Krieg Genealogy Page

I've heard that Krieg's from the East side of Germany were Jewish. A Krieg family near us is Jewish (we are not,but live in an area that is)  My family came over from Grunstadt Germany in
the late 1800's. My most distant relative found is a Heinrich Krieg (who came from Manheim - which had all its records destroyed in the war) born around 1792  He begat another Heinrich (who moved to Grunstadt) begat Philip begat Fredrick (who came to America)begat Edwin begat Arthur begat me  and I have fathered Philip (age 8) My relatives came from near Stutgart which was known for Mercenaries (known as Hessians) who would have been called Warriors or "Krieger" - perhaps we have a shortened version of that name.  Hell, I still like fighting - but try to abstain for moral reasons. My family is largely engineers with a few doctors. Iowa seems to have a very large number of Kriegs.
   Feel give me any information you have, then you increase your chances of people browsing and offering information that I can pass on to you. A bunch of related email from those copied follows:

The following is discussion from others (who I responded to already) of Krieg Genealogy:

          Re: Krieg family history


> Hi name is shirley shirley laughbaum...anyway i
> decide to try and find some info on my maiden name...which is how i ran across your
> pages  on the father was William Krieg born in St.Louis,
> Nora Snow you think we have any kinship? shirley


========= the following is from another Krieg: ========
My paternal grandfather Karl Charles Krieg came from a place called Wiesbaden,
I think.  It was during  the first world war.  I think it was to avoid
fighting in the German Army.  He was 17 then.  As I understand it, there was
another Karl Charles Krieg on the same boat with him and he was related to
Dave Krieg, the football player.  I have an aunt that wrote to Dave Krieg and
gave him a copy of my family tree that I did for a project in high school.   I
have an Uncle with 5 boys who are all farmers in Iowa.  My Grandfather
originally settled in Western Washington, where most of my relatives remain.
I understand that it is much like Deutchland there.  There is a large
population of Germans just 30 miles north of where I grew up, up in British
Columbia.  I learned German in High School.....My dad doesn't know any Deutch,
save what he picked up when he was there during WWII.  I guess Grandpa Krieg
must have only spoken English.
       I'll see if I can find my old high school project if you are
interested....I'm not sure I'm remembering the town correctly.
      So you actually moved here from Deutchland?
       I've always wanted to go.
                              Kelly is a boy dog and wants to know if Kerry
is a Female.
                               We have 3 kids, 18 mos., 4 years, and 6 .  How
about you?
                                     My husband's middle name is Eric.

  ==================== the following is from Larry Krieg :==============
Hello, Grace!

Welcome to the Cyber-Kriegs! We're not the most avid geneology-hunters, but we
have a quiet time asking about one another's relatives, and generally finding
that we aren't (noticeably) related at all.

My branch of the Krieg family seems to have come from the Rhine Palatinate to
Maryland in 1846; after a spat between brothers, my grandfathers moved to
central Ohio, where my father was raised. Details are on my CompuServe Web

Eric -  I'll be traveling on the west coast during late July, and I thought
it might be fun to stop briefly and meet you...but it looks like that won't
work out. :-( However, if you're willing to drive for an hour or so to Grant's
Pass to see a sort of up-beat international musical, my daughter Katy is
traveling with Up with People; they're putting on their show there August 14,
15 and 16.

- Larry Krieg

   Dr. Larry Krieg, Instructor, Computer Information Systems
                  Washtenaw Community College
      4800 East Huron River Drive     Post Office Box D-1
                  Ann Arbor, Michigan  48106
        Phone: 1(313)973-3311    Fax: 1(313)677-5427 Instructional Web:

=============== the following is from Elly Krieg :<>

Thanks Eric

I had thought Krieg to be an uncommon name, I guess I was wrong.  My family
is jewish, is yours?  I guess there must be a lot of branches to this
particular tree.

I have attached my family tree, as you can see I have managed to find out a
great deal from my grandfather's documents.  He turned out to be an amazing
man.  Just before they left Germany in 1938, he spent the last few months
gathering information.  He even went so far as to take photographs of grave
stones of family members.  He must have known exactly what was gong to happen.

The file I have a attached is not a true GedCom file (whatever they are) it
is just one that I have created with the same formula. I hope you can post
this information, I am determined to find some living relative.

I have had a thought, I would love to do a Krieg book.  What do you think?

According to the Jewish faith, Judaism is carried through the
maternal line.  That means there is a chance that a male Christian Krieg
married a Jewish lady and then they decided to adopt the Jewish faith down
the line.  Perhaps, if they could have foreseen the problems in the 1930's
and beyond, they may have thought differently.  Anyway, this could be
something for me to investigate.

Have a wonderful day

The following is from Margaret:
Hi Eric
Just found your website.  My family of Kriegs began in Berlin, Germany.
Oscar Fredrerick Franz Krieg came to US from Berlin Germany in late
1800's.  I don't know what port he came into, but settled in San
Francisco California.  He married Emilie Goepel, they had five children
Sons: Oscar, Frederick, Gustav(my father b. 9/28/1894) Daughters: Dora
and Margaret.  Oscar Sr. servered in the U.S Calvary 2 Regiment, Troop
K. He served from 1884 to 1889.  He became an US citizen in 1896.  In
1902 the family moved to Seattle Washington and opened a resturant
called Oscar on Yesler Way.  Oscar died in 1906.  If anyone search your
site is related or needs to get in touch with me, they can reach me at

the following is from: Rick Krieg in Pottstown PA

        Wed, 5 Jan 2000 16:31:56 EST   From:

                hi eric, how are you? my name is rick krieg. full name is
            frederick r krieg jr. my family lived in pottsville, pa for more
                then 100yrs. my great grand father was frederick phillip. i
                    would like to know if we have any ties here.

Eric's personal history
Elly's Krieg Genealogy page
Larry's Krieg genealogy pages
Eric's general genealogy page
Eric's main page in German Eric Krieg Seite
Translate foreign languages AltaVista: Translations
Eric's rants
Eric's home page,  skeptic's page

other email addresses of Kriegs out there: