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RS Electrogravitic References: Part 9 of 19.
INTRODUCTION TO EXPERIMENTAL GRAVITONICS Abstract of book by S.M.Poliakov and O.S.Poliakov The experiments part covers the following subjects: 1. Light-beam curvature and optical-radiation frequency shift is created and investigated in an artificial nonhomogeneous gravitational field. A new gravitational effect, named "quadrature" frequency shift in the curved light beam is predicted and calculated. 2. Magnetostriction is at last explained as a secondary gravitational effect. An equation derived for magnetostriction permits to calculate the magnetostriction curve. 3. The propagation velocity of gravitational radiation (generated by a laboratory source) was measured for "quadrupole" - 9x10E20 cm/s or squared light velocity. 4. It was demonstrated that gravitation is only one of NONLINEAR-MECHANICS EFFECT, that can be created in mechanical system or in ferromagnetic. The book was published at the author's expense in 1991. Most powerful experimental result described in this book is more than 1200 gramms of pulsed G-force. Several mechanical systems and systems using ferrites are detailed here. Second edition in English is ready for copy process (disket's text). Editors and investors are interested in joint project for publication can get direct contact with Dr. Poliakov by address: Moscow area, 141120, FRIAZINO, 60-let str., 1-167. Phone 7-095-4658822. Alexander V. Frolov P.O.Box 37, St.-Petersburg, 193024, Russia. E-mail: ______________________________________________________________________ Super-weapon designer Edward Teller has written an article entitled: "Electromagnetism and Gravitation", Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA Vol 74, No 4. P. 2664-2666. Teller's article is referenced in the book by the Poliakov brothers about Russian experiments in gravitation control. ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------- I wrote already about Poliakov's book "Experimental Gravitonics". He wrote it in 1991 and published in Russian. Now he have English version as MSDOS text on diskett. If you wish help for Dr.Poliakov, write for him and buy book in Russian or copy of text in English. Here is more information. -- Alex Frolov "Experimental Gravitonics" Spartak M. Poliakov, Oleg S. Poliakov Russia 141120 Moscow area, Friazino, 60-let SSSR str., 1 - 167. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 New notions of things forgotten long ago @1 Is the "light barrier" penetrable? p.7 @2 Energy relations and the mechanism of "C-barrier" penetration. p.10 Chapter 2 Microstructural models of the photon and electron @1 What do we know about the photon, an electromagnetic-radiation quantum? p.21 @2 Uniquanta parameters p.23 1. Uniquanta spin ( postulated ) p.23 a. Linear polarization Fig.8a p.25 b. Circularly polarized nonrotating photon Fig.8b. p.26 c. Circularly polarized rotating photon. P.26 2. Magnetic moment of a uniquantum (postulated) p.27 3. Uniquantum gravitational mass ( postulated ) p.27 4. Equivalent charge and radius of a uniquantum. p.27 5. Tangential velocity of uniquantum rotation p.29 6. Uniquantum magnetic field p.30 7. Gravitational constant of the uniquantum p.30 8. Gravitational field of the uniquantum p.31 @3 Photon model p.32 @4 Phenomenological microstructural model of the electron p.35 @5 Derivation of approximate gravitational equations of practical interest p.45 part 2 Experimental verification of new gravitational equations p.55 Chapter 1 Experimental verification of mechanical gravitational equations @1 Problems pertaining to the velocity of gravitational-radiation propagation p.56 @2 Principles of determining the propagation velocity of the unknow radiation from the measured momentum of recoil. p.59 @3 Description of the experimental set-up p.64 @4 Gyroscopic multipole "Buket" (Bouget) p.68 @5 Investigation of the effects of dummy shock rotation p.77 @6 The effect of shock braking of the rotating gyroscope p.79 @7 Quadrupole generator of directional gravitational radiation "Yoilka" (Fir) p.80 1. Swing of dummies p.82 2. Swing of gyroscopes p.83 3. Precession of dummies p.84 4. Precession of gyroscopes p.85 @8 Experimental results for the quadrupole generator p.86 @9 Mathematical model of the quadrypole generator p.89 @10 Questions of