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Courtesy of Dr. Peter Gluck

From: NEN, Vol. 4, No. 5, September 1996, pp. 6-7.
New Energy News (NEN) copyright 1996 by Fusion Information Center, Inc.
COPYING NOT ALLOWED without written permission.

V.A. Filimonov (Chem. Dept., Belarus St. Univ., Minsk, Belarus), "Cold Fusion and Transmutation of Nuclei: Recent Achievements and Old Problems"


Corroborative evidence on radiationless production of excess heat by "Cold Fusion" systems were reported during last two or three years. Thousandfold excess heat release as related to electrical power input was demonstrated under operating Patterson Power Cell (USA) using complex palladium cathodes for light water electrolysis, much more excess heat to input energy relation was reported by Arata (Japan) under electrolysis of heavy water using similar cathodes, etc.

Nevertheless, no satisfactory theoretical explanation for non-conventional rates of nuclear transformations "in the cold" is proposed. The problem of poor reproducibility, both quantitative and qualitative one, has not been solved until now.

Noted controversy is analyzed within Synergetic Activation model by the author. Both experimental data and useful analogies with extra-high chemical processes in solids are considered. Invalidity of quantum approaches to provide general explanation for "cold" nuclear reactions is stated.

Our conclusions are as follows: 1) no radical changes in nuclear physics paradigm for Coulomb barrier height or sections of nuclear interaction changing is needed to explain experimental data obtained; 2) consideration of cooperative self-organization processes in highly nonequilibrium conditions providing non-conventional probabilities of high-energy excitations in condensed media is significant for understanding Cold Fusion and Transmutation.

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