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Call For Papers - Second Announcement

Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 10:57:59 -0800
To: (OBRL Forward)
From: (James DeMeo)
Subject: Space-Energy Conference in Russia

Orgone Biophysical Research Lab Forwarded News Item
>From Natalia Uldastova

Following is an announcement of a conference for the: International Committee on Researches of Cosmic-Helio-Geophysical Correlations in Physical-Chemical, Biological and Social Processes.

Or, in French:
Comite International de Recherche et D'Etude de Facteurs de L'Ambiance C.I.F.A.

This group takes much of its developmental direction from both Giorgio Piccardi, the Italian Chemist ("Chemical Basis of Medical Climatology") and the Russian solar-terrestrial researcher A.L.Chizhevsky.

Natural Energy Works carries a xerox volume of Abstracts from the Third International Symposium of CIFA, held in Pushchino, Russia. ($17 from Natural Energy Works, PO Box 1148, Ashland, Oregon 97520) An incredible group of researchers, engaged in study of cosmic factors which appear very similar to Reich's orgone energy, or which at least require the existence of an energetic medium in space by which solar-terrestrial influences can be transmitted.

CIFA General Assembly
The Fourth International Pushchino Symposium


Dedicated to the centennial of helio-biology founder
A.L.Chizhevsky (1897 - 1964)

September 23 - 28, 1996, PUSHCHINO (Moscow Region, RUSSIA)


Three international Symposiums in Pushchino on problems of research of space and helio-geophysical external factors influences on biological and physico-chemical fluctuation processes were held in the past (1983, 1990, 1993). The Proceedings of the Third Symposium are in effect published in issues 4 and 5 (1995) of Biophysica journal.

We invite the participation in the symposium of experts of many branches of knowledge - physicists, chemists, mathematicians, biologists, etc. However, joint work of experts of such different areas makes specific requirements on the lecturers. It is necessary that the reports are clear to experts of other specialities, in particular, it is very desirable that space-geo-heliophysical research is submitted in connection with possible biological effects.

Attention! The deadline for abstract reception is extended
till May 1 1996.

Those wanting to participate in Fourth Symposium should fill out the Registration form and/or send brief abstract of their report to the Organising Committee. The abstracts should take not more then 1 page. The text should be printed by sharp font on standard sheet of white paper (format A4) with margins not less then 2 cm from each side. Please send two copies of abstract in English language. Illustrations are allowable. The dispatch of thesis on e-mail is preferable (in this case you should not send the printed copy of text). As done previously, we intend to publish abstracts of reports before the beginning of the Symposium and Proceedings later in special issues of journal Biophysica.

Abstracts should be send not later than on May 1, 1996.

Registration fee: 100 USD, paying during the registration.

Provisional program of Symposium

September 23. The opening of symposium. A.L.CHIZHEVSKY: essay of life and creativity. The modern condition of heliobiology. Air-ions in medicine and biology.

September 24. Cosmo-geophysical correlations in biological processes. The general assembly CIFA.

September 25. Cosmo-geophysical correlations in medicine.

September 26.Cosmo-geophysical correlations in physico-chemical and physical processes and their possible mechanisms.

September 27. General discussion. Excursion to the museum of A.L.CHIZHEVSKY (Kaluga). The closing of symposium.


Dear colleagues!

The practice of international symposiums of different structure of previous years results in the necessity of significant change of style of execution of such arrangements. So that all participants of the symposium can have the opportunity to present their results and concepts, we ask the authors - lecturers to be limited by THREE (!) slides with the most relevant descriptive information.

Such style of reports allows to give the opportunity for a brief message (not more than 15 minutes) for the majority of participants of the symposium, not dividing them to "classes" of posters and plenary messages. These restrictions, naturally, do not exclude the opportunity of detailed representation of all materials, for example as additional poster, and discussion with interested participants at the special meeting.

Chairman of Organising Committee: S.E.SHNOL'

Organising Committee:

Chairman: Prof.S.SHNOL', vice-president of CIFA Secretary: Dr.N.UDALTSOVA, general secretary of CIFA Technical secretary: T.MALOVA

Members of Organising Committee:
L.Chailahjan (Pushchino)
E.Fesenko (Pushchino)
O.Gazenko (Moscow)
V.Oraevsky (Moscow)
I.Shtrankfeld (Moscow)
B.Vladimirsky (Crimea)
A.Naumov (Pushchino)
A.Kulikov (Pushchino)
V.Ivkov (Pushchino)
V.Kornilov (Pushchino)
L.Agoulova (Pushchino)
T.Breus (Pushchino)
T.Peterson (Cleveland, USA)
L.Engelgardt (Kaluga)

Organising Committee Address:

Dr. Natalia Udaltsova, ITEB RAS, Pushchino, Moscow Region, 142292, Russia
FAX: ( 095 ) 924-04-93
Phone (home) (0967) 73-31-20

1. Surname, name (full), year of birth
2. Scientist degree, rank
3. Location of job, post
4. Mail address for correspondence
5. Telephone, fax, e-mail
6. Title of proposed report

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