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What If Cold Fusion Is Real? - Wired Magazine Article, Nov. 1998

by Charles Platt, Wired Magazine

The full text of the really great review on Cold Fusion from the Wired Magazine Article, Nov. 1998, is now at:


The website article is 11 pages long, for easy printing (hint!).

"It is one of the very best general media accounts of cold fusion to date. Charles Platt is to be congratulated for his excellent treatment." - Eugene Mallove.

Here below are the old Oct. 1998 email posts about this article, FYI:

Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 13:15:57 -0800
To: pgb@padrak.com (BCC: Energy_Send_,List)
Subject: FWD: Wired Magazine CF Article: GET IT!

Subject: Wired Magazine 11/98: Cold Fusion Article
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 98 22:56:16 -0000
From: "E.F. Mallove" 
To: [snip]

Fellow journalists and scientists --

The cold fusion article in Wired Magazine by Charles Platt has just come 
out in the November issue. Magazines with the article should begin to 
appear on newsstands in the next few days as the old issue (October) is 
replaced. Today we were sent a fax of the article, "Dirty Science: The 
Strange Rebirth of Cold Fusion," by the Wired reprint service. The 
feature article spans 18 pages. It is one of the very best general media 
accounts of cold fusion to date. Charles Platt is to be congratulated for 
his excellent treatment.

Get it, read it, think about it. I will not spoil your reading of it by 
telling you much about it -- except to say that it is brutally frank and 
that it will open many eyes.

Best wishes,


Dr. Eugene F. Mallove, Editor-in-Chief
Infinite Energy Magazine
Cold Fusion Technology, Inc.
P.O. Box 2816
Concord, NH 03302-2816

Ph: 603-228-4516
Fax: 603-224-5975


Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 13:16:22 -0800 To: pgb@padrak.com (BCC: Energy_Send_,List) From: pgb@padrak.com (Patrick Bailey) Subject: FWD: More on the Wired CF Article: PRESS RELEASE Subject: Press Release on Wired CF Article Date: Fri, 23 Oct 98 10:57:52 -0000 From: "E.F. Mallove" To: [snip] * * * PRESS RELEASE * * * Wired Magazine's Expose' of the Cold Fusion Scandal FROM: Infinite Energy Magazine Cold Fusion Technology, Inc. PO Box 2816 Concord, NH 03302-2816 Phone: 603-228-4516 Fax: 603-224-5975 http://www.infinite-energy.com and New Energy Research Laboratory (NERL) Bow Technologies Center Bow, New Hampshire October 23, 1998 Concord, NH - Wired Magazine, the high-tech journal of the digital age, takes a giant leap forward for truth in science journalism with its latest issue. Charles Platt's 18-page expose' article in the November 1998 Wired, "Dirty Science: The Strange Rebirth of Cold Fusion" makes it abundantly clear that the world very likely is facing an energy and scientific revolution of unprecedented scale. Infinite Energy magazine initiated Platt's interest in the subject, as he recounts. Platt also identifies one of the key problems for cold fusion, which is not the lack of results or significant publication, but the refusal of key opinion-molding science journals to publish scientific papers with rock-solid findings that are at odds with supposedly bullet-proof theories of modern physics and chemistry. Platt faults science journalist Gary Taubes, who assaulted the reputations of scientists at Texas A&M University in 1990, and later in his negative book, with what quickly proved to be totally false allegations of fraud. Platt discusses the work of scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory and elsewhere that refute the allegations. When asked, Platt told Infinite Energy magazine that Taubes refused to allow his comments to Platt to be published. Infinite Energy Magazine is proud to have contributed to the one of the best single journalistic accounts on the cold fusion scandal since the famous Fleischmann and Pons press conference at the University of Utah on March 23, 1989. Infinite Energy's Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Eugene Mallove encouraged author Charles Platt to explore cold fusion and draw his own conclusions, and he did. Platt writes: "At most, the story of cold fusion represents a colossal conspiracy of denial. At least, it is one of the strangest untold stories in 20th -century science." Of course, Infinite Energy magazine agrees with the first possibility, but readers of Platt's seminal investigative report can decide for themselves. To investigate the cold fusion scandal, Platt traveled to cold fusion companies and interviewed some of the hundreds of scientists who work in this field as heroes unsung by the general media, such as The New York Times - which continues to act as though cold fusion science and technology do not exist. Platt attended the Seventh International Conference on Cold Fusion in Vancouver, British Columbia in April 1998 to see for himself whether cold fusion evidence is real, or whether hundreds of scientists are engaged in mass-delusion. It is unfortunate that other science journalists did not attend ICCF7, preferring as they do to follow the path of least resistance, which is to say - to do nothing. Perhaps after reading the expose' by Charles Platt, they will have second thoughts. But don't hold your breath! *** END ***
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 1998 11:40:35 -0800 To: pgb@padrak.com (BCC: All_Send_Lists) From: pgb@padrak.com (Patrick Bailey) Subject: Wired Article to be on the web: What If Cold Fusion Is Real? Wired Magazine - Issue 6.11, Number 25 "What If Cold Fusion Is Real?" [Major Long Article!] "It was dismissed as scientific schlock, maybe fraud, nearly a decade ago and journals refuse to print a single word on it. So why is cold fusion still being researched in labs around the world?" By Charles Platt Read the rest on newsstands now - complete content available online November 27, 1998. http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/6.11/

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