Eric Krieg's Mentor Page last changed 12-28-95

I'm sure some "friends" will ridicule me for this, but I believe that all younger men can benefit by getting wisdom from older males. I summarize my own older mentors ( for different areas) that I've had or have for guidance:

Don Stevens boy scouts He had no sons of his own but helped guide many of us at a critical time.

Edwin Krieg grandfather He was Vice President of Engineering for the biggest powerplant building company of his time. He and his wife raised my siblings and me through most summers. He convinced and financed me to go to engineering school. On his death bed he told me his involvement in my life gave his meaning.

Lamont Saterly counsoler He helped me through a time of personal trouble and taught me grow past logic into the realm of feelings. He wrote "Tatooed in the Cradle" and facilitated a great mens support group.

Tom Napier skeptic He's the hands down winner of all my word tests and exceeds me in almost every subject I consider myself knowledgable. A rare genious whose not flaked out. He's a hardware engineer for Aydin, another founder of PhACT, a FORTH enthusiast and a fellow informal educator of young people. My wife thinks I kiss his ass.

Uncle Ed engineer With him, (and often my brother) I've hiked most of the Appalachian Trial, pedaled across Iowa, run marathons, and shared secrets since my teens. He manages a large part of the Oak Ridge National Laboratorys and gives me much professional mentoring.

Richard Buckwalter Dr. I started just as a patient, ended up an excercising buddy. We regularly share much about life and what matters. My debt to these men will be paid to others I eventually come to mentor.