From the Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference:

"New Ideas in Natural Sciences", June 1996, St. Petersburg, Russia.

See also: The FORWARD.

See also: The PROCEEDINGS.

See also: The VIDEOTAPES.


International scientific conference "New ideas in natural sciences" is completed with success. Participants of the conference presented their discoveries and new ideas. In a friendly atmosphere they demonstrated unexpected and amazing results of research. It is difficult yet to analyse critically theoretical and technical ideas, findings of research presented, because the modern theoretical Physics possesses no foundation for categorical estimations and conclusions, be it in philosophical sense or in its pretensions to use mathematical description as a proof. Mathematics as such and mathematical Physics have lost their definiteness. Time is needed to consider the situation, to understand presented results and position of the authors. One thing is obvious: Physics has to be transferred to really classical positions of dynamical approach being not included in the armoury of modern Physics. Applying dynamical approach in the field of quantum phenomena will allow it to understand and to solve a broad set of problems, which cannot be solved in essence in the framework of contemporary paradigm. To understand many of the most interesting papers included in "Proceedings of the conference", there are needed a different Weltanschauung, a different mentality.

It seems, this conference was only a start of a really serious discussion on Physics, its principles and possibilities, its role as a science for development of technics and technology today and in future. The wish to continue such meetings, to make them traditional, expressed by participants of the conference, appears only too natural. It is very important not to allow this initiative to be stopped!

After the conference's materials will be carefully examined and apprehended, it would be appropriate to organise in the framework of the section "Organisation and self-organisation in Nature and in technology" a discussion devoted to questions of principle, to assessment of the foundation of our knowledge and different aspects of its implementation. Organising Committee of the conference will accept and examine any proposals concerning such a discussion.

At a plenary session closing the conference participants admitted unanimously the extraordinary importance of new formulations given for a number of problems and of solutions proposed for further progress of science and technics. These findings were never examined before at any conferences or symposia devoted to Physics or other fields of natural science. Necessity to change mentality requires obviously appropriate changes to educational programs.

Resolution of the International scientific conference "New ideas in natural science" contains proposals to make such conferences traditional and to nominate the "INTERNATIONAL CENTRE OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH" in St.Petersburg as a centre co-ordinating joint investigations of appropriate problems.

Chairman of the Organising Committee
International scientific conference "New ideas in natural science"


Mr. Alexander V. Frolov
P.O.Box 37
St.-Petersburg, 193024

See also: The FORWARD.

See also: The PROCEEDINGS.

See also: The VIDEOTAPES.
May 2, 1997.