School Science Project ideas The following are ideas for kids ages 10 - 15 to do for science projects. I feel these are important because there is so much crap that people are believing, we actually need kids to show how easy it is to do evaluations. Consider that 10 year old Emily Rosa single-handedly (OK, mom and dad helped some) debunked a practice done by thousands of nurses and got big time press coverage at the same time. 1. Astrology. Get a $10 program and 10 volunteers who are not familiar with their sign, have people see if they can figure out which reading is them for the previous week. More on this subject at:`eric/astrolgy.htm 2. Super car mileage. See if car mileage changes if you strap a magnet on a fuel line. 3. Laundry balls. See if these magic little balls really clean better (under double blind tests) than either nothing or soap. 4. Pyramids. See if seeds germinate faster under one. 5. The Exo-ultra-matic-pain-zapper. make some bogus box, have kids clap their hands until they hurt and then report if some mumbo jumbo and a bogus box makes the pain go away. 6. ESP. see if kids can pick up sent messages above chance. 7. Magnet water. See if an area of grass watered with magnetized water grows better than regular water. 8 "the emperors new booze" (not paranormal - but controversial) See if a group of adults can really tell the difference between some cheap wine and fancy ass wine. 9. Sugar hype. See if people told one group of peers and has drunk more sugar water than another group think they are more hyper during the day. 10. TV ghosts, tune to a nothing channel - see if people can really see that an image keeps drifting (pick a direction). Or if you can convince people they can cause the pattern to change. I could go on and on with this stuff. Please report any results to me at I feel most of these things could get wider press coverage. -- best wishes, Eric Krieg