
                                  X ===== O

                                 John : Maria

                             Nicholas : Magdalena


                        aft 17/9/1794 :                                     

                     :            :       :        :       :               :            

             O ===== X            X       X        X       X               X ===== O  

         Susanna : Anthony     Philip   Ludwig   Henry   Peter            John :     

                 :                                               Nicholas, Jr. :

          7/1748 : 12/1739                                                     :

       22/6/1813 : 24/12/1797                                                  :

   :           :     Baer       :    :  :  :  :  :               Reinhard      :                               Stahler

   X           X ===== O        X    O  O  O  O  O                     O ===== X                                  X ==== O

Anthony      John : Barbara  Henry                               Magdalena : Lawrence                           David : 

   Jr.   Nicholas :                                                        :                                          :

           6/1752 :                                              19/4/1779 : 12/8/1789                                :

        24/9/1830 :                                             15/8/1854 : 27/4/1876                                 :

   :        :     :   :  :  :     :      :    :      :   :   Kline    : Richenbach  :   Shantz    :    Ott    :       : 

   X        X     X   O  O  O     X      X    X      O   O ===== X    O ===== X     O ==== X      O ==== X    X ===== O

Lawrence Daniel Jacob           Reuben Joel Daniel Asor Mary Charles Annie William Sarah Solomon Cillah Arah Joshua Sarah 


                                            31/8/1854                                                     4/10/1885 6/2/1877

Can not tie this Stahler family directly with Anna Maria Stahler (wife of Philip Wescoe) but they were living in the same area in Lehigh County. Her birth date would fit with the time frame for the children of Anthony and Susanna Stahler. Therefore, it is possible that Anna Maria could be one of the five unnamed daughters of Anthony and Susanna Stahler or a daughter of one of Anthony's brothers. 

I include this only so that the information and my train of thought don't get lost. This information was found in the History of Lehigh County publication found at the Lehigh County Historical Society Library in Allentown, PA.

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