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RS Electrogravitic References: Part 19 of 19.

Selected Publications by LEONARD PARKER

* On the Magnetic Moment of a Charged Particle in a Changing 
Magnetic Field, Nuovo Cimento 408 99 (1965). * Equivalence Principle and 
Motion of a Gyroscope, Physical Review 
175, 1658 (1968).
* Motion in a Schwarzschild Field I. Precession of a Moving 
Gyroscope, American Journal of Physics 37, 309 (1969). * Faster-Than-Light 
Inertl Review 
188, 2287 (1969).
* Special Relativity and Diagonal Transformations (with G. Schmieg), 
American Journal of Physics 38, 218 (1970). * Quantized Matter Fields and the 
Avoidance of Singularities in 
General Relativity (with S. A. Fulling), Physical Review D7, 2357 (1973).
* Metric of Two Spinning Charged Sources in Equilibrium (with R. 
Ruffini and D. Wilkins), Physical Review D7, 2874 (1973). * Quantized Scalar 
Fields in a Closed Anisotropic Universe (with B. 
L. Hu and S. A. Fulling), Physical Review D8, 2377 (1973). * Adiabatic 
Regularization of the Energy-Momentum Tensor of a 
Quantized Field in Homogeneous Spaces (with S. A. Fulling), Physical Review 
D9, 341 (1974).
* Renormalization in the Theory of a Quantized Scalar Field 
Interacting With a Robertson-Walker Spacetime (with S. A. Fulling), Annals of 
Physics (N.Y.) 87, 176-203 (1974). * Adiabatic Analysis and Renormalization in 
Gravitation Theory (with S. A. Fulling), Bulletin American Physical Society 19 
108 (1974).
* Conformal Energy-Momentum Tensor in Curved Space-Time: Adiabatic 
Regularization and Renormalization (with S. A. Fulling and B. L. Hu), Physical 
Review D10, 3905 (1974).
* Solution of the Einstein-Maxwell Equations for Two Unequal 
Spinning Sources in Equilibrium (with R. A. Kobiske), Physical Review D10, 
2321 (1974).
* The Interaction of Gravity with Quantized Fields (with S. A. 
Fulling), award winning essay, Gravity Research Foundation Awards, 1974.
* New Developments in the Theory of Gravity Interacting With a 
Quantized Field, Journal of General Relativity and Gravitation 6, 21 (1975).
* Nonlinear Gravitational Effects and Magnetic Monopoles, Physical 
Review Letters 34, 412 (1975).
* Quantized Fields and Particle Creation in Curved Space-Time (66 
pages), in Proceedings of the Second Latin American Symposium on Relativity 
and Gravitation (Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, 1976).
* The Production of Elementary Particles by Strong Gravitational 
Fields (120 pages), in Proceedings of the Symposium on Asymptotic Properties 
of Space-Time (Plenum Publishing Corp., New York, 1977), editors, P. Esposito 
and L. Witten. * Angular Momentum and Dirac Charge Quantization in Curved 
Spacetime, (with J. Friedman and S. Mayer), Physical Review D17, 1957 (1978).
* Applied Quantum Gravity: Applications of the Semiclassical Theory, 
in On the Path of Albert Einstein, edited by B. Kursunoglu, A. Perlmutter, and 
L. F. Scott (Plenum Press, New York, 1979), pp. 145-166.
* Quantized Matter Fields ... (with S. A. Fulling), reprinted in 
Cosmology, Selected Reprints, edited by L. C. Shepley and A. A. Strassenburg 
(American Association of Physics Teachers, Stony Brook, N.Y., 1979).
* On Renormalization of phi^4 Field Theory in Curved Spacetime I, 
(with T. S. Bunch and P. Panangaden), Journal of Physics A13, 901 (1980)
* One-Electron Atom in Curved Spacetime, Physical Review Letters 44, 
1559 (1980).
* The One-Electron Atom as a Probe of Spacetime Curvature, Physical 
Review D22, 1922 (1980).
* Self-Forces and Atoms in Gravitational Fields, Physical Review 
D24, 535 (1981).
* The Atom as a Probe of Curved Spacetime, Journal of General 
Relativity and Gravitation 13, 307 (1981). * Gravitational Perturbation of the 
Hydrogen Spectrum (with L. O. 
Pimentel), Physical Review D25, 3180 (1982). * Quantum Gravity 2 (book 
review), Science 217, 346 (1982). * Remote Quantum Mechanical Detection of 
Gravitational Radiation, 
(with T. K. Leen and L. O. Pimentel), General Relativity and Gravitation 15, 
761-776 (1983).
* Renormalization and Scaling of Non-Abelian Gauge Fields in Curved 
Space-Time, in Gauge Theory and Gravitation, edited by K. Kikkawa, N. 
