THE FOLLOWING ARE NICE COMMENTS I'VE RECEIVED SINCE 12/97: Sir: I recommend that you claim that your sight is in the top 99% on the web, surely a valid claim! And I have book-market it, to add to your ever growing clientel. Thanks, _____ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Eric, My praise for attempting to do something, anything, to assist with the massive problem of tobacco addiction. Did you know that you only need one millionth of a gram of nicotine to satisfy the craving? World's most addictive and probably most useless drug. I started on it when I was at school, to impress my peers and 'be like my Dad'. It took me 20 years to see the error of my ways and another 6 years to finally shuck the habit! The folk who profit from tobacco are the ones who deserve the kind of weird hatemail you have received in the past!! MORE POWER TO YOUR ELBOW, Eric, and good luck with your future efforts. Warm regards, Steve Morris. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Eric, Thank goodness somebody is publishing some resistance to the flood of pseudo-scientific garbage on the Net. I have just been reading some of the stuff on the "Cold Fusion" pages - it defies belief! Diagnostic for bogus scientific claims: No measurements No control experiments No derived equations No graphs Paranoia about oil companies, the government (any government!), the nuclear power industry, university scientists Religious language Exclamation marks It seems to be more common in the US, but that is perhaps because people have more money and leisure to persue their crazy dreams. I'm sure there are plent in the UK as well, but without the opportunities. Keep up the good work! Ever since I started looking at the Mad Scientist sites on the web, it's seemed to me that science should be hitting back at these people much harder than has been the case up to now. Pseudo-science is a real psychic plague, and because it depends on revelation, blind assertions and paranoia for its ability to spread, is all to attractive to the extreme right. Many Nazis were keen on stuff like the Cosmic Ice principle, the hollow earth, Rudolph Steiner, etc, and of course racism and eugenics form the most enduring pseudo-sciences of all. Luckily, in the UK our mad scientists seem to be mostly gentlemanly retired army officers, and there is a tendency to bypass science altogether and go for straight magic (witchcraft flourishes in England and Wales, and doesn't seem to do anybody any harm). Also, rich people over here seem to be less gullible than they are in the US, so it's harder to get them to invest in anti-gravity and water driven cars. I have to get on with some work now, but keep in touch if there's anything I can contribute . Regards John ------------------------------------------------ : ( ) |\^^/| {@::@} 000\\//000------------------------------------| | [oo] | | vv | | | | | | | | | |---------------------------------------------| hi eric, that's me and my non-smoking dragon. if you are grtting such negative comments all i got to say is "you go, guy". "power to you" and keep up the good work. read my timid urls and email me. god bless your work.............................................olivija in pa. ----------------------------------------------- Just wanted to drop you a short note to tell you that your smoker's quiz is nothing short of RIGHT ON! The hate-mail you get is some of the best comedy I've had the pleasure of reading in quite some time. Those addicts sure get defensive of the monkey they have riding on their back, don't they? I, like every other kid in grade school, saw those nasty pictures of a smoker's lung, and decided then and there that smoking was sheer lunacy, and I would never taste a cigarette. The letters these people write to you prove in themselves that they are fools (as well as poor spellers), but when you think about it, just the fact that they DO smoke shows that they have s___ for brains. So, if we could only outlaw stupidity, we might be able to save them from themselves, although I have doubts that they'd even be worth saving, considering the fact that they are foolish enough to inhale poison in the first place. Anyway, I dug your site, and I wanted to tell you to keep up the good work. Cordially, MIKAL ----------------------------------------------- To: hey. i got the link to your page from the VSE [vegan straight edge] list. i read some of the comments that others have given you, and i thought they were extremely unfair, yet they still did manage to amuse me. im sure you dont need me to tell you that having a "real brain" means thinking for yourself and speaking up and out, instead of liting up and following the trends, the consumers, the money making industries. its quite obvious the only reason why some would view it as "an offense to the eyes" is because it makes people reconsider and feel guity about their choices. i also dont understand how saying you think smoking is horrible promotes the end of free speech? ok. whatever. oh, and it was quite ironic that the same person who is deeming you "brainwashed by liberal media" is the same person that is tricked and brainwashed by cancer advertising campaigns. i guess it just comes down to the fact that people would rather look at porn pages [which are by no means "an offense to the eyes"], than to reconsider their choices with the hope of bettering themselves. i can imagine the amount of negativity you must get for voicing your rather wise opinion, so i just wanted to maybe put a bright spot in your day [eerr.....mailbox.] XstephX. ----------------------------------------------- Touche! This coming from a respiratory therapist who has been yelled at by cranky old patients with emphysema that want their breating treatments yesterday, so they can get out to the solarium for a smoke! I have treated patients on respirators(ventilators) that wish they could have a cigarette! I DON'T GET IT! I enjoyed the page and I'm getting ready to e-mail it to a smoker friend of mine. Thanks! ----------------------------------------------- \\\\\\\\\ this page found at: