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RS Electrogravitic References: Part 15 of 19.

Edward Teller, "Electromagnetism and Gravitation", Proceeds of the National 
Academy of Science, Vol 74 No 4, Pages 2664-2666. 

In this paper Dr Teller suggests some clues about the coupling between 
electromagnetism and gravitation. In the first part of his paper Teller 
describes how an electric field due to polarization can be induced in a 
dielectric material which is subject to angular or linear acceleration, or if 
subject to a gravitational field. In the second part of the paper Teller 
describes, using purely dimenensional analysis, how a magnetic field might be 
produced by a spinning mass. He also comments that the magnitude of this 
magnetic field might be exceedingly small, and notes that a "numerical" factor 
could exist which might act to increase the magnitude of the field. 

(Note: It is speculated by others that alignment of microscopic 
particles with the macroscopic spin axis of the earth, could result in a large 
"numerical" factor. Fact is, the earth does have a fairly large measurable 
magnetic field, about which there are a variety of theories as to the origin.)

Paper: hep-th/9506049
From: HORIE@dipmza.physik.Uni-Mainz.DE
Date: Thu, 08 Jun 1995 11:23:23 +0100
Title: New Insight into the Relation between Torsion and Electromagnetism 
Author: Kenichi Horie (Mainz Univ.)
Report-no: MZ/TH 95-16
In several unified field theories the torsion trace is set equal to the 
electromagnetic potential. Using fibre bundle techniques we show that this is 
no leading principle but a formal consequence of another geometric relation 
between space-time and electromagentism. 

Date: Sat, 03 Sep 1994 10:27:48 +0100
A complete geometric unification of gravity and electromagnetism is proposed 
by considering two aspects of torsion: its relation to spin established in 
Einstein--Cartan theory and the possible interpretation of the torsion trace 
as the electromagnetic potential. Starting with a Lagrangian built of Dirac 
spinors, orthonormal tetrads, and a complex rather than a real linear 
connection we define an extended spinor derivative by which we obtain not only 
a very natural unification, but can also fully clarify the nontrivial 
underlying fibre bundle structure. Thereby a new type of contact interaction 
between spinors emerges, which differs from the usual one in Einstein--Cartan 
theory. The splitting of the linear connection into a metric and an 
electromagnetic part together with a characteristic length scale in the theory 
strongly suggest that gravity and electromagnetism have the same geometrical 

"Gauge Invariant Electromagnetic Coupling with Torsion Potential", Richard 
T. Hammond, General Relativity and Gravitation, Vol 23 No 11 1991 
Electromagnetism is coupled to torsion in a gauge invariant manner by relaxing 
minimal coupling and introducting into the Lagrangian a term bilinear the 
electromagnetic field tensor and its torsion potential. The resulting coupling 
between electromagnetism and torsion is examined and a solution corresponding 
to traveling coupled waves is given. Since torsion is usually regarded as 
resuting from the spin of a body, this might establish a classical 
relationship between charge and spin. The results suggest that the effect 
should be looked for in high intensity electric fields of low frequency.

"Detecting Torsion from Massive Electrodynamics", L.C. Garcia de Andrade, 
and M. Lopes, General Relativity and Gravitation, Vol 25 No 11 1993 
A new method of detecting torsion in the case of massive electrodynamics is 
proposed. Several authors have proposed methods for the detection of torsion 
in theories of the Einstein-Cartan type, and also in theories where the 
torsion field propogates. These theories are based on the studies of Dirac 
test particles, which have spin like the electron, and the gyroscope-like 
precession of these atomic particles. The interaction energy between the 
torsion vector Q, and an electric dipole p, is given by (p dot Q).

AUTHOR(s):	de Andrade, L.C. Garcia
TITLE(s):	Electron gyroscopes to test torsion gravity?
In: Il nuovo cimento delle societa italiana di fisic 
OCT 01 1994 v 109 n 10 Page: 1123

AUTHOR:	De Sabbata, Venzo.
TITLE:	Spin and Torsion in Gravitation
by Venzo de Sabbata, and C. Sivaram.
PUBL.:	Singapore ; River Edge, NJ : World Scientific,
FORMAT:	xii, 313 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
DATE:	1994
SUBJECTS: Torsion, Gravitation

AUTHOR:	De Sabbata, Venzo.
TITLE:	Introduction to Gravitation
by Venzo de Sabbata and Maurizio Gasperini. PUBL.:	Singapore ; Philadelphia 
: World Scientific,
FORMAT:	ix, 346 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
DATE:	1985
SUBJECTS: General relativity, Torsion, Gravitation 

