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On Geometry and Advanced Energy Conversion
Patrick Bailey, INE President
March 1996

There are quite a few areas in which the idea of the use of a particular geometry has overlapped with the advanced energy areas. Here is a summary of what I can remember off of the top of my head:

1. The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt, was built about the same time as the Sphinx, and I think it was definitely built way, way before the other structures there. It has a full base to height ratio of 2 to SQRT(Phi), where Phi is the Golden Ratio and is equal to (1+SQRT(5))/2. That gives an internal triangle with sides of 1-to-SQRT(Phi)-to-Phi. Several experimenters have noticed that four-sided pyramids build with this ratio exhibit strange properties when a base is aligned perpendicular to local magnetic north. I have not seen many papers on exact EM experimental results of the effects of this geometry, and perhaps we should! This would be a great idea for elementary and high school science projects!

I also note that when a pyramid of this exact shape is cut along the base and along the edges and unfolded, one gets the Templar Cross. Coincidence?

2. The number Phi is also very interesting from a resonance point of view. What number does one get when they complete the series:

1 + ( 1 / (1 + 1 / (1 + 1 / 1 + ... )))

The number Phi. Resonance is a key factor in the many Chambers in the Great Pyramid, also in the Egyptian temples at Luxor, and in nuclear physics, and in quantum mechanics! Also, that's how lasers work - by getting the right resonance.

And, as everyone should know, the great Fibonacci sequence:

Ni+1 = Ni + Ni-1

where you select any two starting numbers, like 1 and 2, to get the sequence:

1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, etc.

always (and I mean always!) will converge to a specific value for Ni+1/Ni (regardless of whatever two numbers you start with), and that converged value is Phi! This series and it's convergence is seen in Nature all of the time. Get it? It's Natural! It just works.

3. The number Phi is usually represented as a "Golden Mean Spiral", consisting of several connected one-quarter circles, where each successive circle has a radius of the previous circle divided by Phi, connected at the ends of the quarter circle. That is really not a true spiral, and is just a geometrical construct that looks nice in books.

A true Golden Mean Spiral (linear with angle) would have the equation:

Ri(Ti) = Ri(0) * [ (1.0 - x) + x / Phi)];

where: x = Ti / 360.0; and: 0.0 .LE. Ti .LE. 360.0 for each circular revolution i;


Ri+1(0) = Ri(360).

That way, one would get a continuously decreasing spiral, whose (r,theta) radius Ri at each angle theta (Ti) during revolution i would come back and cross the theta = 0 axis at (1/Phi)*Ri(0) during each revolution. This "true" "Golden Mean Spiral" has very little in common with the former one above.

However, this spiral does look a lot like the one in the "Geometry of Harmonics" that Victor Schauberger is reported to have used when he developed his flying disks and free-machine technologies during the 1930's and 1940's. I have a videotape that shows a three-dimensional surface, with a circular x-y cross section, and a specific y-z curve (x increasing as z goes down) where a specific spiral-type curve is drawn upon that surface, going around it, as z varies. The videotape says (in German) that particular 3-D shaped curve is VERY important! I would love to have more information on that subject! Perhaps the Templars or the Knight Templars know of this?

As a Knight Templar myself, I am asking other Knights world-wide for specific information!

3. Much has been made of "Tetrahedronal Geometry." This has recently been popularized in this country by Richard Hoagland, who has noticed that any tetrahedron drawn inside a sphere will touch the sphere at a latitude of about (+/-) 19.5 degrees, and this is where he says most or all of the pyramids are build upon the Earth, where the Great Spot is on Jupiter, and maybe there are links to the Cydonia pyramid complex that is said to exist on Mars. I don't know. I have not checked these data.

However, the tetrahedron is the first and simplest of the five Platonic Solids, and the geometry of each inside of a sphere should be well known. And, each of these solids can just and exactly fit into another one, giving rise to a nested set of solids within solids, all within their own sphere. The number Phi, of course, runs all through these solids. I am trying to find a good book that summarizes all of the mathematical geometry of these inter-linked solids! If anyone knows of one, let me know!

The tetrahedron has also been promoted in a religious field by Drunvalo Melchizedek in his recent teachings. He says that a human's energy field is primarily composed of two interlocking tetrahedron's, one up, one down and turned 30 degrees, all inside one sphere, and that the activation of a person's energy field, or "Merkaba", depends upon how you spin those two tetrahedrons and at what speed. This is all very interesting, especially when you consider that a side view of that energy field would look like a six-pointed "Star of David." It really isn't, due to the 3-D shape, and the horizontal lines would be closer to the center, and so also the side points. I have calculated the exact projected 2-D shape of the 3-D solid in this case.

The idea of Platonic Solids being specific resonance harmonics of each other has probably not been considered by many researchers or mathematicians.

4. According to a couple of videotapes I have (that are said to have been produced in Austria) scientists in Germany and Austria are said to have isolated and used a "Free Energy" source of power during the 1930's and 1940's that came from "The Black Sun". According to these videotapes, the Thule Society was created before and was then absorbed into the German Nationalist Party during this time. The Vrill Corporation was the research arm of the Thule Society and was responsible for the manufacture of anti-gravity disks and free-energy generators that used this energy. The "Black Sun Society" was the technical group that perfected this technology, which was used to a limited extent by the Third Reich during the Second World War. Where it went after that (South America and Antarctica by U-Boat, Admiral Byrd?) (Western Canada by train, Kenneth Arnold?) and where it is now (???) is anyone's guess. (Although I think some people DO know.)

The theory here is that there is an unseen flow of energy through space, from a specific direction in space, that comes toward and passes through the Earth, that can be harnessed and used for levitation and energy conversion devices. I would also love more information on these subjects!!!

5. Several experimenters that I know of have said that the results of their experiments have depended on the time of the day, and even on the time of the year. This has been said by Sparky Sweet and several others. Sparky noted that his best results came when Leo was directly overhead, and once asked me why.

Perhaps there is a flow of some sort of "free-energy" that comes from a specific region of space that could be used if we could only measure it, accumulate it, and then convert it.

Perhaps the use of specific geometrical shapes is a key in this accumulation and conversion process. This is beginning to sound like some of the theories of Wilhelm Reich with Orgonne Energy, and of T. Henry Morey with his free-energy device in the 1930's, is it not? Coincidence???

These ideas are important and should NOT be discounted!

So, who wants to pursue these theories and get some hard data? I do!

Contact Dr. Bailey at: P.O. Box 201, Los Altos, CA 94023-0201,

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