practical application of the results p.107 Chapter 2 Experimental verification of the natural relation between magnetism and gravitation, corollaries from the microstructural model of electron p.111 @1 Gravitational interpretation of magnetostriction p.114 Experimental results p.117 @2 Magnetostrictive curvature of optical beam p.118 Choice of the material for magnetogravioptical investigations p.121 Magnetic-gap parameters p.123 Experimental methods p.123 @3 Gravioptical effects in GRT p.126 @4 Gravitational frequency shift of optical relation in a nonhomogeneously -magnetized ferromagnetic material p.128 @5 Quadratic gravioptical effect p.130 @6 Some fantastic possibilities opening for modern fundamental science p131 @7 Generator of short gravitational pulses ( by ferromagnetics ) p.134 @8 Problem of gravitational receiver p.137 Conclusion p.139 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. H.E.Puthoff, The energetic vacuum: implications for energy research, Speculations in science and technology, vol.13, No.3, p.247. 2. Thomas Valone, Inertial propulsion... Newsletter of Planetary Association for Clean Energy, vol.7 No.1, p.6-12. Published by PACE, Inc. 100 Bronson Av.,Suite 1001, Ottawa, Ontario K1R 6G8, Canada. 3. Re NASA electrostatic levitation experiments and Thomas Townsend Brown's research look the Newsletter of Planetary Association for Clean Energy, vol.7 No.4.p.7. July, 1994. "Electrogravitics developments" reprinted from NEXUS Special. 4. "The Swiss Methernitha-Linden Converter", p.3-6. Space Energy Newsletter, June 1993, vol.4 No.2. Published by Space Energy Association, P.O.Box 11422, Clearwater, FL 34616, USA. My understanding of this electrostatic machine allows development of a simple scheme: self-rotating thanks to electrostatic forces disk and ordinary electrical generator connected with axis of disk. 5. Conception of Edmund Whittaker (papers of 1903-1904) is developed by T.E.Bearden in his book "Gravitobiology", published by Tesla Book Co., P.O.Box 121873, Chula Vista, CA 91912, USA. 6. P.D. Ouspensky, A New Model of the Universe, New York, 1971.p.433 in Russian edition of 1993. 7. Example of joint demonstration of "gravity/chronal/over-unit power" effect is invention of Ivan Stepanovitch Filimonenko of 1960. His version of cold fusion system produced: 1. Heat power 2. Motive force without fling back of mass 3. Influence on time-period of half-decay. Article of N.E.Zaev published in "Izobretatel i Razionalizator", Russia, No.1 1995, p.8-9. 8. Alexander V. Frolov, The Application of Potential Energy for Creation of Power, New Energy News, vol.2, No.1, May 1994. Published by Institute for New Energy, P.O.Box 58639, Salt Like City, UT 84158-8639, USA. 9. V.V.Lensky, General for Many-Polarity, Irkutsk, Russia, 1986. Published in Russian by Irkutsk University. 10. N.A.Kozyrev, Selected works, 1991, published by University of St.- Petersburg, in Russian. =================================================================== BEARDEN, THOMAS E., AND WALTER ROSENTHAL (1991). "ON A TESTABLE UNIFICATION OF ELECTROMAGNETICS, GENERAL RELATIVITY, AND QUANTUM MECHANICS," 26TH IECEC, VOL. 4, PAGES 487-492, AND ASSOCIATION OF DISTINGUISHED AMERICAN SCIENTISTS. BEARDEN, THOMAS (1992). "A REDEFINITION OF THE ENERGY ANSATZ, LEADING TO A FUNDAMENTALLY NEW CLASS OF NUCLEAR INTERACTIONS," 27TH IECEC, PAGES 4.303-4.310, AND ASSOCIATION OF DISTINGUISHED AMERICAN SCIENTISTS. GROTZ, TOBY (1992). "THE USE OF MIRROR IMAGE SYMMETRY IN COIL WINDING, APPLICATIONS AND ADVANTAGES IN MAGNETIC FIELD GENERATION," 27TH IECEC, PAGES 4.311-4.313. HATHAWAY, GEORGE D. (1991). "FROM ANTI-GRAVITY TO ZERO-POINT ENERGY: A TECHNICAL REVIEW OF ADVANCED PROPULSION CONCEPTS," AIDAA/AIAA/DGLR/JSASS 22ND INTERNATIONAL ELECTRIC PROPULSION CONFERENCE, VIAREGGIO, ITALY. LAVIOLETTE, PAUL A. (1991). "SUBQUANTUM KINETICS: EXPLORING THE CRACK IN THE FIRST LAW," 26TH IECEC, VOL. 4, PAGES 352-357. SURGALLA, LYNN A. (1991). "NONLINEAR DYNAMICS: MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS FOR 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGY (A TUTORIAL FOR ENGINEERS)," 26TH IECEC, VOL. 4, PAGES 394-399. VALONE, THOMAS (1991). "NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY AND PROPULSION METHODS," 26TH IECEC, VOL. 4, PAGES 439-444. DEPALMA, BRUCE (1991). "MAGNETISM AS A DISTORTION OF A