AUTHOR:	NATO Advanced Study Institute on Cosmology and Gravitation
(1979: Bologna, Italy)
TITLE:	Cosmology and Gravitation: Spin, Torsion, Rotation, and
Edited by Peter G. Bergmann and Venzo De Sabbata. PUBL.:	New York : Plenum 
Press : NATO Scientific Affairs Division,
FORMAT:	ix, 510 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
DATE:	1980
SERIES:	NATO Advanced Study Institutes Series v 58 Series B Physics

CONFERENCE :International Conference on Magnetic and Electric Resonance 
and Relaxation (1962: Eindhoven)
TITLE :Magnetic and electric resonance and relaxation; proceedings of 
the XIth Colloque Ampere, Eindhoven, July 2-7, 1962. PUBLISHED :Amsterdam, New 
York, North-Holland Pub. Co.; Interscience 
Publishers, 1963.
DESC :xi,789p. illus.,diagrs.,tables. 24cm. ----------------------------------

The Lorentz-Dirac equation is a purely classical expression for the 
electromagnetic force on a point charge, including the self-force from the 
particle's own radiation. It's a strange equation, with solutions that are 
manifestly unphysical under certain circumstances. If you want to know more 
about it, you might want to look at: 

S. Parrott, Relativistic Electrodynamics and Differential Geometry, Springer-
Verlag, 1987.

(1994 3867) (Sean Carroll) Tue, 29 Mar 1994 19:57:32 
MIT-CTP #2291.
We discuss the possibility of constraining theories of gravity in which the 
connection is a fundamental variable by searching for observational 
consequences of the torsion degrees of freedom. In a wide class of models, the 
only modes of the torsion tensor which interact with matter are either a 
massive scalar or a massive spin-1 boson. Focusing on the scalar version, we 
study constraints on the two-dimensional parameter space characterizing the 
theory. For reasonable choices of these parameters the torsion decays quickly 
into matter fields, and no long-range fields are generated which could be 
discovered by ground-based or astrophysical experiments. ---------------------

Invariant connections with torsion on simple group manifolds S are studied and 
an explicit formula describing them is presented. This result is used for the 
dimensional reduction in a theory of multidimensional gravity with curvature 
squared terms on M^{4} times S. We calculate the potential of scalar fields, 
emerging from extra components of the metric and torsion, and analyze the role 
of the torsion for the stability of spontaneous compactification. ------------

Subject: Antigravity in Jane's
From: "Terry Colvin"  

"All those interested in advanced propulsion concepts should check out Jane's 
Defence Weekly, 10 June 1995. An article discusses anti-gravity schemes and 
shows drawings of sauceroid vehicles from British Aerospace among others. Area 
51 is mentioned, as well as an unclassified paper done for the USAF by Science 
Applications International Corp. in 1990. The subject was [Electric 
Propulsion], a[n] euphemism for anti-gravity according to Jane's. Michael 

Anti-Gravity for Real -- Discussed in Jane's Defence Weekly 

Jane's Defence Weekly is a most respected journal in the defense industry. 
Jane's has often been the first to break the news about secret development of 
radically new technologies and equipment.

Jane's Defence Weekly of 10 June 1995, has an article about advanced aerospace 
technologies, written by Nick Cook. The idea of anti-gravity is taken 
seriously and is auspicously present throughout the article -- including three 
artist renditions of future anti-gravity based craft.

The Jane's article commences with a mention of anti-gravity technology, and 
also ends with a few paragraphs discussing anti-gravity. In between is the 
bulk of the article, which consists of discussion of "conventional" subjects, 
including: Hypersonics, Gas Turbine Inrements, The Super Cockpit, and Stealth. 

At the start of the Jane's article there is some information from the Gravity 
Rand Report on Electrogravitics which was done for the USAF in 1956, and was 
recently declassified. Here's an excerpt from the beginning of the Jane's 

Take this example from a specialist US aviation magazine in 1956. "We're 
already working with equipment to cancel out gravity," Lawrence D Bell, 
founder of the company that bears his name was quoted as saying. Bell, 
apparently, was not the only one working in this field. Others said to be 
seeking to master this arcane 'science' included the Glenn L Martin Company, 
Convair, Lear, and Sperry Gyroscope. Within a few years we were assured, 
aircraft, cars, submarines and power stations would all be driven by this 
radical new propulsion technology. Sadly it was not to be.

