On Over-balanced Wheels and their Ilk Tom Napier The search for a over-unity device never ends but it continually moves on into new fields. Presumably, as the public becomes more scientifically literate it becomes increasingly difficult to convince them, or yourself, that some simple device is going to generate energy from nothing. Mechanical devices have been abandoned; the fringe has moved on to unusual thermal engines, odd magnetic motors and electrolytic cells. As the negative results mount up and these devices too become commonly understood, no doubt they will also fall by the wayside. The search for some loophole in the conservation of energy will then move into new territory. However even the hoary old over-balanced wheel and its cousin the self-pumping waterwheel still catch out the unwary. There is something so fundamentally obvious about a wheel which has weights further from its pivot on one side than on the other. Simple lever action shows that it should turn. To say that any machine using this principle must always have more weights on the short-lever side than it does on the long- lever side and that it is therefore in balance may be true but it doesn't sound very convincing. It leaves one wondering whether there could be some ingenious arrangement of levers and ramps which will make it turn. Could there be something which centuries of hopeful inventors have missed? The answer is to ignore the left and right axis altogether and instead, to concentrate on just one weight moving up and down. For the wheel to rotate, each part of it must be making a complete cycle round the axis before returning to its starting point. For the wheel to keep rotating at least one part of the wheel, in making a complete circuit, must be gaining energy. Now any circular motion, no matter how convoluted, can be examined as the sum of an up-down motion and a side-to-side motion. Motion from side to side requires energy to get started but in principle one gets that energy back as one stops unless any of it is lost in friction. However there's nothing there which allows one to gain energy, that's why I said that the differing lever arms didn't matter. Motion up and down is different, moving up requires an input of energy since a weight is being moved against the Earth's gravity. When it is at its lowest point, a weight on the rim of the wheel has minimum potential energy and has zero kinetic energy in a vertical direction. It has maximum potential energy, but still zero kinetic energy, when it is at its highest point. (At other points in its travel it has some kinetic energy and an intermediate potential energy.) So, as the weight went once round the wheel, it gained potential energy. The wheel did work on it while it was going from its lowest point to its highest point. Coming back down it gave up that same potential energy and made its contribution to keeping the wheel turning. However the weight always comes back to its starting point once per cycle. The energy gained from gravity on the way down is always exactly equal to the energy lost to gravity on the way up, less, of course, any losses. This argument applies to every point on the wheel whatever path it follows. Since there is no gain in energy, and friction turns the wheel's initial kinetic energy into heat, the wheel eventually stops moving. Given a push it ends up making the environment a little bit warmer. The technical way of saying that the energy you get out as you lower something is exactly equal to the energy which you put in as you raise it, is that gravity is a conservative field. No matter how convoluted a path something takes through a static gravitational field, if you end up at your starting point your net energy gain or loss is always zero. Thus no machine of the over-balanced wheel variety can generate energy. The same argument applies to the everlasting waterwheel. The energy gained as water falls through the wheel is needed to pump the water back uphill again, you never come out ahead. Although it is less obvious, the energy of motion which one gains when two magnets attract or repel is exactly equal to the energy needed to restore the starting position, no matter how you arrange the magnets. Of course, unlike gravitational fields, magnetic fields can be turned on and off. However, it takes an input of electrical energy to do so. Unfortunately, it can be quite tricky to compute the true input and output powers when playing games with electromagnets so there is still scope there for chicanery. An electric motor is a device which generates motion from a changing magnetic field but it takes a power input to get a power output, a point which even the aficionados of Joe Newman must be willing to concede by this time.