PRE-EXISTENT PRIMORDIAL ENERGY FIELD AND THE POSSIBILITY OF EXTRACTION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY DIRECTLY FROM SPACE," 26TH IECEC, VOL. 4, PAGES 429-432. VALONE, THOMAS (1991). "THE ONE-PIECE FARADAY GENERATOR: RESEARCH RESULTS," 26TH IECEC, VOL. 4, PAGES 473-478. --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ AUTHOR :Znidarsic, Frank TITLE :Elementary antigravity / Frank Znidarsic. LANGUAGE :ENGLISH PUBLISHED :New York : Vantage Press ; 1989 PHYSICAL DESC :53 p. ; 21 cm. SUBJECT :Gravitation, Antigravity Title: THE SOURCE OF INERTIAL AND GRAVITATIONAL MASS Author: Frank Znidarsic P.E. FZNIDARS@GPU.COM, ELECTRICAL ENGINEER WITH THE PENN ELECTRIC CO. JOHNSTOWN, Pa. COMMENTS: 8 PAGES ASCII TXT FILE. NEW ENERGY PROJECT, Submitted to the Canadian Journal of Physics, July 94 resubmitted Jan 95 Texted in the DOS editor. (Available at Elektromagnum web site) Title: GENESIS OF AND ZERO POINT ENERGY Author: FZNIDARSIC@GPU.COM, F. Znidarsic Electrical Engineer with the Pennsylvania Electric Co. Johnstown Pa. Comments: ASCII *.TXT, 5 PAGES, Texted on DOS editor submitted to the Canadian Journal of Physics July 94, Resubmitted Jan 95 Report_no: Special Energy Prog. (Available at Elektromagnum web site) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Jackson text is entirely wrong if it does discuss magnetic fields without a potential - the electromagnetic 4-potential A always applies to the conservation of 4-momentum (energy and momentum) by electromagnetic interactions. See GRAVITATION by Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler. ------------------------------ --------------------------------------- The causative agent of gravitational gradients (Potential) was first enumerated G. L. Le Sage in 1784. H. A. Lorentz and G. H. Darwin evaluated Le Sage's postulate mathematically and rejected it when, as a result of their evaluation, it was found that although the postulated process could describe all observed gravitational phenomena (and inherently results is GR), the mechanism REQUIRED a continuous overall LOSS of energy (apparently disappearing into matter, in a clear violation of the conservation of energy). I could go on to suggest that mining this concept and process could lead one to significant "pay dirt" in terms of understanding how GR relates to QM. The kinetic model of Le Sage does lead to a valid model for physical processes. The key is Super-Fluid theory. Both GR and QM are fully described as well as why each dominates at the scales they do. Hemholtz proved that a superfluid vortex ring is infinitely stable and without a boundary dis- continuty can not be created or destroyed. Kelvin mathematically proved that the equations that describe small linear disturbances in a a superfluid vortex sponge are IDENTICAL to the equations that describe the propogation of light through space. A EXCELLENT book on this topic is "A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity" by Sir Edmund Whitaker, Dover Reprint 1989 and I can not give any reference a higher recommendation. Why is this information not known, that sir is a very long and interesting story. - Paul Stowe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For a much more current model, than LeSage, of a sink-source interpretation of gravity, see O.C. Hilgenberg's "Gravitation, Tromben, und Wellen in bewegten Medien" (1931), GieSmann & Bartsch. It's in German. It's in the National Union Catalogue. If you don't read German, then Carl Frederick Krafft's "Ether and Matter" (1945), Dietz Printing Co., contains some portions translated from Hilgenberg's work. Hilgenberg developed a quantum numbering system of the atoms based upon Krafft's ether-vortex atom model, entitled "Quantenzahlen, Wirbelring-Atommodelle und Heliumsechserring- Aufbauprinzip des Periodensystems der chemischen Elemente" Which means roughly: A Quantum Number, Vortex Atom model and Hexagonal-ring construction principle of the periodic system of the chemical elements. Krafft saw the quantization of energy as a logical consequence of a system of particles consisting of, basically, pumps, which could take in and give out energy and ether/space at limited rates, based on rotations of the various rings. In his model, as opposed to LeSage's, the flux terminates in what he called equipotential zones, much as one would see if two jets of water were to collide coaxially. So, the intake of two bodies "squirting" out ether, will be on the back sides of both bodies, and hence, they are pushed together. LeSage saw each body acting as sheilds to the ultramundane particles racing in all directions in space (cosmic rays forseen in the 18th century!) Thus the two bodies move into each others 'shadow'. Louis Kevran's work on low energy transmutations of the elements was predicted by Krafft's model. And there was a man named Nemos who claimed to have developed a television type microscope not limited by the optical paths of standard microscopes, and I have a photo he took which shows, it is claimed, the nucleous of an iron atom, as a collection of vortices arranged peripherally (non-coaxially). It's like looking down on pearl-like smoke rings connected by vibrating jets. It's an amazing photo(?) Krafft's prediction was that the proton and electron would be double vortex structures, and the neutron a triple vortex structure. The picture seems to confirm that. So much for my two bits. The work of Krafft is not heavily laden with math. The beauty of it to me is it can be visualized. (Note: Nemo's "microscope" may be based on the technology very recently developed which is known as magnetic microscopy.) I have a neat little book written by Carl Krafft, back in the 30s. He was an avid developer of an ether-vortex theory of atomic and gravitational forces. His theory was underpinned by the writings of O.C. Hilgenberg and Hermanne Fricke of Germany, pre-Nazi. Hilgenberg's views included a vertical ether sink as the cause of gravity, and the consequent development of mass in the enterior of the earth. Hence the earth expanded over time, with periodic explosive expansions and contractions. Meanwhile, Krafft developed the idea of combining vortices in face to face rolling contact, which provides four basic forms: single vortice=neutrino; double vortice, with rolling contact drawing ether into the periphery-proton; with rolling contact into the poles-electron; then the neutron which is three vortices combining forming a neutral, polarizeable particle drawing ether into one end, out the sides, in the sides out the other end. Krafft's books were all self published. -- Roger Cathey ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is there anyone out there who is familiar with modern Kaluza-Klein theory? Or even with the kind Kaluza got Einstein to buy into in 1921 or whenever it was...? This is supposed to unify gravity and electromagnetics in a five- dimensional model. Would it not predict the kind of effects Brown was experimenting with, if true? -John Sangster Kaluza and Klein had the idea of extending GR to 5 dimensions. When they did Maxwell's eqns. just sort of pop out. Unfortunately the weak and strong nuclear forces don't. So people try expanding GR into 10, 11 or even 26. It's interesting to do the reverse. Expand Maxwell's eqns. into 5 dimensions. I did it and soon I'll (hopefully) give some details. But essentially you get two out of three of Newton's gravitational equations. You get something similar to the third eqn. but I haven't convinced myself that mine is a generalization of Newton's. -Ray Cote, KSC Kaluza-Klein theories are an attempt to give a general relativistic explaination for all the forces of nature not just gravity. The original Kaluza-Klein idea was hatched in 1920 by Kaluza and in 1926 by Klein. The basic idea is that there are 4 space dimensions and 1 time dimension (a 5 dimensional maifold) rather than the 3 space dimensions and 1 time dimesnions that there appear to be. Then generalizing Einsteins field equations to this 5 dimensional space (and making the assumption that one of the dimensions gets "curled" up or "compactified") you find that you get Einsteins 4D field equations plus Maxwell's equations. The way that this happens is one of the most beautiful aspects of this theory, and it really makes you (or at least it makes me) think that there should be at least some aspect of this theory that has some correspondence in reality. Kaluza-Klein theories were revived in the mid seventies by A. Chodos (I think) who showed how you can incorparte all the interactions that we know about now (the strong and the weak forces which weren't unified with gravity in Kaluza's original theory, which