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Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 16:33:27 +0800
From: Raymond Dale 
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Stevens Coil

Dear Patrick,

Very sorry for the unavoidable delay on Stevens coil information.
I hope you will find it useful.

14 February 1197

Steven Mark a.k.a

Jan. 30,1954, Pennysylvania

7435 Hummingbird Lane. Anaheim Hills, CA 92808.

Over Unity, solid state electrical output for lighting, no apparent
input, appears toroidal in geometry or similar to a Hendershot
Generator, will not demonstrate device running motors. Video tape shows
three devices of different sizes.

1. Overheard to say while drinking "Well what if I do have batteries in
it? ItÕs still better than anyone else can do."

2 . Claims his uncle works for the U.S. Navy.

3. Fantasises about Royalty, claims his grandfather was an Admiral for
the Russian Navy.

4. Australian, Japanese and Eastern block nations have attempted to
negotiate for the technology.

5. Claims to have built his first device 15 years ago, claims to have
worked as foreman for Rolls Royce, also that he was the youngest
technician ever hired by RCA.

6. Claims to have a BSME degree from a university in Pennsylvania, but
no record can be found.

7. Has been involved in sound technology for home entertainment, his 3D
sound system was found to have enhanced effects due to hidden speakers
in the walls of the room used for demonstrations.

8. Has attempted to broker numerous inventions, some of them stolen by
others such as E225, a chemical used to break up oil spills. This was
reported stolen by Marcus Langer-Curry, an Austrian who claimed to be a

9. Has demoÕed the sound technology to Hollywood celebrities such as
Priscilla Presley and Arnold Schwarzenegger as well as to the President
of ICM, International Creative Management, one of the largest firms
representing actors in the entertainment business.

Tom Pollack, President of Universal Studios, also saw the sound
technology. When he attempted to have his chief sound engineer examine
the technology, Mark refused to talk to him or any other engineer.

The energy technology was demonstrated to the President of Toyota USA,
Mark refused to allow Toyota to physicists to test the device.

10. Is expert at faking heart attacks etc when an engineer is about to
hook up test equipment, thus killing the deal.

11. Monthly budget last 7 years.
$30K per month for,
4 Cadillacs
body guard
$5000/month rent on mansion.

12. Has stated that "The name of the game is to find the investor with
the most money."

13. Associates
Bill Cavenaugh - Lawyer
Doug Cavenaugh
Paul G Stemm, Universal Energy Corporation, Bank Underwriter, Lawyer,
barred from doing business in the U.S. Lives with his girlfriend in the
Philippines, has filed bankruptcy numerous times, wife and two children
live in Irvine, CA, has not practised law in 20 years. Peninsula Court
Bldg, Suit 413, Metro Manila Phone 011-63-2-810-9284/8945358. Ah
8193856, 8735 Paseo de Roxas, 1200 Makati, Metro Manila
Jan Oliver - Scottsdale, AZ, sends cash payments, represents; Steve
Talent, Miami billionaire
Larry Saylor, formerly with Delta Airlines Howard Frantom - former
president of LA Cellular, lost big bucks investing
Rob Alexander, CEO Extreme Technologies
Brian Collins (Perth Australia) 61-9-4704656 mobile 0412 922803 David
Doleshal 1-800-920-4292

14. Other Companies, ventures, some based in Vancouver, BC International
Spheric Audio Labatories, subsidiary of PCBC Portacom Wireless
Extreme Technologies, subsidiary of Portico Dwyer Corporation,
incorporated in Turks and Caicos Islands (Netherlands), with bank
account in Hong Kong

15. Typical mode of operation:
Finds investors, does demo, shows problem such as the device wonÕt work
when upside down or it over heats, all of which can be solved for an
additional million. When investors get impatient, Mark kills the deal
through stock manipulations, corporate politicking working the investors
against each other by lying to one about the other and so on. Eventually
the deal gets so screwed up the investors go away and Mark is looking
for another investor.
Raymond Dale
Perth Australia

Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 14:59:44 +0800
From: Raymond Dale 
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Stevens Coil

Dear Patrick,
To your question - Can I post it on the INE web site?
Yes you may.
Raymond Dale

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May 23, 1997.