Eric's response to hot headed atheists

For all your criticism (mostly valid) or organized Christianity and the con men who prey on it, realize that the feckless atheist movement is a pitiful example.  The main atheist group was founded by a hateful evil woman who only gave atheists an image of offensive iconoclasts with no concern for rights of the majority of Americans.  She started a personality cult.  That ugly woman was a one person "Jim and Tammy Baker Show" with just less make up.  - She basically conned all kinds of richer atheists out of money and lived an extravagant life style.  Then she and her bizarre kids appeared to have absconded with lots of money once people were on to her scam.  Of course it was allowed to go this far because "true believers" in the movement felt it better to not allow perception of any disagreement in the ranks.  The idiots judged character solely on disbelief in god - those jerks should have had the backbone and integrity to throw out that old devil bitch before she could become a cult leader.  I actually wish the atheist movement well - but they need to purge their leadership of people with a bug up their ass before they can take their needed place in mainstream society.

My biggest gripe about HHA (hot headed atheists) is that they think freedom of religion is freedom from religion