, there is a list Archive where Newman/Soule' could not
remove the 1-1-99 Statement.  Please view it for yourself at:

Next, are some serious points to consider.  BEFORE you invest in
Joe Newman's Business, either as a purchaser of one of the motors,
or as a "Distributor" to sell/vend the motors, ask yourself AND Joe
Newman the following questions:

1 - Where are the mathematical formulas which prove his claim for
the output -Vs- Input as being over 100% efficient.  I'd drop this - most people can be fooled by theory

2 - What Laboratory or Certified Testing Facility arrived at these
calculations?  (Do not be afraid to have these "Numbers" verified
by someone who is qualified.  Remember, You are making an
investment.)  Again, I would encourage people to look for a prototype being certified rather than theory

3 - Before signing any documents, PLEASE confer with Legal
Counsel, and be sure to mention the "Non-Profit Foundation",
and how it will affect your investment.  You may find out that
your investment will become a donation!

4 - Be aware of the time involved to take a prototype
motor from the prototype stage to the production
stage?  ALL parts are unique..  This means a
complete set of "Detailed" Technical Drawings must be provided
to manufacturing companies to make parts.
We don't believe Joe Newman has such Drawings.  In addition, any manufacturer who will be going to
make these parts will need to have all the dimensions verified.
(Otherwise Part "A" will not fit with Part "B", etc.).  Lets assume,
for the sake of argument, that the Technical Drawings are all in
order.  Now, these manufacturers must set-up Tooling, Stamping
Dies, etc..  This must now be designed by their design team.  After
the tooling is designed, it must be manufactured.  NO manufacturer
is going to go to this extent without a significant amount of Capital
provided by Joe Newman!  We don't believe Joe has the technical
expertise or experience with manufacturing issues to see this through.

5   Before a motor can be
sold to the public, It MUST be UL approved (CSA approved in
Canada).  The UL approval comes AFTER months of testing by
them under all conditions.  This takes anywhere from 3 months
(Rarely) to 9 months.  No reseller will touch this motor
without UL approval.  This testing by UL MUST be paid in
advance by Joe Newman's Company.  If you install a non UL approved
piece of equipment in your home - you may find your home owners
insurance policy INVALIDATED!

6 - Legal Aspects.  I am NOT an Attorney, therefore I CANNOT,
nor will I, attempt to give anyone legal advice in this matter.  I
would like to say this: Please ask YOUR Attorney what the
ramifications are, if you are a Distributor/Vendor for Newman's
Company.  Don't forget to ask about S.E.C. Regulations in this
regard.  You could POSSIBLY be an accessory.  Especially if
the Company is not registered with the S.E.C.!

You are probably wondering my role in this?
I purchased Joe Newman's Book several years ago.  After reading his book, I was very curious about his
concepts.  About two years after the purchase of the book, Joe
Newman got in touch with me. WHY?  At the time of the book
purchase, I filled out a card which had information about the Company
I am employed by.  One of the items on the card was the number of
employees in our Company.  At the time, we had about 160 employees.
Joe Newman used that information, and contacted me.  To be brief,
I designed, and built, a  prototype motor.  Right before we were going to see if the motor worked as promised, Joe
Newman took it the middle of the night and fled to Colorado.  Joe Newman BETRAYED
my trust.  We believe Joe has abused many other people who have tried to help him.

If you have already invested , I would be interested
in hearing from you.  ALL the investors I have been in touch with,
say they have NEVER gotten anything from Joe Newman but
excuses. (In another six months it will be ready; "Old-Boy"
networks are fighting me; The "Power-Brokers" have a conspiracy
against me; God has revealed to me that such-and-such a time
would be best, etc., etc., etc.).


Norm Biss
Erie, Pa.
For more information, see:

The following are some ideas from David H.  :


Newman is a crackpot.  His "theories" are meaningless gibberish.  Real
science builds upon the past.  If something needs to be thrown out, it's
made abundantly clear through experiment.  Crackpot science, on the other hand,
throws out a priori what came before, defines (vaguely, if at all) a completely
new lexicon, has a certain difficulty in generating reliable (if any)
experimental data, and resorts to conspiracy paranoia to explain its lack of
acceptance.  (Don't forget to figure in the religion and money angles, too.)

As with all free energy nutters:

1) Anybody who understands enough to see this is accused of suppression.
2) Anybody who doesn't understand enough to see this is a potential "investor".

It's a no-win situation, folks.  If you go into it ignorant, you're ripe for
being scammed.  If, instead, you study physics and engineering for years (and
maybe get several advanced degrees, work high-tech jobs, and publish articles
in refereed journals), you're accused of being an "Orthodox educated type".

There's a reason "Orthodox educated types" don't do 'free energy research',
and it has nothing to do with a conspiracy.  The "Orthodox educated type" sees
the futility in trying to fly by reaching down and pulling up on his
bootstraps.  Conservation of Momentum and maybe a simple free-body diagram
is more than enough proof.

The non-"Orthodox educated type" thinks maybe it doesn't work because the wrong
type of shoe was used.  You'd better try Sorel brand boots with the Vibram sole.
What?  That didn't work?  Oh yeah, you have to make sure they're real leather
uppers.  Were the soles worn?  What kind of socks were you wearing?  What color?
Was the polyester in the socks produced using Arabian light crude, or did it
some from agriculture-derived hydrocarbons?  For a non-"Orthodox educated type"
to be convinced, he must try *every* possible combination/permutation and
personally witness EACH AND EVERY ONE to fail.  Obviously, this is an
impossible task.

Yet a *single* working free energy device, demonstrated unambiguously, would
bring all of "Orthodox" science to its knees.  It would bring credence to that
"you just wait" mantra the nutters have been chanting for centuries.

Don't hold your breath.