only unified EM and gravity) by taking spacetime to be 11 dimensional (10 space dimensions and 1 time). I can't really think of a good laymans intro to Kaluza-Klein, but there is a Physics Report in 1985 and 1986 that gives a review of Kaluza-Klein theories by Bailin and Love (?). And there is a Frontiers of Physics book edited by T. Appelquist which reprints most of the important articles on the subject. - Doug Singleton ------------------------------------------------------------ "The Possibly Unifying Effect of the Dynamic Theory", May 1983, by P.E. Williams This is part of a series of works by Williams. The novel aspect of the work it that Williams starts from thermodynamics instead of the usual general relativistic and Newtonian approach. Williams develops the 5-D field equations and the neo-coulombic potential. The equations allow for inductive coupling between the electric and gravitational fields. -- Dennis Cravens ------------------------------------------------------------------ Kaku, Michio. Hyperspace : a scientific odyssey through parallel universes, time warps, and the 10th dimension / Michio Kaku. New York : Oxford University Press, LC CALL NUMBER: QC793.3.F5 K35 1994 *CIP SUBJECTS: Kaluza-Klein theories. Superstring theories. Hyperspace. ISBN: 0195085140 (alk. paper) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE INTERACTION OF MAGNETIZATIONS WITH AN EXTERNAL ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD AND A TIME-DEPENDENT MAGNETIC AHARONOV-BOHM EFFECT Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). AFANASEV, G.N. NELHIEBEL, M. STEPANOVSKIJ, YU. P. AB(Technische Univ., Vienna, Austria.) AC(Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine, Kharkov, Ukraine.) 1994 20 PAGES DE95-613463 JINR-E-2-94-297 Avail: CASI HC A03/MF A01 (US Sales Only) We investigate how the choice of the magnetization distribution inside the sample affects its interaction with the external electromagnetic field. The strong selectivity to the time dependence of the external electromagnetic field arises for the particular magnetizations. This can be used for the storage and ciphering of information. We propose a time- dependent Aharonov-Bohm-like experiment in which the phase of the wave function is changed by the time-dependent vector magnetic potential. The arising time-dependent interference picture may be viewed as a new channel for the information transfer. CASI Accession Number: N95-30368 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR :Doughty, Noel A. (Noel Arthur) TITLE :Lagrangian interaction : an introduction to relativistic symmetry in electrodynamics and gravitation / Noel A. Doughty. PUBLISHED :Sydney ; Readwood City, Calif. : Addison-Wesley, c1990. DESC :xix, 569 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. SUBJECT :Electrodynamics, Gravitation, Relativity, Symmetry ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ GENERALIZED HALL ACCELERATION FOR SPACE PROPULSION SASOH, AKIHIRO AATohoku University, Sendai, Japan In: International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 18th, Kagoshima, Japan, May 17-22, 1992. Vols. 1 & 2 . A95-82299 Tokyo, Japan ISTS Editorial Board 1992 6 PAGES 1992 p. 403-408 The operation characteristics of electric propulsion devices which utilize Hall effect have been generalized. The electrostatic acceleration is enhanced by thermoelectric effect; an ion kinetic energy can be higher than that associated with the electrostatic potential. Depending on the extent of this effect, there exist two acceleration modes, an electrostatic and an electrostatic/electrothermal hybrid one, the latter characterized by low voltage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABSTRACTS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY: vol. 12 (1991)p.572 Abstract *91T-81-200 by Alexander Abian: "The inertia of Time and the energy spent on moving Time forward" vol. 13 (1992)p.344 Abstract *92T-81-79 by Alexander Abian: "The universal Time" vol. 15 (1994)p.437 Abstract *94T-81-92 by Alexander Abian "Time has inertia. Equivalence of Time and mass" vol. 15 (1994)p.585 Abstract *94T-81-164 by Alexander Abian "Time has inertia. Equivalence of Time and mass. How to measure the mass of Time" _____________________________________________________________________________Go to the Next RS EG Refs. Page