Here's the ending section of the Jane's article. 

Groom Lake Nevada is the epicentre of classified USAF research into Stealth 
and other exotic aerospace technologies. Several years after the collapse of 
the Soviet threat, activity and investment at this remote, highly secret air 
base (so secret its prescence is, as yet, unacknowledged by the US government) 
is still on the increase. While research into less sensitive technologies such 
two-dimensional thrust-vectoring and advanced short take-off and vertical 
landing (ASTOVL) are pursued in the open at nearby Edwards AFB in California, 
Groom Lake is set to hang onto its secrets. The USAF's recent confiscation of 
1600 acres of public land bordering the facility is consistent with the 
Pentagon's desire to maintain its lead in quantum leap technologies -- some of 
which, according to well qualified observers in and around the Nevada area, 
defy current thinking into the predicted direction of aerospace engineering. 

That aerospace ocmpanies continue to look at highly radical alternative air 
vehicle concepts is evidence of the ongoing quest for breakthrough designs. 
Glimpses into this world are rare, but provide some insight into likely 21st 
century research activity. The 1990 unclassified 'Electric Propulsion Study' 
(a quest for antigravity propulsion system by another name) conducted by the 
USA's Science Application International Corp (SAIC) on behalf of USAF's then 
Astronautics Laboratory at Edwards AFB shows that USAF visionaries are still 
being given free reign. Until recently BAe (British Aerospace) also provided 
internal resources for its own anti-gravity studies and even went so far as to 
outline this thinking with artists' concepts -- a case of Lawrence Bell's 
vision perhaps being not so wide of the mark after all.

Before he died, Ben Rich, who headed Lockheed's Skunk Works from 1975-1991, 
was quoted as saying: "We have some new things. We are not stagnating. What we 
are doing is updating ourselves, without advertising. There are some new 
programmes, and there are certain things -- some of them 20 to 30 years old -- 
that are still breakthroughs and appropriate to keep quiet about. Other people 
don't have them yet.

Thirty years from now, we may still not know the half of what is currently 
being tested in and around Groom Lake. 

Copyright 1995, Jane's Defence Weekly, All rights reserved. 

/* The above information is transmitted under the "Fair Use" rulings 
of the 1976 Copyright Act for NON-profit academic and general information 
purposes. */
AUTHOR(s):	McIntosh, C.B.G. Arianrhod, R. Wade, S.
TITLE(s):	Electric and magnetic Weyl tensors: classification
and analysis.
In: Classical and quantum gravity.
JUN 01 1994 v 11 n 6 Page 1555

AUTHOR(s):	Arianrhod, R. Lun, A.W.-C. McIntosh, C.B.G.
TITLE(s):	Magnetic curvatures.
In: Classical and quantum gravity.
SEP 01 1994 v 11 n 9 Page 2331

AUTHOR(s):	Arianrhod, R. McInthosh, C.B.G.
TITLE(s):	Principle null directions of Petrov type I Weyl spinors:
geometry and symmetry.
In: Classical and quantum gravity.
AUG 01 1992 v 9 n 8 Page 1969

AUTHOR(s):	Hoenselaers, C. Perjes, Z.
TITLE(s):	Multipole moments of axisymmetric electrovacuum spacetimes.
In: Classical and quantum gravity.
OCT 01 1990 v 7 n 10 Page 1819

AUTHOR(s):	de Felice, Fernando Yu, Yunqiang Fang, Jing
TITLE(s):	Relativistic charged spheres.
In: Monthly notices of the royal astronomical societ 
NOV 01 1995 v 277 n 1 Page: L17

AUTHOR(s):	de Felice, Fernando
TITLE(s):	Dynamics on a rotating disk.
In: Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and opt 
NOV 01 1995 v 52 n 5 Page 3452

AUTHOR(s):	de Felice, Fernando Yu, Yunqiang Coriasco, Sandro
TITLE(s):	The Lynden-Bell and Katz Definition of Gravitational
Energy: Applications to Singular Solutions. In: General relativity and 
AUG 01 1994 v 26 n 8 Page 813

AUTHOR(s):	Cavaglia, Marco de Alfaro, Vittorio de Felice, Fernando
TITLE(s):	Anisotropic wormhole: Tunneling in time and space.
In: Physical review d: particles, fields, gravitat 
JUN 15 1994 v 49 n 12 Page 6493