Nakanishi, and H. Nariai (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1983), pp. 96-100.
* Gravitational Perturbations of the Hydrogen Atom, in Proceedings 
of the Third Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, edited by Hu Ning 
(Science Press and North-Holland Publishing Co., New York, 1983).
* Effective Couplings at High Curvature, in Proceedings of the 
Workshop on Induced Gravitation, Erice, Italy (Sept. 1983). * Renormalization 
Group Analysis of Grand Unified Theories in Curved 
Spacetime (with D. J. Toms), Physical Review D29, 1584-1608 (1984).
* Effective Couplings of Grand Unified Theories in Curved Spacetime, 
(with D. J. Toms), Physical Review Letters 52, 1269 (1984). * Some 
Cosmological Aspects of Quantum Gravity, in Quantum Theory of 
Gravity, edited by S. M. Christensen (Adam Hilger Ltd., Bristol, 1984), pp. 
89-102 (invited paper for volume in honor of 60th birthday of B. S. DeWitt).
* Curvature Dependence of Renormalized Coupling Constants, 
Foundations of Physics 14, 1121 (1984) (invited paper for issue in honor of 
75th birthday of Nathan Rosen). * Effective Coupling Constants and GUT's in 
the Early Universe, in 
Inner Space/Outer Space, The Interface Between Cosmology and Particle Physics, 
edited by E. W. Kolb et al. (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1985).
* Models of Rapidly Rotating Neutron Stars (with J. L. Friedman anJ. 
R. Ipser), Nature 312, 255 (1984).
* Gravity and Grand Unified Theories (with D. J. Toms), General 
Relativity and Gravitation 17, 167 (1985). * New Form for the Coincidence 
Limit of Feynman Propagator, or Heat 
Kernel, in Curved Spacetime (with D. J. Toms), Physical Review D31, 953 (Rapid 
Communications) (1985).
* Explicit Curvature Dependence of Coupling Constants (with D. J. 
Toms), Physical Review D31, 2424 (1985). * Proof of Summed Form of Proper-Time 
Expansion for Propagator in 
Curved Space-Time (with I. Jack), Physical Review D31, 2439 (1985).
* Curvature-Induced Asymptotic Freedom (with E. Calzetta and I. 
Jack), Physical Review Letters 55, 1241 (1985). * Renormalization Group and 
Nonlocal Terms in the Curved-Spacetime 
Effective Action (with D. J. Toms), Physical Review D32, 1409 (1985).
* Rapidly Rotating Neutron Star Models (with J. L. Friedman and J. 
R. Ipser), Astrophysical Journal 304, 115-139 (1986). * Quantum Gauge Fields 
at High Curvature (with E. Calzetta and I. 
Jack), Physical Review D33, 953-977 (1986). * Renormalization Group Methods in 
Curved Spacetime (with D. J. 
Toms) in Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Statistics, edited by I. A. Batalin, 
C. J. Isham, and G. A. Vilkowisky (invited paper for volume in honor of 60th 
birthday of Soviet Physicist E. J. Fradkin) (Adam Hilger Ltd., Bristol, 1988). 
* Gravitational Particle Production in the Formation of Cosmic 
Strings, Phys. Rev. Letters 59, 1369 (1987). * Gravitational Singularities and 
Two-Body Interactions, in 
Nonlinear Phenomena in Relativity and Cosmology, editors, J. R. Buchler et al. 
(New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 631, New York, 1991), 31-39.
* Ultrarelativistic Bose-Einstein Condensation in the Einstein 
Universe and Energy Conditions (with Yang Zhang), Phys. Rev. D44, 2421-2431 
* Relativistic Condensate as a Source for Inflation (with Yang 
Zhang), Phys. Rev. D47, 416 (1993) .
* Einstein Equations with Quantum Corrections Reduced to Second 
Order, Phys. Rev. D47, 1339 (1993) (with J. Simon). * Physical Solutions of 
Semiclassical General Relativistic Models 
with Quantum Corrrections, in Topics on Quantum Gravity and Beyond, Essays in 
Honor of Louis Witten on His Retirement, editors, F. Mansouri and J. J. 
Scanio, (World Scientific, Singapore, 1994).
* Atomic Spectra in the Gravitational Field of a Collapsing Prolate 
Spheroid (with D. Vollick and I. Redmount), Phys. Rev. D (submitted 1994) .
* Physical Distinction Among Alternative Vacuum States in Flat 
Spacetime (with S. Winters-Hilt and I. Redmount), Phys. Rev. D (submitted 

Publications by Matt Visser ( 

Charge nonconserving decays in ordinary matter. Physical Review D24 (1981) 

Concerning the mass of the photon.
Physics Letters B109 (1982) 373--374.

