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Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 23:46:30 -0800
To: *OBRL News 
From: (James DeMeo)

Approved: organ

From: OBRL-News 
To: obrl-news@jefferson.village.Virginia.EDU
Subject:- Greensprings 1997 Educational Events 

Orgone Biophysical Research Lab Forwarded News Item

Please copy and distribute to other interested individuals and groups 


The Orgone Biophysical Research Lab Presents: Greensprings Educational 
Programs, August 1997 Building Upon The Discoveries of the Late, Great 
Natural Scientist, Wilhelm Reich, M.D. 

This notice provides details about events in August 1997:

Four Great Weekend Seminars

Thursday & Friday Evening Lecture Series Guided Independent Study Lab 




Seminar #1:

Wilhelm Reich's Last Years:
The Oranur Experiment, Cosmic Orgone Engineering, Contact With Space, 
and the FDA "Investigation" 9-10 August 1997:
Saturday & Sunday; 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Reich's discoveries and writings after the oranur experiment constitute 
major scientific controversies: nuclear-decay anomalies, cloudbusting or 
Cosmic Orgone Engineering, desert-greening experiments in Arizona, the 
orgone motor, pre-atomic chemistry, and encounters with UFO's (described 
in his book _Contact With Space_), all against a background of malicious 
press stories and a fabricated "investigation" by the US Food and Drug 
Administration, whom Reich suspected of communist influences. Our 
speakers have undertaken Freedom-of-Information-Act searches of 
government documents, made interviews with key personalities, and 
engaged in field research and scholarly investigation in both the USA 
and overseas. They will discuss these issues head-on, showing Reich was 
neither off-the-mark nor delusional, as some have claimed.

* Peter Robbins, B.F.A. on: 1. Wilhelm Reich and the UFO Question -and- 
2. "Left at East Gate": Military Interest in Cloudbusting (CORE) * Jim 
Martin, B.A. on: 1. The Secret Life of Mildred Brady & the FDA 
Persecution -and- 2. Reich's "Little Orgonon", the US Air Force & 
Government Weather Modification Experiments in Arizona. * James DeMeo, 
Ph.D. on: 1. Verification of Reich's 'Oranur' from Modern Radiation 
Biophysics -and- 2. Verification of Desert-Greening from Cloudbusting 
Expeditions to Arizona and Africa. 

Lectures, slides, videos, handouts, round-table discussion 

More information posted at: 


Seminar #2:

The Orgone Energy Accumulator:
History, Construction & Experimental Use 16-17 August 1997:
Saturday & Sunday; 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

James DeMeo, Ph.D. & Theirrie Cook, B.A. 

Covering the following general topics:
* Wilhelm Reich's Discovery of the Orgone Energy. * Orgone Biophysics; 
laboratory demonstration of orgone energy experiments. * Effects of 
local weather upon accumulator functioning. * Medical use of the orgone 
accumulator in clinics and hospitals overseas, in Germany and other 
* Discovery of life energy by scientists other than Reich. * Hands-on 
construction of orgone energy blankets and box-type accumulators; review 
of materials.
* Problems with your energetic environment: Dor and Oranur: nuclear 
power plants, power lines, television, computers, microwave ovens, 
fluorescent lights, etc.

With demonstrations, lectures, slides, handouts. 

More information posted at: 


Seminar #3:

Remembering Wilhelm Reich:
The Man and his Work -- A 100th Birthdate Anniversary 23-24 August 1997
Saturday & Sunday; 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Wilhelm Reich was born in 1897 in what is today the Ukraine, died in 
Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary in 1957, his books burned by the Nazis, 
Stalinists, and US Food and Drug Administration. Who was this man, 
Wilhelm Reich, whose work continues to stir controversy and great 
interest internationally, some 40 years after his death? Former student 
and close associate of Sigmund Freud, he is today virtually expunged 
from the "official history" of psychoanalysis. His books are translated 
into dozens of languages, read around the world, but censored from 
nearly every academic curricula. Why is Reich so rarely mentioned? What 
was Reich doing, what did he discover that continues to excite, 
interest, and challenge people? This seminar will provide a general 
discussion and appreciation of Reich's findings, but will focus on Reich 
the man, with personal memories from two -- Morton Herskowitz and 
Bernard Grad -- who worked with him and knew him well. Also, the 
implications of Reich's work for the personal lives of ordinary people 
will be discussed. The question will be raised: What can be done by 
average people to move the world towards a healthier and happier 

