GAUMER GENEOLOGY CHART                                                                     

                                                                                         Adelshofen,                   Gomer              

*The name was changed from Gomer                                                         Baden Province,         O ==== X                   

 (Gommer) to Gaumer after arrival                                                        Germany                    : Johann Dietrick

 in America.                                                                                                        : 164_                    

                                                                       Seitz                           :               :          :          :

                                                                          X ==== O              O ==== X               O          X          ?

Revised 27 October 1996                                       Johann Andreas :           Catharine : Johann Lorenz  Andrea  Johann Michael

                                                                             :                     : 166_                                           

                                                          Meinert                    :      : > Lancaster,   :      :              :              :

                                                                X ==== O             O ==== X   PA (1737)    O      X              O              O

                                                         Frederick : Eva         Susanna : Johann*   Margaretha  Albrecht   Maria Catharine  Agnes Maria

                                                                   : Maria     Catharine : Christoph  Barbara  Hans Dietrich   Gretha        Margaretha

                                                                   :      : > Lehigh Co.,   :      :        :      :        :       :      :        :

                                                                   O ==== X   PA (1745)     X      O        X      X        X       X      X        X

                                                                 Maria : Johannas*       Johann   Maria   Johann  Johann  Johann  Johann Michael  Leonard

                                                             Elizabeth : Dietrich        Ulrich Catharine Ulrich  Martin   Adam    Jacob 

                                                             10/8/1730 : 12/1/1722

                                                             17/1/1802 : 22/9/1794                                                                    

                                                   Meitzler      :          :        :        :       :      :       :        :       :      :       :

                                                          O ==== X          X        X        X       X      O       X        O       X      O       X

                                                         Anna : Johann  Johannas  Johann   Johann  Johann  Maria    Johann  Maria  Johann Elizabeth Peter

                                                   Margaretha : Heinrich         Friederick Jacob  George Catharina Detrich Gertraut Adam 

                                                         175_ : 4/10/1754

                                                         183_ : 1837                                                                    

                                             Wesco      :              :         :         :         :             :           :       :

                                                 O ==== X              O         O         X         O             O           O       O

                                           Christina : John Adam   Catharina  Susanna  Heinrich  Elizabeth  Anna Margaretha  Salome  Maria

                                            6/4/1792 : 6/7/1790               18/4/1793

                                           26/5/1863 : 6/9/1871               30/9/1878                                                              

                                   Mensch     :                  :      :          :             :        :         :           :       :          :

                                       O ==== X                  X      O          X             O        O         X           O       X          O

                                     Maria : Benjamin Charles Joseph Luzette Isaac Mathias  Judith Ann  Esther Jonas Philip  Caroline William  Anna Maria

                                 30/4/1827 : 5/11/1827

                                  6/2/1905 : 6/8/1909                                                     

                        Haas        :               :         :         :        :       :       :       :

                            O ===== X               X         O         O        X       O       O       O

              Martha Elizabeth : Henry Benjamin  William  Christina  Elvenia   James   Maria   Hannah  Laura  

                      3/8/1857 : 18/2/1853       4/1850   2/12/1855          3/9/1862

                      8/1/1923 : 25/4/1929                10/1/1880         20/7/1873

              Williams  1   :      2                    :    Zellner       

                   O =1904= X ========== O              O ===== X                           

         Mary Elizabeth : Efinger S.S.  Pauline     Victoria   Frank 

               4/7/1883 : 8/14/1881

              26/6/1937 : 3/11/1946                                                             

                      :       Hutton              :   1  Smith    2   Hirst       Newcomb  1   :   2  Bachran 

                      O =1926= X                  X =1935= O ===1967=== X              X =1937= O =1978= X

                    Martha   Robert    George Williams : Miriam Fretz  Francis     Clarance   Bessie   Eugene

                                             27/6/1911 : 24/9/1909

                                             16/7/1956 : 20/3/1993                                     

                                    :      Frick                    :      Hackman     Eckelmeyer    :

                                    O =1959= X                      O =1961= X              X =1966= O

                             Mary Davis : Edward James   Arlene Williams : Rodney Warren   Albert Frederick: Phyllis Miriam

                              6/11/1937 : 24/12/1936           10/8/1940 : 16/11/1937            10/8/1942 : 14/11/1945

                                                   Krieg       :                    :      Fitz

                                                      X =1984= O                    O =1986= X

                                              Eric Andrew : Ellen Williams  Miriam Smith : Jeffrey Lyn

                                               21/12/1958 : 9/9/1961            3/7/1965 : 6/4/1962  

                                            :             :             :             :             :

                                            O             O             X             O             O

                                       Sarah Ellen   Linda Helen    Philip Eric  Kaitlin Maura   Jennifer Lyn

                                        15/10/1985   25/11/1987      15/1/1991     30/6/1989       27/1/1993
the following information was supplied by Christine:

        Christine <>

                                                                                    5/15/98 1:25


        Meitzler Genealogy



        mopp <Aghpa>

Dear Arlene and Eric,

Thank you very much for the Meitzler information.

You have quite a bit more than I have on early Meitzler

information, but I do have some that you don't that I will send

to you.  Most of my Meitzler information is from the mid 1800s

to the present and in Berks Co.  I am missing a generation or

2 to possibly connect them back to Lehigh Co. ???