AUTHOR(s):	de Felice, Fernando
TITLE(s):	Rotating frames and measurements of forces in general
In: Monthly notices of the royal astronomical societ 
SEP 15 1991 v 252 n 2 Page 197

AUTHOR(s):	Hammond, Richard
TITLE(s):	Tetrad Formulation of Gravity with a Torsion Potential.
In: General relativity and gravitation.
NOV 01 1994 v 26 n 11 Page 1107

AUTHOR(s):	Hammond, Richard
TITLE(s):	Spin, Torsion, Forces.
In: General relativity and gravitation.
MAR 01 1994 v 26 n 3 Page 247

AUTHOR(s):	Hammond, Richard T.
TITLE(s):	Gauge Invariant Electromagnetic Coupling with Torsion
In: General relativity and gravitation.
NOV 01 1991 v 23 n 11 Page 1195

AUTHOR(s):	Hammond, Richard T.
TITLE(s):	Magnetic Charge Type Equations from Torsion.
In: General relativity and gravitation.
SEP 01 1991 v 23 n 9 Page 973

AUTHOR(s):	Hammond, Richard T.
TITLE(s):	Dynamic Torsion from a Linear Langrangian.
In: General relativity and gravitation.
APR 01 1990 v 22 n 4 Page 451

AUTHOR(s):	Ringermacher, H.I.
TITLE(s):	An electrodynamic connection.
In: Classical and quantum gravity.
SEP 01 1994 v 11 n 9 Page 2383

AUTHOR(s):	Anandan,J. Hagen, C.R.
TITLE(s):	Neutron acceleration in uniform electromagnetic fields.
In: Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and opt 
OCT 01 1994 v 50 n 4 Page 2860

AUTHOR(s):	Anandan, J.
TITLE(s):	Relativistic gravitation and superconductors.
In: Classical and quantum gravity.
JUN 01 1994 v 11 n 6A Page 23

AUTHOR(s):	Georgiou, A.
TITLE(s):	Rotating Einstein-Mazwell fields: smoothly matched
exterior and interior spacetimes with charged dust and surface layer.
In: Classical and quantum gravity.
JAN 01 1994 v 11 n 1 Page 167

AUTHOR(s):	Unnikrishnan, C.S.
TITLE(s):	Experimental gravitation in India: progress and challenges.
In: Classical and quantum gravity.
JUN 01 1994 v 11 n 6A Page 195

AUTHOR(s):	Cowsik, R. Tandon, S.N. Unnikrishnan, C.S.
TITLE(s):	Limit on the strength of intermediate-range forces coupling
to isospin.
In: Physical review letters.
NOV 07 1988 v 61 n 19 Page 2179

AUTHOR(s):	Banerjee, A. Panigrahi, D. Chatterjee, S.
TITLE(s):	Evolution of Kaluza-Klein inhomogeneous model with a
cosmological constant.
In: Journal of mathematical physics.
JUL 01 1995 v 36 n 7 Page 3619

AUTHOR(s):	Chatterjee, S. Panigrahi, D. Banerjee, A.
TITLE(s):	Inhomogeneous Kaluza-Klein cosmology.
In: Classical and quantum gravity.
FEB 01 1994 v 11 n 2 Page 371

It might interest antigravity researchers to know (for those not already 
aware) that Professor ER Laithwaite, a respected British electrical engineer, 
has been doing work on this very subject for decades, but when he tried to 
demonstrate the viability of his theories to his peers their closed minds 
closed ranks and ridiculed his efforts as fantasy. Laithwaite lost cred with 
the scientific community and had to rely just on one or two close associates 
in semi-secrecy.

A recent (a year or two ago) series of TV programmes in Britain (on 
controversial scientific discoveries that have yet to accepted by the 
scientific establishment as worthy of further research and funding) ran an 
episode on Laithwaite. He claimed that gyroscopes could transfer mass. 

I know of one book he wrote: Transport Without Wheels published by Paul Elek 
in 1977 ISBN 0236400665 (info from an old note I made) though this is NOT 
specifically about his antigravity theories (I remember that it concentrated 
on propulsion via electrical rails) I would be most interested in learning 
about anything he (or anyone else) might have written specifically on his 
antigravity work.
- George Szaszvari

"Propulsion by Gyro", Eric Laithwaite, Space, Sep 1989 Vol 5 No 5 
In an attempt to reveal the strange, hidden properties of gyroscopes, 
Professor Eric Laithwaite explains the physics behind the idea that a 
propulsion system could be built using gyros. --------------------------------
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