* Morton Herskowitz, D.O. on: Remembering Reich * Bernard Grad, Ph.D. 
on: Remembering Reich 
(Dr. Grad's appearance is not yet confirmed) * James DeMeo, Ph.D. on: 
Overview and Summary of Wilhelm Reich's Discoveries: Function of the 
Orgasm to Contact With Space. * Lou Hochberg, M.S.W. on: Looking at 
Children * Special Video-Interview Presentations by others who knew and 
worked with Reich:
Eva Reich, M.D., Michael Rothenberg, M.D. and Myron Sharaf, Ph.D. 

Lectures, slides, videos, round-table discussion. 

More information posted at: 


Seminar #4:

Bions and The Reich Blood Test:
Introductory Laboratory Microscopy Seminar 30-31 August 1997:
Saturday & Sunday; 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Richard Blasband, M.D., Stephen Nagy, M.D. and James DeMeo, Ph.D.

Covering the following general topics:
* Wilhelm Reich's Discovery of Bions (microscopic orgone energy 
vesicles) & the Cancer Biopathy: An Overview. * Orgone (life) energy 
functions in biological processes and Lab demonstration and 
microscopical observations of bions from both living and non-living 
materials; discussion of basic phenomena, sterile technique. * Problems 
and controversies; recent discovery and observation of bion-like 
structures by other scientists.
* Techniques and procedures for the Reich Blood Test; interpretation and 
* Participants encouraged to bring their own microscopes; other 
microscopes with video display capability will also be available for 
group display of samples. Call for details.

With demonstrations of microscopical techniques, lectures, videos, 
slides, handouts.

More information posted at: 



* Thursday and Friday Evening Lectures will be held in August at the 
Greensprings Center, on the days just before each weekend seminar. For 
more information, see the event calendar posted at: 

* A Guided Independent Study Program is being organized for August, 
meeting Tuesdays and Wednesdays each week (10am - 5pm, from Aug. 5th 
through Sept. 3rd) and led by James DeMeo, Ph.D. Designed for those who 
wish to study Reich's biophysical discoveries in more detail, with 
laboratory experience. 
Cost is $500 for 10 days of study and activity. Enrollment limited to 8 
students. Other scheduling may be available by special arrangements. 
Contact OBRL for more information.
Addtional details also posted at: 



Weekend Seminars, cost of $150 per full weekend event; half-price for 
full-time students (documentation required). Space is limited and 
preregistration is required with advance payment. 

Independent Study Program, open to applications. Prepayment required, 
limited to 8 students maximum. 

Available Upon Preregistration or Request: Brochure, additional details 
on each weekend event; professional biographies of instructors; street 
address and map to the Greensprings Center, and a list of nearby motels, 
inns, campgrounds, restaurants, and recreational attractions.

Contact us by the address information posted below, or visit the OBRL 
and Greensprings Center web site: 


Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Greensprings Center, PO Box 1148,
Ashland, Oregon 97520 USA
(541) 552-0118 Phone/Fax
e-mail to: 

Please post this full notice to any individuals or groups you believe 
might be interested.


Interested in orgone energy research, science controversies, and related 
environmental and natural scientific findings? Subscribe to our free 
service "OBRL News". Approximately 1-5 email messages per week will 
follow. Unsubscribe at any time thereafter.Send the message: 
subscribe obrl-news  to: 

"Love, work and knowledge are the wellsprings of our lives, they should 
also govern it" - Wilhelm Reich


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May 23, 1997.