Aspects of supersymmetry breaking.
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report, LBL--18189, September 1984. 
[Ph.D. Thesis]

The topological degree for supersymmetric chiral models. Physical Review D32 
(1985) 510--512.

Some generalizations of the O'Raifeartaigh model. Journal of Physics A18 
(1985) L979--L982. 

An exotic class of Kaluza--Klein models. Physics Letters B158 (1985) 22--25.

A supergravity model without elementary gauge singlets. Physics Letters B160 
(1985) 77--80.

Number of massless fermion families in superstring theory. With Itzhak Bars 
Physics Letters B163 (1985) 118--122.

Tuning the cosmological constant in N=1 supergravity. Physics Letters B165 
(1985) 289--291.

Tree level mass spectra in the observable sector. Nuclear Physics B271 (1986) 

Fermion families in superstring theory. With Itzhak Bars Proceedings of the 
Oregon meeting, 1985 Annual meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of 
the American Physical Society, edited by: R. Hwa,
(World Scientific, Singapore, 1986), pp. 829--834. 

Feeble intermediate range forces from higher dimensions. With Itzhak Bars 
Physical Review Letters 57 (1986) 25--28. 

Feeble forces and gravity. With Itzhak Bars General Relativity and Gravitation 
19 (1987) 219--223. [This essay was awarded Second Prize in the 1986 Essay 
Competition sponsored by the Gravity Research Foundation.] 

Feeble forces. With Itzhak Bars
in: Proceedings of the 23'rd International Conference in High Energy Physics, 
Berkeley, July 1986, edited by: S. C. Loken,
(World Scientific, Singapore, 1987), volume 2, pp. 1032--1037. 

A guide to data in elementary particle physics. (as part of the Berkeley 
Particle Data Group collaboration) Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report, LBL--
90 (Revised), UC--34D, September 1986.

Is the `missing mass' really missing?
General Relativity and Gravitation 20 (1988) 77--81. [This essay was awarded 
an honorable mention in the 1987 Essay Competition sponsored by the Gravity 
Research Foundation.] 

Determinants of conformal wave operators in four dimensions. With Steve Blau 
and Andreas Wipf
Physics Letters B209 (1988) 209--213.

Zeta functions and the Casimir energy.
With Steve Blau and Andreas Wipf)
Nuclear Physics B310 (1988) 163--180.

Determinants, Dirac operators, and one--loop physics. With Steve Blau and 
Andreas Wipf
International Journal of Modern Physics A4 (1989) 1467--1484. 

A classical model for the electron.
Physics Letters A139 (1989) 99--102.

Traversable wormholes: Some simple examples. Physical Review D39 (1989) 3182--

Traversable wormholes from surgically modified Schwarzschild spacetimes. 
Nuclear Physics B328 (1989) 203--212.

Wormholes, baby universes, and causality. Physical Review D41 (1990) 1116--

Quantum mechanical stabilization of Minkowski signature wormholes. Physics 
Letters B242 (1990) 24--28.
[Based on a talk given at the `Wormshop', Fermilab, May 1989.] 

Quantum wormholes in Lorentzian signature. in: Proceedings of the Rice 
meeting, 1990 meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American 
Physical Society, edited by: B. Bonner and H. Miettinen,
(World Scientific, Singapore, 1990), volume 2, pp. 858--860. 

Canonically quantized gravity: Disentangling the supermomentum and 
superhamiltonian constraints.
Physical Review D42 (1990) 1964--1972.

Quantum wormholes.
Physical Review D43 (1991) 402--409.

Wheeler--DeWitt quantum gravity in (2+1) dimensions. in: Beyond the Standard 
Model II: Proceedings of the International Conference in High Energy Physics, 
Norman, Oklahoma, 1--3 November 1990,
edited by: K. A. Milton, R. Kantowski, and M. A. Samuel, (World Scientific, 
Singapore, 1991), pp. 354--359. 

Wheeler wormholes and topology change: A minisuperspace analysis. Modern 
Physics Letters A6 (1991) 2663--2667. [Based on an essay that was awarded an 
honorable mention in the 1990 Essay Competition sponsored by the Gravity 
Research Foundation.] 

Analytic results for the effective action. With Steve Blau and Andreas Wipf
International Journal of Modern Physics A6 (1991) 5409--5433. 

Dirty black holes: Thermodynamics and horizon structure. Physical Review D46 
(1992) 2445--2451.

>From wormhole to time machine:
Remarks on Hawking's chronology protection conjecture. Physical Review D47 
(1993) 554--565.

van Vleck determinants:
Geodesic focussing and defocussing in Lorentzian spacetimes. Physical Review 
D47 (1993) 2395--2402.

Hawking radiation: A particle physics perspective. Modern Physics Letters A8 
(1993) 1661--1670. 

Dirty black holes: Entropy versus area.
Physical Review D48 (1993) 583--591.

Dirty black holes: Entropy as a surface term. Physical Review D48 (1993) 5697-

Lateral wave contributions to the low--altitude radar propagation factor. With 
Gerald Gilbert and Eric Raiten
Radio Science 29 (1994) 483--494.

Hawking's chronology protection conjecture: Singularity structure of the 
quantum stress--energy tensor. Nuclear Physics B416 (1994) 895--906.

van Vleck determinants: Traversable wormhole spacetimes. Physical Review D49 
(1994) 3963--3980.

Natural wormholes as gravitational lenses. With John Cramer, Robert Forward, 
Michael Morris, Gregory Benford, and Geoffrey Landis
Physical Review D51 (1995) 3117--3120.

Scale anomalies imply violation of the averaged null energy condition. Physics 
Letters B349 (1995) 443--447.

Lorentzian Wormholes --- from Einstein to Hawking. Full length technical 
American Institute of Physics Press, July 1995. 

Acoustic propagation in fluids:
An unexpected example of Lorentzian geometry. gr-qc/9311028; gr-
Submitted for publication.

Thin-shell wormholes: Linearization stability With Eric Poisson)
Submitted for publication.

New book by Matt Visser. Published 1995
"Lorentzian Wormholes---from Einstein to Hawking", by Matt Visser (Washington 
University in St. Louis). American Institute of Physics Press (Woodbury, New 
York). ISBN 1-56396-394-9
412 pages (including index and 38 figures); hardback; US$59.00 (US$47.20 for 
APS/AIP members). To order---Voice: 1-800-809-2247; FAX: 1-802-864-7626. 
Table of contents:
Chapter 0 Preface	vii
Part i --- Background	1
Chapter 1 Introduction	3
Chapter 2 General relativity	9
Chapter 3 Quantum field theory	31
Chapter 4 Units and natural scales	39
Part ii -- History	43
Chapter 5 The Einstein--Rosen bridge	45
Chapter 6 Spacetime foam	53
Chapter 7 The Kerr wormhole	75
Chapter 8 The cosmological constant	81
Chapter 9 Wormhole taxonomy	89
Chapter 10 Interregnum	95
Part iii - Renaissance	97
Chapter 11 Traversable wormholes	99
Chapter 12 Energy conditions	115
Chapter 13 Engineering considerations	137
Chapter 14 Thin shells: Formalism	153
Chapter 15 Thin shells: Wormholes	165
Chapter 16 Topological censorship	195
Part iv -- Time Travel	201
Chapter 17 Chronology: Basic notions	203
Chapter 18 From wormhole to time machine	227
Chapter 19 Response to the paradoxes	249
Part v --- Quantum Effects	277
Chapter 20 Semiclassical quantum gravity	279
Chapter 21 van Vleck determinants: Formalism	295
Chapter 23 Singularity structure	333
Chapter 24 Minisuperspace wormholes	347
Part vi -- Reprise	367
Chapter 25 Where we stand	369
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Other 
articles about wormholes:

AUTHOR(s):	Kar, Sayan Sahdev, Deshdeep
TITLE(s):	Restricted class of traversable wormholes with traceless
In: Physical review d: particles, fields, gravitat 
AUG 15 1995 v 52 n 4 Page 2030

AUTHOR(s):	Wang, Anzhong Letelier, Patricio S.
TITLE(s):	Dynamical Wormholes and energy Conditions.
In: Progress of theoretical physics.
JUL 01 1995 v 94 n 1 Page 137

AUTHOR(s):	Clement, Gerard
TITLE(s):	Wormhole cosmic strings.
In: Physical review d: particles, fields, gravitat 
JUN 15 1995 v 51 n 12 Page 6803

AUTHOR(s):	Cramer, John G. Forward, Robert L. Landis, Geoffrey A.
TITLE(s):	Natural wormholes as gravitational lenses.
In: Physical review d: particles, fields, gravitat 
MAR 15 1995 v 51 n 6 Page 3117

AUTHOR(s):	Agnese, A.G. La Camera, M.
TITLE(s):	Wormholes in the Brans-Dicke theory of gravitation.
In: Physical review d: particles, fields, gravitat 
FEB 15 1995 v 51 n 4 Page 2011

AUTHOR(s):	Cadoni, Mariano Cavaglia, Marco
TITLE(s):	Cosmological and wormhole solutions in low-energy effective
string theory.
In: Physical review d: particles, fields, gravitat 
NOV 15 1994 v 50 n 10 Page 6435

AUTHOR(s):	Cavaglia, Marco
TITLE(s):	Quantum electromagnetic wormholes and geometrical
description of the electric charge.
In: Physical review d: particles, fields, gravitat 
OCT 15 1994 v 50 n 8 Page 5087

AUTHOR(s):	Singh, Harvendra
TITLE(s):	Magnetic wormholes and vertex operators.
In: Physical review d: particles, fields, gravitat 
OCT 15 1994 v 50 n 8 Page 5033

AUTHOR(s):	Li, Xin-zhou
TITLE(s):	Dimensionally continued wormhole solutions.
In: Physical review d: particles, fields, gravitat 
SEP 15 1994 v 50 n 6 Page 3787

AUTHOR(s):	Marugan, G.A. Mena
TITLE(s):	Bases of wormholes in quantum cosmology.
In: Classical and quantum gravity.
SEP 01 1994 v 11 n 9 Page: 2205

AUTHOR(s):	Ridgway, S. Alexander
TITLE(s):	S1xS2 wormholes and topological charge.
In: Physical review d: particles, fields, gravitat 
JUL 15 1994 v 50 n 2 Page 892

AUTHOR(s):	Cavaglia, Marco de Alfaro, Vittorio de Felice, Fernando
TITLE(s):	Anisotropic wormhole: Tunneling in time and space.
In: Physical review d: particles, fields, gravitat 
JUN 15 1994 v 49 n 12 Page 6493

AUTHOR(s):	Cotsakis, Spiros Leach, Peter Flessas, George
TITLE(s):	Minimally coupled scalar field wormholes.
In: Physical review d: particles, fields, gravitat 
JUN 15 1994 v 49 n 12 Page 6489

AUTHOR(s):	Visser, Matt
TITLE(s):	van Vleck determinants: Traversable wormhole spacetimes.
In: Physical review d: particles, fields, gravitat 
APR 15 1994 v 49 n 8 Page 3963

AUTHOR(s):	Hochberg, David Kephart, Thomas W.
TITLE(s):	Can Semi-Classical Wormholes Solve the Cosmological
Horizon Problem?
In: General relativity and gravitation.
FEB 01 1994 v 26 n 2 Page 219

AUTHOR(s):	Kar, Sayan Sahdev, Deshdeep Bhawal, Biplab
TITLE(s):	Scalar waves in a wormhole geometry.
In: Physical review d: particles and fields. 
JAN 15 1994 v 49 n 2 Page 853

AUTHOR(s):	Khatsymovsky, V.
TITLE(s):	Can wormholes exist?
In: Physics letters. [part b].
JAN 13 1994 v 320 n 3 / 4 Page 234

AUTHOR(s):	Kim, S.W. Lee, H. Kim, S.K.
TITLE(s):	(2+1)-dimensional Schwarzschild-de Sitter wormhole.
In: Physics letters: [part A]
DEC 20 1993 v 183 n 5 / 6 Page 359

AUTHOR(s):	Liu, Liao
TITLE(s):	Wormhole created from vacuum fluctuation.
In: Physical review d: particles and fields. 
DEC 15 1993 v 48 n 12 Page R5463

AUTHOR(s):	Gonzalez-Diaz, P.F.
TITLE(s):	The conjugate gauge wormhole vertex.

END OF PART 19/19.
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