Dear Eric: I'm definitely FOR critical thinking. I also like to have more detail than headline-grabbing summaries. Sorry. In this large was your statistical sample in which you conclude that "churches that practice speaking in tongues have a high incidence of pastors practicing sexual misconduct"? Was this sample confined to a particular denomination and did the sample draw from every state? Was there an area of the country where this tended to be more prevalent? What period of time was the study assigned? During 1997 only? The last 5 years? The last decade? Is this a recent trend or has the whole pentecostal movement had a steady history of such experiences? Why do you think this is so? What is the correlation of sexual misconduct with ministers, pastors and priests of other denominations? Are they comparable? If so, did you take your sampling the way? Why are pentecostals singled out here? Eric, you obviously have a passion for the truth. That's something more people should demonstrate. However, it seems that in your quest to sound like you are in pursuit of such, a great deal of generalizations have been stated. Most of what you say simply sounds like "man-in-the-street" opinion. For example, " I think if more of this garbage could be washed out, Christianity would retain more intelligent, stable people and less flash-in-the-pan fanatics." How many Christians do you know? Are they mostly unintelligent, unstable people? Or is this conclusion a personal paradigm? I've read comments like these in liberal commentaries too. Again, unbiased statistical sampling often tells interesting things. I have also seen surveys that indicate that many evangelical Christians are college educated, hold responsible jobs and are in a high-earning bracket. The truth is, you will find unintelligent, unstable people anywhere, doing anything and not limited to Christianity or lunatic fringe organizations. You will also find intelligent, stable people anywhere, doing anything who may be Christians and may not. I think I've made my point. So long for now. Perhaps the truth will become apparent to you.....