Genesis World Energy – are they for real or another scam?



In December of 2002, a company called Genesis World Energy (GWE ) announced the "Edison Device", which they say is a source of energy which will eliminate the world's dependence on traditional energy sources. Since then they have not had 3rd party validation at times they have said.

So, what do we conclude here? Information from GWE lacks detail. They won’t give biographies of the principals or reveal the business structure. And the operation of the Edison Device is not consistently described or evaluated by credible 3rd parties. I hope to help get at the truth of the GWE story, offering links to other info.

 GWE was given a number of warning signals: the make a claim of "perpetual motion" without any independent supporting evidence, they can not even get straight technical terms (watts and watts per day of energy. GWE did respond to the criticsms of the perpetual motion claim, denying that they make any such claim. But none of their original claims were removed, so they now claim both that they have a miracle that defies conventional physics by using water and only water as a fuel, and that they use secret chemicals as their fuel.

 Since early 2002, Investors in the New York area have bought stock in United Fuel Cell Technologies. The UFCT investors are told that they own the Edison device. Yet GWE claims that the inventors of the Edison device own it, and that there are no investors. The UFCT investors have been told that GWE management are all hired hands who don't know who owns what. GWE has refused to confirm or deny the claims of the UFCT investors.  Given the long history of fraud with free energy claims, one would think GWE would be more forthcoming.

I have tried to offer my $10,000 prize for proof of free energy to these people and heard nothing back.  It seems strange that of GWE’s alleged 400 technical people, I can’t locate even one.  There is a long history of free energy claims much like this one.  I hear a new one every month.

An observation about most free energy design claims: No names, No peer published papers, No address,  No patent filings, No professional references, No track record, No independent testing, No real contacts.


Free_energy list discussion of GWE
Genesis World Energy -- Feedback – discussion of the claims

Genesis World Energy – official web page an article on GWE

Bob Park has said GWE is a scam and again.

Genesis World Energy – general discussion

Eric’s history of free energy claims

The best independent source of info on GWE

Greer’s goofy free energy claims – this UFO rumor promoter says he will soon have free energy

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. free energy scams   Tback to Eric's main Dennis Lee page    what about Joe Newman? Also, Amin, Mills (who may be legit?) Tilley, Perendev, Bearden Lutec and Tewari and GWE Pantone

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