I need to get census information for William Meitzler...


In addition to your information, I have:

Heinrich Meitzler and Gertraut also had son

    Johann J.    b. 5 Dec 1793

Conrad Meitzler and Maria Margaretha also had

    Wilhelm      b. 16 Apr 1784

    Johannes     b. 1790

    Maria        b. 21 Jun 1793


I'll keep looking and keep you posted.

Thanks again!

The following was posted by Arlene Hackman:

Dear Eric: 

Below is the information I tried to send to the lady who contacted you about

the Meitzlers. I sent it to "c" but it came back as not

deliverable so maybe I did something wrong and you could send it to her. Good


Dear Christine:

My son-in-law, Eric, told me that you are researching Meitzlers and saw the

name on his "page". He told me that you would be interested in hearing from me

so I am dropping you a note. I am not an expert computer person but I am able

to do some e-mail stuff. 

About the Meitzlers. I have only one on my tree and it is a female - Anna

Margaretha Meitzler - who is married to Johann Heinrich Gaumer. I know next to

nothing about her; but I do know that she was an active member of the Lehigh

Church, Zions Lutheran Church,  8291 Spring Creek Road, Albertus, Lower

Macungie, Lehigh County, PA. I happen to have a copy of  records of the church

which contain births/baptisms, confirmations, deaths and communicants starting

about 1750 and, according to the cover page, going to 1896 (although I can't

confirm that date). The record does not have an "every name index" so I had to

go through it page by page (about 200 pages) looking for Meitzlers. I did find

a few but not a David.

I will list what I found anyway. Here goes:


  Parents                              Child


Daniel Schmoyer      Maria C - 25 Jun 1776        Henirich Meitzler

   Catharina                                                      Maria Kieser

Heinrich Gaumer       Heinrich - 11 Feb 1780       Heinrich Meitzler

   Margaretha                                                    Gertraut


Conrath Meitzler       Conrath - 27 mar 1782        Heinrich Meitzler

   Margaretha                                                    Anna Rup

Heinrich Gaumer       Anna M - 8 Aug 1786         Conrath Meitzler

   Anna M                                                         Anna M

Conrath Meitzler       Elizabetha - 17 Feb 1787    Heinrich Knoblog

   Anna M                                                         and w

Heinrich Meitzler       Johann H - 30 May 1789     Johann J. Desch

   Gertraut                                                         Elizabeth


Heinrich Meitzler       Conrath - 7 Feb 1791          Conrath Meitzler

   Gertraut                                                         Margaretha

Heinrich Meitzler       Maria - 20 Jun 1792            Johann A. Gaumer 

    Gertraut                                                        Maria


Heinrich Meitzler       Johann D - 20 Jul 1795       Johann D. Gaumer

    Gertraut                                                        Margaretha

Philip Schmoyer       Judita - 29 Jan 1796            Conrath Meitzler

    Catharina                                                      Maria M.

Heinrich Meitzler      Catharina - 3 Mar 1798        Jacob Zimmerman

    Gertraut                                                        Catharina


Heinrich Meitzler      Salome - 8 Mar 1803           Heinrich Kaumer      

    Gertraut                                                        Catharina




Notes: Heinrich Meitzler's wife is Maria Gertraut Gaumer

           Heinrich Kaumer is Heinrich Gaumer

           Catharine Kaumer is Maria Catharine Gaumer

           Heinrich Gaumer is Johann Heinrich Gaumer

           Johann D. Gaumer is Johann Dietrich Gaumer

           Johann A. Gaumer is Johann Adam Gaumer

           Johann Heinrich Gaumer's wife is Anna Margaretha Meitzler

I know that Gertraut, Heinrich, Catharine, Dietrich, and Adam are all

siblings. In addition to them, there was Johannas, Johann Frederick, Johann

Jacob, Johann George, Elizabeth and Peter.

I do not know for sure but I would say that there is a possibility that

Conrath and Heinrich Meitzler are brothers of Anna Margaretha Meitzler. 


22 Oct 1820   - Joseph Rothenberger to Maria Meitzler

                     Witnesses - Jacob Meitzler

                                      - Conrad Meitzler

4 May 1889   - Alfred Meitzler to Lillie Schlegel


17 Oct 1886  Peter Meitzler

4 Nov 1888    Charles N. Meitzler

2 NOv 1890    Alfred Meitzler

30 Oct 1892   Sallie V. Meitzler

2 Dec 1894    Walter Z. V. Meitzler

26 Oct 1896   L. Herbert T. Meitzler

23 Oct 1898   Henry W. Meitzler

12 Oct 1902   Mamie M. Meitzler

 Maria Meitzler, Gertraut Meitzler, Catharine Meitzler and Elizabeth Meitzler

were listed as "Communicants" for the years from 1807 through 1823.

Conrad Meitzler is listed as being a Pvt 6th Class in the Associators and

Militia of the County of Northampton during the Revolution on p. 60 of the PA

Archives, 5th Series Vol. VIII.

Henry Meitzler is also listed  as a Pvt. 5th Class in the same PA Archives on

p. 106.

Well, I hope this info is of some use to you. Let me know . You may have more

information that I do, for I certainly have very little.


Arlene Gaumer Hackman
This page is provided by Eric Krieg
who is available as

go to Eric's home page