Therapeutic Touch 
Does it work?   ("-looking for energy fields, Prana and HEF")

This site reports on the claims made by TT proponents and the investigations done by its critics.

TT or Therapeutic Touch (invented by Dolores Krieger) is based on the assumption that a "human energy field" extends beyond the skin. The idea behind TT is that this human energy field is abundant and flows in balanced patterns in health but is depleted and/or unbalanced in illness or injury. Practitioners believe they can restore health by sensing and adjusting such fields.        - join the slow moving therapeutic touch email list

PLEASE OFFER ME FEEDBACK. I intend to gather and present more information about testing of TT.

Sites skeptical of TT:

  •  Book on TT - Edited by Bela Scheiber and Carla Selby
  • A Close Look at Therapeutic Touch
  • STATS Spotlight: Hands Off, Doctor. July 26, 2000 -looks at the statistics of studies investigating healing at a distance.
  • Rocky Mountain Skeptics Therapeutic Touch Page
  • Great report on TT
  •  Quackery at The University of Texas School of Nursing
  • PhACT reports results of a test of Therapeutic Touch 11/8/96
  • East Bay Skeptics Society
  • archive of Jan 97 TT article appearing in Philadelphia Inquirer
  • A TT article printed in Phactum by Bob Glickman
  • Tom Napier's article on alternative health claims
  • over 1 million dollars of prize money for anyone who can provide proof of TT during test in FL June 2-4
  • Review of Bob Glickman's speech on Therapeutic Touch by Eric Krieg
  • report on government funding of TT research
  • Bob Glickman responds to questions from a TT claimant
  • information on NURSE MARTHA ROGER
  • Pat offers a few opinions on the state of TT
  • National Council Against Health Fraud
  • TT article by Stephen Barrett, M.D.
  • The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine
  • Religious concerns about Reiki  and  like concerns about TT
  • National Council Against Health Fraud TT information
  • TT taught in Texas
  • Skeptical Inquirer report of TT
  • Kevin Courcey review of TT evidence and  responses from the pro side
  • Review of TT cutaneous wound healing research
  • Therapeutic Touch Protest
  •  NANDA and Energy Field Disturbance -an open letter to the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association
  • US study debunks claim that theraputic touch has health benefits
  •  CSICOP / News / 'Therapeutic Touch' Fails a Rare Scientific Test article in Skeptical Inquirer
  • Therapeutic Touch: a comprehensive overview of the history, practice, and research - by Kevin Courcey, R.N.- he also wrote: Therapeutic Touch Protest
  •  Therapeutic Touch: What Could Be the Harm?
  •  Open challenge to demonstrate Therapeutic Touch -  & Responses to Objections to the JAMA Paper from the Rosa's
  •  Therapeutic Touch an article by David C. Marble
  •  Sites favorable to TT:

  •   The Therapeutic Touch Network of Ontario
  • - by Dolores Krieger
  • A pro review of TT
  • more pages on TT
  • ISSSEEM scientific investigation supporting TT
  • adds for pro-TT books
  • Information on Unconventional Therapies
  • Healing Touch International
  • Therapeutic Touch - A Brief Overview
  • Holistic Nursing: a TT
  • References for Therapeutic Touch
  • Alternative and Complementary Medicine
  • Dolores Kriegers new book Therapeutic Touch Inner Workbook
  • Wendy Wetzel - found Reiki to affect hemoglobin levels
  • Wellways: Alternative Health Resource
  • Andrew Weil defends TT
  • Test showing TT affect Kirlian images
  •  The magic of touch (1/29/98, The N&O) -positive review of Jon Seskevich's TT
  •  and Duke University Alumni Magazine mentions TT, and U.S.News Online: mentions TT
  • Other sites of interest:

  • Great general site for Nursing
  • A hands-off viewpoint on therapeutic touch
  • debate if TT works
  • advertisement for TT nursing continuing education class and another TT class
  • a personal testimony
  • another pro TT site
  • Eric's letter asking "Point of Light" magazine for help getting test subjects
  • information from Reiki Master, Don Orne
  • Eric's proposal for simple test of TT  and how to reduce heat sensing
  • Scientific American Frontiers looks at TT
  • TT trainee Joe Gastright writes about an interview with Dolores Krieger
  • Alternative Health News Online
  • Thorough ABC report on TT
  • Time Magazine reports on Emily Nice work, Emily!
  • Emily's Jama article on TT and more rebuttal to Emily's information
  • News groups discussion of TT
  • Maureen Gamble says "Shame on this young girl" and Healing Touch responds to Emily
  • CNN report on TT
  • Therapeutic Touch: Healing Therapy or Hoax?
  •  Stress management with TT for healing and pain relief -  by Jon Seskevich who has tried to prove HEF

  • click to see picture of Emily's experiment

    On Nov. 8, 1996, James Randi, Bob Glickman, Ed Gracely, DeeAnne Wymer, Tom Napier, Eric Krieg, Bela Scheiber and others administered a double-blind test of a TT practitioner's ability to read energy fields. Despite a large nationwide effort to recruit subjects and the offering of a $700,000 reward for successful testing, only one person volunteered. This test was supported by the Philadelphia Association for Critical Thinking, PhACT . a group promoting the free exchange of ideas and fair scientific testing to advance knowledge.  As of 7/99 no one seems willing to demonstrate claims of TT under proper test conditions.

    Note by Eric:

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